
Final Climb

A century ago monsters know as Sin manifested on Earth wreaking havoc throughout the human civilization. Slowly, like a stain that grew over time, the Sins began to take over the human continents. Humans threatened with extinction, evolved to gain supernatural powers, but the Sins were overwhelmingly strong and only seemed to get stronger over time. They badly needed a hero to save them all from imminent extinction. This was when Sicarius Venia, a man who had been revived through thousands of worlds is reborn on Earth. But this time not as a savior, his mission was the complete opposite; the extinction of every lifeform in the planet. Watch as Sicarius enters Earth in its time of need. Growing strong in the guidance of those that he will eventually massacre. Will he obey his God and destroy the world to achieve his goals, or will fate stray him away from his plans? DISCLAIMER: I do not own the image used as the cover of my story.

Enthra · ファンタジー
36 Chs

You Leave Me No Choice!

"Where am I?" A girl asked as she opened her eyes and glanced around her unfamiliar surroundings. Weapons lay scattered all over the floor of what seemed to be a battle stage.

A boy cradled her head in his arms, his violet eyes staring at her listlessly. He was clothed strangely, in a patient's gown, a jacket, and what seemed to be a rope dart tied to his waist like some kind of belt.

"You're awake," he muttered, "What do you feel?"

The boy's question seemed to bring her back to her senses as she felt her body, especially her face, aching in exhilarating pain. It felt like her skeleton was made of nothing but broken bones. She looked down at her body and saw bruises all over.

"Everything hurts...What happened?" She could only ask the boy.

The boy stared at her intently, "You don't remember?"

"Yes," she replied as she stood up from the boy's lap, "Who are you? Where am I?"

"This is no time to ask questions," the boy said as he stood up beside her and offered his hand, "Just know that I'm here to save you and we need to get out of here."

The girl was lost. She didn't know anything, and the boy seemed to be the only one able to answer her questions. She took his hand and the boy yanked him out of the room through metal doors. Subtly they maneuvered through the corridors avoiding every watchful eye.

They made their way near a chamber wherein children were screaming and crying. The girl could only shiver from the ear-piercing shrieks of the children. She peeked and saw dark orbs being pushed into children chained onto platforms by many people in hooded robes. The children on the platforms were squirming in pain.

"Is that what happened to me?" She asked the boy,

The boy merely replied with a nod as he put his finger to his lips in a shushing motion. They passed the chamber and onto another corridor wherein rows of cells with children within greeted their sight.


"Help us! Please!"

"I want to see my mommy!"

"I don't want to die!

The children would reach out to them, begging to be freed. Strangely enough, she didn't feel pity. She looked ahead and saw that the boy didn't even turn to look at the other kids.

"Why don't you save them too?"

"Don't worry about them." The boy said, "Once we get above you'll see what their life will be like."

The girl asked no more. She didn't care for these children and the only reason she even asked was to see the boy's character. She didn't remember anything of anyone and even if this boy said he was there to save her, it was her nature to be skeptical.

The boy continued on in silence yanking her towards what seemed to be a mouth opening at the far end of the dark corridor. On their feet was a carpet that was alike a tongue, and yet it was shriveled up as if it was dead. An ominous aura seemed to linger in front of them and she couldn't help but shudder.

Just as they walked the boy unraveled the rope dart from his waist and held it tightly in his hand.

"What's wrong?" She asked,

The boy stopped. She followed his gaze and it landed on a dark corner within the corridor just by the opening.

"Why are you with this boy, Princess?" A young man revealed himself from the darkness. His eyes were directed at their hands holding. "This boy is too dangerous to be played with."

Princess? Was that her name?

She turned to look at the boy who put her behind him.

"When I attack, I want you to manifest a sword and attack with me." He said, "I assure you you won't get hurt."

"Manifest a sword?" She asked,

"Don't worry," the boy said, "I'm sure it's like breathing to you, just picture a sword in your hands."

"Princess?" The young man asked her. His eyes seemed to inspect every part of her. She looked back with vigilance as if the young man was a threat, there was no recognition in her eyes at all. When the young man noticed this his gaze grew dark.

"What did you do to her?" He seethed,

"I'm saving her." The boy said as he propelled the rope dart to the young man's face. The young man simply caught it in his hands.

"You scoundrel!" The young man yelled as he pulled the boy into him. The boy tugged back at the chain and with the force, he flew forward in a kicking motion. His kick connected with the young man and pushed him a few steps back from the impact.

The moment they began to battle, she pictured the image of a sword. In her hand appeared a dark long blade that oozed an evil aura. Not forgetting what the boy said despite her surprise, she charged to attack.

"Princess!" The young man spoke as he dodged the girl's deadly attacks, "You're being deceived by this boy!"

The girl kept attacking but in her mind, she thought of the very real possibility that the young man may be saying the truth. The boy that claimed to be her savior jumped in the air over her head and hurled the rope dart right at the young man's face.

"You yourself can feel what they did to you, don't you?" The boy said, his rope dart narrowly missing the young man's skull, "Do you think I caused you the pain that you feel right now? Will you really trust the man that waited to ambush us in the darkness?"

The young man seemed to fume in anger, "Why do you think you don't remember anything!?"

The girl backed off, the young man was right. Why was it that she couldn't remember anything? Why was it that the boy was the first one she saw as she woke?

She stared at the boy that claimed to be her savior from a distance. Back and forth she looked at the young man and the boy, her head racing with thoughts.

"Think carefully," the boy muttered, "If you decide that you want to be kept down here, tortured for the rest of your life, then I will let you have your demise."

The boy didn't wait for a reply. He twirled the rope dart over his head and directed it toward the young man's chest as if it was a bullet. Once again they began to battle. The girl watched, behind the young man was the light at the end of the corridor, the exit. She turned behind her and perceived nothing but darkness and the agonizing cries of children.

This moment was enough for her to make her decision. She manifested a lance in her arms and charged right alongside the boy. Together they faced the young man that was now seemingly at a loss.

"I apologize, Princess, but you leave me no choice!" the young man yelled as a dark oppressive aura erupted from his body. A dark aura that seemed to suck the life of everything that it touched.