
Mini Vacation

"You coming with Dillon?"

"Of course."

As William drags me out of the gala, Dillon swipes three glasses from the bottom of the champagne tower and there's a loud crash. I don't know who I feel more sorry for, Ms. Callista or the people who are going to have to clean that. When we get to Williams car, Dillon hands us each a glass of the champagne he made a mess for. Raising his glass he makes a toast.

"Here's to getting out of that one alive."

"I'll drink to that," I say as I meet his glass.

Doing the unexpected, William starts to laugh.


Drinking up, we get in Williams car and go to Dillons house to change. I wish I could wear this dress all night, but I don't want to get sand all over it. Since Dillon's the one who paid for the dress, I think he agrees. Thank goodness I brought a spare change of clothes.

When we get there, we realise that William doesn't have extra clothes so Dillon takes him to borrow some. When he comes out I stifle a laugh. He's wearing a plain white t-shirt with a painting of a marlin on the back and board shorts that are blue with stripes varying in shades of blue from dark to light. The clothes are so normal but he wears them so well. He looks stiff and nervous for some reason.

"Hey, it's ok to loosen up. Think of tonight as a mini vacation. You deserve it."

"A mini vacation?"

"Yeah. Just for one night. Loosen up, have a drink, have some fun!"

"Just one night."

"Just one night. Loosen up. You deserve it. Especially after what you went through tonight and who knows what since your last vacation."

"I like the sound of this."

Hearing clunking, I see Dillon walk around the corner with two massive beach bags filled to the brim with random items. He's dressed in a bright hawiian shirt and neon green boardshorts.

"Dillon, what is all this?" I ask in shock and amusement.

"Hey, it's better to be safe than sorry!"

"How are we going to fit this inside of Williams car?"

"It's alright I have an SUV. We can take that."

"He's like a boy scout of the beach." Will mutters to himself.

"What was that?"

"I said, I wonder if we're going to that place that has that milkshake Astra had the other day."

"Astra, you brought him a milkshake? That's not fair. Why didn't you bring me one?"

"I wouldn't say I brought him a milkshake …"

I almost forgot how he stole my precious chocolate fudge milkshake. I will avenge you.

"So Astra, whose car are you going to be riding in?"

They both look at me expectantly waiting for me to pick.

"Wouldn't it be more convenient if we all took Dillons car together?"

"No, since I live in Laguna that would be pointless."

"You do?"


"In that case, I'll ride with you there and with Dillon on the way back."

Seeming content with this plan, we start our road trip to the beach. Will connects his phone to the car and it starts playing Nirvana in the background. We sit in silence for a few minutes. After thinking to myself, I decide to break the silence.

"Thank you for earlier. I know that must've been hard but it meant a lot to me."

"I would have done that for anybody."

"Nonetheless I'm thankful. I won't forget it."

"You're welcome, Ms. Cyrene."

"You can call me Astra if you want."

"Only if you call me Will."

"Okay, Will."

It feels different to be with him as Will instead of Mr. Wang. He carries himself as if he's indifferent to everything going on, but if you look long enough his eye's will give him away just for a second. When he's paying attention to his persona his eyes seem almost black as the endless night, but when he's happy they're like warm pools you just want to sink into. My eyes trail down his glowing bronze skin. I remember seeing what he looks like without that shirt and want to trail kisses down his neck. He licks his lips and my eyes are instantly drawn to them. Oh those lips. I can only imagine what they feel like.

Wait. Why am I thinking of him like this? Oh my goodness, this is your boss! Snap out of it! You cannot think of him this way. It is strictly professional. Well, mostly professional.



"Can I ask you something personal?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Earlier, I saw the look on your face and I recognized it."

"What do you mean?"

"I know what a flashback looks like when I see one, Astra. Are you sure you're ok?"

Freezing when he says that, I don't know what to do. I want to cry and let it all out, but I haven't been able to do that in years. Out of habit, I start laughing.

"I'm fine. Really, but thank you for asking."

"I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but if you need to talk let me know. You can just ask me for a cup of coffee and I'll take that as a sign."

"You're not going to get over that anytime soon are you?"

"Not for a second."

I will avenge you my precious milkshake, someday.

When we order our food, I make sure to get the largest chocolate fudge milkshake I can and put it in a protective hold. When Will sees this, he starts laughing.

"Why are you so protective?" He says as he sips his own.

"No reason. I just really like this milkshake that's all."

Looking behind us, I see Dillon grabbing what must be enough food for four people. He must really be hungry. We continue on our way and finally get to the beach. Lucky for us, no one is there so there's a fire pit available. We're able to quickly build a fire pit and are soon sitting on a blanket eating our food while watching the stars and listening to the sound of the crashing waves. I haven't felt this at peace with myself in a long time. Dillon breaks out a volleyball and the two of them start playing. While they do so, I realise that Will has left his milkshake unattended. Finally, I shall avenge my chocolate fudge milkshake.

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Instagram: author_starr_swan

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