
Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic

Thorfinn was an orphan that dreamed. He had ambitions and thoughts of greatness. He didn't know his father but he remembered his mother and she would often tell him how his father was the most handsome and kind man that she had ever seen, she used to think that the light danced around him when he smiled. When his mother died he taken in from a young age by his mothers distant cousin, Ragnar Lothbrok. Thorfinn is enamoured with the daughter of a wealthy landowner but with no money and nothing to offer he must fight and craft his legend, and Ragnars planned trip to the west is just the way to do that. This is a Vikings x Originals x TVD crossover. But i won't be limiting it to just that. The malacor doesn't exist and so there will be numerous other supernatural entities.

TheManUnderTheBed · テレビ
44 Chs


(WARNING: Contains Non-con graphic scenes)

Thorfinn walked into the bedroom shutting the door behind them and shoving Frida in front of him. She shivered and moved away from him as he walked close to her; Thorfinn stuck his tongue out and licked her neck "You taste of sweat, do I make you nervous?" Thorfinn asked as his hands ran up the curves of her body.

Frida struggled but she shook her head believing it was what he wanted to hear. Thorfinn just snickered while shaking his head "Tell me, how do Christians fuck?" He asked as he nibbled on her ear sending a bolt of pleasure rushing through her. His breath on her neck was making her aroused and fearful at the same time, she would not let the devil tempt her into enjoying such immoral things.

"Speak," he said firmly.

"W-We lay t-together and my husband enters me and finishes," she stuttered out as she tried not to shake. She really was convinced that it was the devil himself standing in front of her 'This must be a test from god,' she thought to herself as she tried to remain firm in the face of evil.

"How long would he rut for?" Thorfinn asked as he stepped behind her. Frida did not want to answer such personal and embarrassing questions, but she remembered that she was doing this for her children.

"A few minutes," She said softly.

Thorfinn barked out a laugh "Did he perhaps have a special cock that brought you to pleasure in that time?" He asked.

"Sex is not for pleasure and should only be done for having children," Frida said firmly.

"Is that what you truly believe?" Thorfinn asked.

Frida nodded her head "God wants us to be pure and moral," she stated.

"I'm going to fuck you, how would your husband prepare you?" Thorfinn asked.

"Prepare me? I do not understand," she replied, she was confident that Thorfinn would not kill her so she had calmed down a bit and stopped shaking.

Thorfinn laughed again before shaking his head "Undress, it seems I must do what your husband could not," he said.

Frida found herself starting to shake again as she unlaced her dress and let it fall to the floor, she stepped out of it and presented herself to Thorfinn. "I said to undress, why have you not done so?" Thorfinn asked.

Frida stood before him wearing her underdress which is what she often slept in. "I am undressed, this is what I wear when my husband takes me," she replied.

Thorfinn sighed before walking up to her and ripping the underdress off her body making her scream out. She now stood before him naked, she tried to cover her body up with her hands but Thorfinn grabbed them before she could. He licked his lips as he looked at her body, she sobbed a bit as not even her husband had seen her in this state before.

She had wide hips and large breasts, larger than he had ever seen before, and stood atop her breasts were nipples that were erect. She had freckles on her shoulders and as he looked down he saw a thick red bush between her legs. He turned her around taking a look at her sizeable arse "You're very soft, do you not work?" Thorfinn asked. He was very curious about the foreign people, from what he discovered so far they were weak and did not know how to fight 'How do they expect to protect their land if they cannot fight?' He wondered as his hands ran down and inspected her body.

"I raise the children and look after my husband," Frida said quietly.

"Your husband? What does he do? Work the farm?" Thorfinn asked.

She shook her head "He had the other families to work the farm..."

Thorfinn stopped touching her and looked up "So he did nothing?" He asked but she didn't reply.

"You are a strange people, the gods have blessed you with much and you choose to deny it," Thorfinn said as he pressed his body behind her and grabbed her breasts, pinching her nipples. Frida went stiff as she felt an unfamiliar sensation, one that only seemed to increase as Thorfinn roughly handled her breasts. Her husband had never touched them before, the only use they had was to feed her children when they were babies.

