
Fire and Djinn

At 7 years old, Elena was hit by a truck while walking home from school. She thought she had died, but when she woke up, she realized she had come back to life. Not knowing what she is, Elena goes through life acting as normal as possible, when at 18, she inadvertently blows up a gas station, resulting in deaths and critical wounded. When Elena fails to save a boy who's trapped, a mysterious man comes to the rescue. As fate would have it, this man not only knows what she is, but was also her biological mother's best friend. Together they go on the run to escape the supernatural counsel, who wants nothing more, than to kill Elena, and the sadistic hybrid who wants her for her powers.

Jennifer_Scott · ファンタジー
2 Chs

A Kiss From Death

It's funny how when you're a teenager, you think you know everything. Sure, you have more to learn, but I thought all of the other stuff could be learned at college or something. Never would I ever imagined that everything about myself and the world we live in, would be anything other than human. I'm not talking about aliens. I'm talking about the things that go bump in the night. The supernatural world. No, not the ones in movies and TV shows, that would be too easy.

When I was a baby, I was abandoned at a safe haven. A firehouse in Houston Texas. I was adopted 2 days later by a couple in their thirties, who were unable to have children. I think I was 5 when I started to notice that my parents were different from me, they had brown hair and brown eyes, and I have red hair and blue eyes. When I asked them, they didn't lie. I am adopted. They never hid anything from me, and I from them. It never bothered me that I wasn't their child biologically. They were mom and dad.

I told my first lie when I was 7. They asked me where I was after school. I told them I was at my friend Lisa's house. I mean, that part was true. I DID go to Lisa's house. What I left out was everything else. I didn't tell them, because I knew they wouldn't believe me. No one would believe me.

I had gone to my friend Lisa's house and had an ice cream with her before walking home. I remember I was crossing the street at a cross walk when my water bottle fell out of my backpack and I bent down to pick it up. Some teenagers weren't paying attention and turned too fast around the corner of the intersection and hit me with their truck. I didn't feel the pain immediately. It took a few seconds for my entire body to convulse with pain, but I couldn't scream.

I tried to get up but my body wouldn't move. It was then I began choking on my own blood and I moved my hand to my mouth, only to realize, my throat was torn open and I was bleeding rapidly. I remember thinking to myself 'I don't want to die' when I felt dizzy and faded out of consciousness.

The next thing I know I woke up still in the middle of the street, moments later, like nothing had happened. My body felt just a tiny bit sore all over, but the same couldn't be said for my back pack, which was torn to pieces and all of my school supplies were spilled out everywhere. I had quickly picked it all up and thrown it all in a dumpster and told my parents that someone stole my backpack.

I did my best to forget that it ever happened but when I fell asleep, I would see it all over again in my dreams. Since then, I have asked myself repeatedly, 'How did I die, then come back to life?'