
love myself for who I am and do not easily affect what others will say.

I've always considered myself incompetent and a failure. I always feel terrible and unworthy to be in this world whenever I do something I believe is wrong or nasty. A person who is constantly aware of what others will say to me. I admit that I was a slacker who put off doing my homework, doing domestic duties, and even prayed to God.

And I feel terrible about it since I always believe that time should be utilized properly and efficiently in order to better myself and fulfill God's purpose for my life. Despite the fact that no one is flawless, I believe that everyone may strive to be a better version of themselves. I previously learnt from my teacher that people should be content with what they have, but not with who they are; this indicates that we should strive to better every day.

There are a lot of things that can be learned now on the internet just by searching on how to cook there are a lot of recipes, learned to sew a clothes we can when we decide to value the time we spend and value who we are accepting that people cannot be perfect but they can love who they are and still feel perfect in their own way.

Because beauty is something you see in yourself, not something you see in others who will judge you based on how they see you. Every one of us was made by God to be distinct from the others. So, don't compare yourself to others; it's how you love yourself, and don't be concerned about what others will think of you.