Thorfinn roughly pushed her onto the bed, she pushed herself back on the bed curling up into a ball. Thorfinn dropped the cloth around himself revealing his erect manhood; he climbed onto the bed spreading her legs as he did despite her attempts to keep them closed. He put his hand between her thighs and felt between them, she wasn't as wet as he would like, but he knew how to fix that. He leaned forward capturing her lips, she was stiff and almost corpse-like in her movements; she had never been with a man who was not her husband, and she had never engaged in such immoral acts.

Slipping his tongue inside her he brushed her own. She felt like weeping as she felt pleasure from the act, she knew such a thing meant Lucifer was tainting her soul. Thorfinn moved down from her lips and to her large breasts, he squeezed them as he placed his lips on her erect nipples. Frida inhaled sharply as her toes curled, she closed her eyes and tried to block out what she was feeling 'God help me!'.

Thorfinn enjoyed playing with her fat chest, he had never seen such large breasts on a woman before. He felt his cock throb with desire, he wanted to see them bounce as he fucked her.

Grabbing his cock he stretched open her hole with his head and thrust "MMMMMMMMPH!" Frida covered her mouth so Thorfinn wasn't sure whether her moans were of pleasure or pain, but he didn't much care, she felt warm and tight. Her breasts bounced up and down as Thorfinn thrust into her, his balls slapped against her arse; he grabbed her arm away from her mouth and pinned them by her sides as he thrust deeper inside her "AAAAAAAHHHH! NO!!!" She moaned out, she cried as she felt herself getting overwhelmed by feelings she had never felt before. The feeling of his cock inside her while it hurt at first, the pain quickly receded and she only felt this new sensation that felt so good. It made her feel sick "Please god save me!!!" She cried out as Thorfinn thrust above her.

He grabbed her legs placing one on his shoulder and moving deeper inside her "NOOOO!!! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" She moaned she was becoming indecent, and the devil was tempting her into sin. She did not want to become a red woman, she had already lost almost everything she didn't want to lose her purity.


"AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" She screamed as Thorfinn started delivering powerful thrusts getting ready to spill his seed. Frida was getting close to something, something she hadn't ever experienced before. "STOP!!! PLEASE!!! HAVE MERCY!!!" Frida cried as she was brought right to the edge of this new feeling; Thorfinn thrust again and groaned as he spilt his seed inside of her. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!" Frida screamed as she experienced what could only be pure heaven. Every part of her body felt amazing, her body thrashed around as she lost herself in these new sensations. Thorfinn grunted as he let out his last rope of seed inside her.

"Perhaps I'll give you a son that isn't so useless," Thorfinn said with a chuckle as he pulled himself out of her and lay on the bed.

"Get out, I want to sleep," He said as he pushed her out of the bed.

Frida stood up and grabbed her dress from the ground and walked out of the room as she quietly sobbed.


Frida was being hugged by her daughter as she cried, she felt disgusted and ashamed at herself for being tempted by the devil and feeling such indecent sensations with him. "Mother... please stop crying," her daughter said as she also had tears in her eyes.

Eowyn watched as they comforted each other, she sat on the floor in the corner with her legs tucked up to her chin. "God will help us Mother, we just need to stay strong, he will drive Satan from our home," Aelfrida said through tear-filled eyes.

'God won't save us...' Eowyn thought to herself. She knew God had abandoned them as soon as Thorfinn killed her father and her brothers. God didn't save her mother when she died of spring sickness, nor her little sister when she was taken by the monster that haunts the woods. She wouldn't rely on God to save her, she would save herself.

"We should kill him... while he sleeps," Aelfrida whispered to her mother, but loud enough that Eowyn was able to hear.

"Be silent daughter! He could still hear you," Frida said with terror in her voice as she placed her hand over Aelfrida's mouth and looked to the door where Thorfinn slept.

"We could run and go to Yeavering or Bebbenburg and ask for sanctuary," Aelfrida suggested again.

