
Finding Halcyon

This is the first installment of Finding Halcyon, which takes place in the Kingdom of Crelia. Aeris “Aeri” Fiore is the only daughter of a nobleman. Soren “Ren” Sagebourne is the only son of a merchant. What begins as a love story quickly turns into tragedy, and Aeri is left alone to find where the boy she loves most ran away. As she begins her mission to find him, she uncovers more mystery to the boy she used to know- What does he seek, why is this his one desire, and why did he break their sacred promise those years ago?

krystal_lee777 · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Aeris Fiore

Upon the crest of gentle moonlit waves sit the best of Aeri's teenage memories. They had snuck out late at night to watch the sea from the top of the cliffs. It was a full moon that night, which illuminated our path through the woods and highlighted the gentle tides as they curled like fine strands of navy blue hair. From their vantage point far above, the two teenagers could see the expanse of the sea as it seemed to stretch endlessly.

"When I grow up, I want a house by the sea." Aeri whispered.

The boy accompanying her's dark eyebrow quirked amusingly at her sudden statement, and she continued her vision.

"A cozy cottage will do, and I will have four children to enjoy moments like this with."

"Four children? Why four?" He asked.

"Two boys and two girls. So they will never feel lonely." Aeri always wished she had a sibling. She and Soren were both only children. Maybe that was why they had connected so well. Since they were younger, Soren was always there to help fill that void.

"That is quite an unusually simple life for a noble's daughter." The boy laughed, a beautiful sound. Even when he was mocking her, his laughter was of warmth and light.

"I do not care much for a marvelous castle. What would I do with so many spare rooms and space between myself and those I care about?" A breeze fluttered by, tickling Aeri's exposed legs. She clutched them closer to my chest. "It is simply a waste of space."

"Well, that is exactly what you will experience when I become the next Harbinger." The boy smiled towards the sea. He was confident and sure as he stared off into the starlit sky as if he was watching his dream unfold before his very eyes. "Luxury and excess will become second nature."

She could not help but smile, too, watching the boy she had come to care for be so determined to strive for greatness. The Harbingers were one of the most noble within the kingdom, sacrificing their body as a vessel for the powerful entities that protected each kingdom. It was a role that required strength both physically and mentally. Aeri had never even considered the thought of giving up her body and soul to house a sacred spiritual entity, but Soren was set ever since they first learned about the ceremony in school.

"Are you not afraid of the effects of taking upon such an intense process? Surely you can find other means of becoming a noble."

The dark-haired boy shook his head, his dark hair shifting like the waves below. "I feel it is my destiny to become a Harbinger. My family has already discussed the process with the academy and I can finally make a name for us."

She looked down at her feet. It was true that Soren's family was not as well-known in the kingdom and becoming a Harbinger would undoubtedly bring them up the ranks. He was also very qualified, being one of the top students at the academy at his studies and in combat. However, a sinking feeling weighed down her chest every time Aeri thought about him going through with the traditional transfer ceremony. It was a grueling process, and had been described as approaching death and being reborn again. While most cases resulted in success, not everyone survived.

A warm hand rested on her thigh and Aeri was met with the most comforting eyes that she almost forgot why she was so worried.

"I know what you are thinking, Aeri. But do not worry, I will be fine."

His expression quickly shifted to his normal amusement and he nudged her shoulder. "After all, I am the strongest and smartest man you have ever met. Handsome, too."

Aeri laughed, nodding my head. "Of course. However, you still cannot best me at a wrestling match, which is the cause of my worry."

"Oh, yeah?" In seconds, she was pinned down onto the cool grass, and the boy had both of her wrists in a tight grasp. "I would not be so sure about that."

His face was mere inches from her own. Aeri was able to study the strong bridge of his nose and sharp line of his cheekbones. Before she could second guess myself, Aeri closed the gap and kissed him before he could continue his bravado. Their lips met briefly before connecting once again. His lips were soft and gentle as they moved against hers. Aeri's chest burned like a fire had ignited between her lungs and she found it hard to breathe.

When he pulled away, she was breathless. He gently kissed her forehead before pulling her up. His hands remained on her lower back, and she rested hers on his chest. They have never been so close to one another, let alone kissed one another, but it felt so perfect. She wished this moment would last forever.

"Aeri…" Soren breathed. "Will you stay by my side?"

"Yes," She did not hesitate. "Of course, I will. Always."

The boy smiled sweetly, an image she would never forget. "Good, because I will never leave your side, love."

If only she knew that would come to not stand true in the coming weeks.

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<3 Krys

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