
Legend on mind flame

Hanns Scharff should not be there

the German army. He lived in South Africa

with his family, but was drafted when

Visit to Germany when war broke out.

His wife persuaded a general to seat him

with interpreters instead of front lines, but

through a series of errors and

Coincidences, he became the lead

Allied pilot interrogator interrogated

France and Germany. after seeing one

Prisoner used as an assistant,

he vowed to do the same. Instead of this,

His technique was unique in using kindness

and extract friendly conversation


Getting Scharff's success using Kindness

what he wanted was recently investigated

and compared to other surveys

Techniques. It turned out that not only

tends to get more information and

more detailed information from

Prisoner; The prisoner is often unaware of this

how much information they gave away.

Imagine a film that explores this uniqueness

Approach instead of 24 techniques.

After the war, Scharff divorced and moved

to the United States, marrying an American

and success in a new career as

mosaic artist. One of his works appears in

the Magic Kingdom Castle at Disney World.