"Yeavering is a two-day walk, we won't make it to safety before the night of the full moon," Frida said quietly as she wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"So we have no choice but to try and kill him, for ourselves and God," Aelfrida said. Eowyn started to ignore her words after that, it was clear to everyone that Aelfrida was scared, she had heard her mothers screams and moans and was terrified that it would happen to her next, Eowyn knew once her first plan did not work then her second would be to serve up Eowyn as an offering to Thorfinn. She was a spoiled cunt and hadn't had to do anything even resembling hard work, or even felt any kind of pain or loss before today.

"I don't want to put Wilfred at risk like that," Frida said shaking her head as he was the most logical choice to try and kill Thorfinn; while he lost to him before he should have an advantage when he slept.

"Wilfred can't do it, he is injured and if he failed then the devil wouldn't have any trouble killing him," Aelfrida reasoned.

"Then I'll do it, and hope that god will be with me," Frida said as she tried to summon any amount of courage. Truthfully she was in no state of mind to be making such decisions or forming such plans.

"No he has already... used you, he might kill you just as easily as Wilfred," Aelfrida said holding her mother close, her gaze then moved to Eowyn who was still huddled in the corner.

"Eowyn should do it... she skinned the animals her brother hunted, she has the most experience," she reasoned.

Eowyn did not reply and looked at them with a blank stare 'Foolish bitch,'

"Come on Eowyn, you saw how he killed everyone, he will do the same to us all if we do not do something," Aelfrida said a bit more aggressively.

'Or he will keep his word and leave in a few days,' she thought to herself.

"Why do you not do it?" Eowyn asked.

Aelfrida started to sob and tears flowed freely from her eyes "I would had the courage or skill, but I do not, I do not believe god has chosen me for this task," she said as she cried urging her mother to take her into her arms.

"You have to do this Eowyn, he killed your entire family and you did nothing, god is giving you a chance to make up for your sins," Aelfrida said almost viciously.

Eowyn almost laughed at the girl in front of her. She was scared of being raped, but didn't want to take any risk and so tried to manipulate Eowyn into doing the deed. If Eowyn failed then Thorfinn would either kill her or rape her, and if she succeeded then Aelfrida had nothing to worry about. 'I won't die for her or anyone,' Eowyn thought as she clenched her fists.

"Okay I'll do it," Eowyn said, and as if by magic Aelfrida stopped crying.

"God will surely be with you Eowyn," Aelfrida said reassuringly. Eowyn did not reply and instead curled up on the floor to get a little sleep before she committed the foolish act.


A few hours later and the moon was high in the sky, Eowyn had taken one of Thorfinns daggers that he had left on the ground and slowly sneaked into his room. Aelfrida watched with a relieved smile as Eowyn slowly walked into the bedroom with a dagger in her hands.

Eowyn saw Thorfinn lying down on his side when she walked in and she slowly walked to his side —praying the wood would not creak while she walked. Once she arrived at his side she looked down at the dagger before putting it on the table near the bed and knelt on the ground.

She went to go and wake Thorfinn but gasped out as his hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, his grip was strong and had she had anything in her hand she would've undoubtedly dropped it.

Thorfinn looked at Eowyn who knelt by the bed and smiled as he saw the dagger on the table "You'd choose a foreigner over your people?" He asked. Thorfinn had listened at the door when the foolish daughter of Frida came up with the scheme to try and kill him, he would've thought it strange if they had not tried. In truth he had prepared for Frida to try and kill him while they fucked, it would've been what a woman in Kattegat had done.

"I would choose survival over them," Eowyn replied. She did not care for Frida or her daughter, they were merely serfs who worked the land for them.

"What would you do for survival?" Thorfinn asked.

"Anything..." she replied.

"I plan to kill and steal from your people, you would help me?" Thorfinn asked.

"I would," she replied.

Thorfinn sat up on the bed and put his hand under her chin "I killed your father and brothers does that make you angry?"

"Yes," she said as her eyes started to water.

"Do you hate me?" Thorfinn asked.

"I do," she replied.

"How much?"

"More than I can express with words,"

"Good, I would've known if you were lying had you said no," he said letting go of her chin.

"What do you think I should do with Aelfrida?" He asked.

"Rape her, she forced me to do this because she's scared of it happening to her," she said with an emotionless expression.

