

*I have a new book now called Flavoured: A sextet in six acts which is technically a relationship between a woman, four boys and one girl. You should go check it out!*


Raven, was grateful, that Axel did not talk about her outburst.

In actual fact, he seemed to respect the fact that she had given such an emotional outburst and would possibly want to be alone because he kept giving her more space than normal.

Now, she was sitted next to a fire, poking it as he walked out of the tent that they had made to spend the night out wearing only his trousers and no shirt.

For the sake of her sanity, she did not look up "It drops degrees outside. I don't want you running and bailing on me because of warmth"

She hears him chuckle, now sitting next to me as he lays his head on her shoulder "You'd keep me warm"

She did not push his head off, because it didn't feel heavy anyway, and she did not care.

She just did not want to be left alone.