
chapter 05


I don't know what they are talking about but I sure heard the name 'Siya'.

I don't know why she pissed me so much I don't even see her yet.

I was watching my medicine book only watching there are lots of things I have to think about like this unknown siya and plan to esca.... interrupted by Leo.

Leo came out from the bathroom only in towel he has tattoos on his whole body I wasn't staring at him, not his abs which were so defined, and small small drops of water making it sexier. He was drying his hair with another towel.

He just watched me staring at him no complaining no teasing he was just enjoying my stare at him.

He slightly slides his towel from his waist

"Want to watch more?" he asked with a bright smile on his face.

"Fuck you Leonis Packwood, who was staring at you and who want to see your filthy body I have better abs than you" I replied with anger and goes back into the book and tried hard to pretend I am reading.

"Then what catches your eyes in my body," he asked while walking towards the closet and taking shorts and a black T-shirt and jeans.

I sighed "it's just you hated tattoos so much and now your body has lots of tattoos why?".

"I feel like doing something different, it helped me a lot to remember what is my identity." he was sad I think I was not the only one who passed the last 2 years in pain. he was in pain how I can say that it's easy in college I requested him to give his finger to take blood in the pathology laboratory. He was so scared of that needle he told me he will forget about me and not love me never gonna tease me about my sexiness and cuteness but he will not be going to give me his fingers for sure. he was that afraid and now he had lots of pricking on his body my heart ached.

"I am used to it now and I love it when I learn about their meaning" he turned his face towards me and smiled still holding shorts.

I was watching him and what else I have missed in these 2 years.

He was facing the closet and back on my side, he slid his waist towel completely showing his nude butt. I stared at it for 3 sec and again tried to focus on the book.

He put on his shorts and came towards the bed in front of me sudden open door took my attention a beautiful woman around 25 red hair fair skin lots of makeup and red lipstick came in running and throwing herself into Leo's arms who is still standing in shorts. they were in a tight hug for a sec.

"Hiii my love, how are you? missed me?" She was squeezing Leo's butt.

This scene is an eyesore I coughed to take their attention on me.

She jumped out of Leo's arm looking at me with fear right hand on her chest, did I startle her. I think she thought Leo was alone in his room.

"His smell and heartbeat?" she asked Leo in shock.

"Yes yes you better wait outside I m going to Alpha Olivia's and you are driving wait downstairs I'll be there in two minutes" Leo literally pushed her out of the room.

She was doing 'but he is.. but..' but Leo ignored her and finally threw her out of the room and closed the door.

"What was that?do I smell horrible I haven't taken bath for 2 days, shit man I really need to take shower" I talked by myself ignoring Leo's presence, and walked towards the bathroom.

He stopped me and grabbed my shoulder with both hands" she talks like that with everyone love dear baby is normal for her nothing going on between us" he explained to me with lots of pressure and looking straight into my eyes.

I know he is not lying but why he is telling me all this...

"Leave me, you have work to do better for you to leave before I ask about my healed wrists and your red eyes last night, I have more reasonable questions than asking about your relationship with Siya" I was walking towards Leo and was back walking with my every step.

"Ohh ya let me explain, last night my eye.."

"Truth, are you a vampire but you were hot last night, are you warlock or devil or wizard or someone chemical experimented on you," I asked looking straight at him he is 1inch taller than me.

He touched my shoulder and made me sit down on which leg end is just beside us. He set down kneeling in front of me taking my hands in his.

"My hands they healed because you licked my wrist last night, are you a werewolf?" I asked in confusion.

"I wanted to tell you from the start but I don't know where to start how to start I was.." he squeezed my hand still kneeling in front of me

I interrupted him my eyes were full of tears "you chained me, I got hurt, you kidnapped me, threatened me, you left me alone there with just a piece of paper 'may we meet again' you left me alone the day my dad died when I need you the most" tears were flowing over my cheeks I punched him hard he was bleeding side from his mouth but he wasn't affected by that his face was still in confusion.

"Dad.. he.." his eyes got filled with tears he squeezes my hands taking his head rest on my thighs. he was crying I was crying.

"I don't know how much you suffered in the past 2 yrs but I suffered twice, when I get back to the dorm at night I got your notes and everything was gone your belonging everything thing, I called you multiple times and at the same time I was gotten called by unknown number multiple times but I canceled it because I have to talk with you at least I picked up that call and it was from hospital she told me my father had an accident and died losing lots blood at the spot"I was watching my tears dropping in Leo's hairs. I can feel his tears in my hands.