"Mmmm, I suppose that would be appropriate, but I must admit I don't have much of a taste for her, she is just an inferior version of her mother," Thorfinn said with a shrug.

"I would much rather have you," Thorfinn said as he looked into her eyes. Eowyn felt herself stiffen, but managed to stop any reaction from showing on her face 'This is what it takes...' she reminded herself.

"I could take you," Thorfinn said as he ran his hand down her neck exposing some of her shoulders.

"But I will not, there are other women that can sate my desire, I will have you for your mind, is that agreeable?" Thorfinn asked.

Eowyn nodded her head rapidly feeling relieved at his decision "If you want to survive then I'll grant your wish, but betray me, or lie to me and you'll share the same fate as the others," Thorfinn warned.

Thorfinn stood up "I suppose I should punish them now," he said with a sigh. He grabbed his dagger and walked out of the room, Aelfrida and Frida both tensed and held each other tightly as he passed by them.

"I told you the terms Frida, it is a shame you did not listen," Thorfinn said. At first Frida thought he was about to hurt them, but he did not, he walked passed them and headed towards the door.

"No!!!" Frida said as she let go of her daughter and rushed out after Thorfinn.

Thorfinn opened the shed by the house and dragged out Wilfred who lay in there shivering in the cold. "Please stop I beg you!!!" Frida pleaded as she fell on her knees before Thorfinn.

Thorfinn pushed her out of the way and dragged Wilfred out into the cold night. He struggled and moaned as he did but a quick kick from Thorfinn made him still "If you are afraid boy, then blame your mother, she did this," Thorfinn said as he dragged his body away from the main house and grabbed him by the neck. Frida pleaded and tried to drag Thorfinn away and even resorted to hitting him, but she could not stop Thorfinn.

"Mercy!!!" She screamed.


Thorfinn sighed in annoyance "You want mercy? Ok I shall give you mercy," he said. Frida smiled for the first time that day as she went on her knees.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you!!!" She said thankfully.


Frida looked in shock as blood from her son's neck splashed onto her face. She watched as Wilfred choked and collapsed onto the ground —blood puddling into the ground.

She silently screamed as she was overwhelmed by feelings of sadness and horror, she crawled over to her son and watched as he died and his soul left his body "You said you'd give mercy..." she said quietly as she held her son.

"I did, but not for him," Thorfinn replied as he looked down at her with a small smile on her face. Frida looked up at him, his eyes seemed to glow in the darkness; the moon was behind him and gave him an ethereal glow.

"The mercy is for you," he said as he stabbed the dagger into her neck.

"Now you can join your son in whatever place he ends up," Thorfinn said as he drew his dagger out and wiped it on her dress. Frida tried to speak and curse him, but all she did was spit out blood. She quickly felt lightheaded and fell onto her son —hoping she pleased god enough to be allowed into his kingdom.

Thorfinn breathed out "I guess I'll have to make do with the daughter now... a shame," Thorfinn said as he sheathed his dagger and returned to the house.


"Tell me where the closest village is to us," Thorfinn instructed as he ate breakfast.

Eowyn refilled his cup of ale before taking a seat "A few days in that direction is Yeavering, and by the coast is the castle of Bebbenberg and its village."

"A castle? What is that?" Thorfinn asked.

"A large structure of stone, the Lord of these lands lives there," she said as she stood by his seat.

"Ah those structures that you think giants made, I would very much like to see that, they must contain a dragon's hoard within," Thorfinn said as he burped. In the corner of the room sat Aelfrida, she was silent and curled in on herself still recovering from what Thorfinn had done to her after killing her mother and brother. As the mastermind behind the plan to kill him, he made sure to take her over the corpse of her mother and brother. Thorfinn looked over to her and guessed that she might be broken, it was a shame Ragnar and the others had left, the men would've loved her —especially Rollo.

"The Lord is rich, Aelfrida's father often told everyone of the feasts he attended and the foods he ate," Eowyn stated.

Aelfrida looked venomously at Eowyn who she saw as responsible for everything that happened. She had betrayed her family even though her father had given her family a home on their land.

"Then we shall head there," Thorfinn stated. