
Final Thoughts

I hope this reach number 2 or 1 thank you

JaMarion_Turney · ファンタジー
4 Chs

School thoughts

The camera panned over the deserted playground of Sunnydale Elementary School. It had been hours since the final bell had rung, but there was still a small group of students gathered by the monkey bars. As the camera zoomed in, the voices of the students grew louder and the sound of a scuffle could be heard.

Suddenly, the commotion ceased and a small figure could be seen lying on the ground. It was 11-year-old Alex, his school uniform stained with dirt and blood. The camera quickly focused on a gun lying next to him and panned over to the shocked faces of the other students.

The school had been rocked by this tragic incident. How could a young boy, who was barely starting to live his life, have access to a gun? And why did he feel the need to use it?

The local authorities quickly took over the investigation and interviewed witnesses. It was revealed that Alex had been involved in a school fight with another student earlier in the day. Things had gotten heated and Alex had suddenly blurted out his final thoughts.

'I like her, but she doesn't even know I exist. This fight was the only way to get her attention.'

Those words had struck a chord with the other students, who were still trying to process the events that had just unfolded. No one had expected Alex's final thoughts to be about a girl.

As the investigation delved deeper, it was discovered that Alex had been struggling with feelings of isolation and loneliness. He had always been a shy and reserved boy, often overlooked by his peers. The only place he felt safe and accepted was in his thoughts.

But those thoughts had turned dark and consumed him. He had become obsessed with a girl in his class, and the constant rejection and lack of recognition from her had started to eat away at him. The fight was his desperate attempt to gain her attention, even if it meant resorting to violence.

The news of Alex's troubled thoughts and actions spread quickly, and the entire community was in shock. They had never imagined a young boy like Alex could have such dark and dangerous thoughts.

The incident also sparked a heated debate about gun control and the importance of mental health awareness. How could a child have access to a gun, and what could have been done to prevent this tragedy?

The school and the community organized a memorial service for Alex, and the girl he had liked, along with the other students involved in the fight, were in attendance. As they stood in front of Alex's coffin, they couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and remorse. They had all been unaware of Alex's struggles, and now it was too late.

No one could forget the image of Alex lying on the ground, with his final thoughts echoing in their minds. It was a reminder to everyone that no child should feel so alone and desperate that they turn to violence.

In the weeks following the incident, the community came together to honor Alex's memory and raise awareness about the importance of mental health. The school implemented programs to educate students about the signs of depression and ways to seek help. Parents were also encouraged to have open and honest conversations with their children about mental health.

As for the girl who had unknowingly become the catalyst for this tragedy, she was consumed by guilt and remorse. She couldn't shake off the feeling that maybe she could have done something to prevent Alex from feeling so isolated and desperate. She started to reach out to other students who were often overlooked and made an effort to be more kind and inclusive.

The camera panned over the school grounds once more, but this time it was filled with laughter and chatter. The students were playing with friends, and the teachers were smiling and chatting with their students. It was a stark contrast to the earlier scene of chaos and sorrow.

The community had come together to turn a tragic incident into a lesson about the importance of mental health and the power of kindness. Alex's final thoughts had sparked a much-needed conversation, and his death had not been in vain.

As the camera pulled away, a quote appeared on the screen.

'Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.'

The image faded to black, leaving a lasting reminder to always be empathetic and understanding towards others.