Leo was my father's favorite, Leo has spent every holiday with us every Christmas every vaccination. My father was not much older than me, when I was 10 he was 18yr royal family with lots of money no hierarchy except him and he gives all his life to me. He dated lots of women but no one was allowed to come home or in his heart, a woman whom she liked so much but never married, I asked her personally why he rejected you she replied I want a child and he said he don't want to share your love with anyone else. And I lost such an amazing father. Leo knows about it and loved him like his own dad and because I called him dad Leo used to call him the same.

Leo was not saying anything just crying.

I wiped my tears with my shoulder as my hands were still in Leo's.

"Enough, I pass it a long time ago it's been 2 yrs and you are still in shorts" looking away from his back and distracting him.

He turned his head up to see my face.

"Let's go on a date," he asked.

"You want to die"I kicked him.

He was not happy he stood to wear his clothes.

"Get ready we are going out," he said.

"You have to pick your sister you have lots of work to do as you woke up late" I remember Nani's words.

"I will take care of it," he said taking some clothes From the closest and giving it to me.

" No you are not, I am okk I am not going anywhere at least not for now"thrown his given clothes on the sofa walking towards the bathroom.

"I am going to prepare food anything you want feel like eating?"

"Spaghetti with prawns and spinach," I said and shut the door of the bathroom. After taking a long warm bath I came out and wear a blue T-shirt and jeans. I was not planning to go anywhere but I know Leo he will force me for sure which I can easily refuse but I need his trust and I am still planning to escape from here.

Leo enters with a food tray aah this smell I love the food he cooks, and he never refuged me so I can be a little bit of choosey.

I took the tray from his hand and put it on the table I made myself comfortable on the sofa and ate with pleasure.

"Hmmm yummy so delicious, I lofe iz(i love it)" I was soo into food.

"I haven't eaten anything from yesterday" he pouted.

He is a giant man and pouting like a child he is a big baby.

"Then make yourself comfortable, I haven't told you that you can't eat" I snapped while enjoying my food.

"You are cruel," he said and took a seat beside me stealing my prawns.

"You...I will kill you it's my prawn give it back" I tried to take my prawn from his fork it didn't work so I held his hand and tried to eat from his fork and he was trying to eat it before me. He tilted back and I was over him on his lap his head was touching the sofa's end and now he can't go further down. My mouth was just four fingers away from his mouth and the prawn was still between us my hands were stopping him to eat and my mouth was trying to take a bite of it. I won just taken the whole prawn from the fork and someone entered into the room.

"Sorry sorry I didn't mean to interrupt" a girl was standing in front of us. she turns herself towards the door and covers her eyes with her hand.

I realized we are in a hell position. I jumped out of Leo's lap.

"Itz noding(its nothing).." prawn were in my mouth then Leo covered me.

"You and your dirty mind, stop acting I know you are dying to see scenery like this"Leo said to his sister and handed me a bowl making face to tell me I have to finish it.

She turned toward us cheeks were red and from blushing, she changed her expression into anger.

"You are a filthy brother I thought you were the one who supposes to pick me up, why Siya from all the people you only find her to bring me." she threw a scrolled paper towards Leo something like old fashion letter.

She was wearing a one-piece deep neck all her face was like she woke up without her permission all hair Messy and not given her time to get ready, is she brought here in her sleep!

"Fuck witches, I am not going there" Leo looks so angry and tore the paper into pieces all our the table.

In a sec those pieces fly in the air and go back as if it was paper before like Leo had not even touched it.

My food bowl slipped from my hand and I took that paper and looked at its front and back. what the hell happened. I looked at Leo.

He was more shocked than I staring at me.

"Very well done bro now handle your mess," She said and left us alone in the room.

He took that paper from my hands again holding my hands in his hands.

"I..t i..s.." he sighed.

"It's okk, my wrist get healed in one night without even a scar I can take it whatever supernatural happening here Just pinch me before telling me everything so that I can confirm I am not in dreamland," I told him taking my hands off and cup his face in my palm, why I did that its all Leo's fault he used to do this to me now I get affected of his company save me, God.

He pinched the back of my hand

"Ouuch..it hurts" I rubbed where he pinched. I am really awake.

"It's evening let's go for special things it has to be a special place," he said walking towards the door and taking my hands with him so do me.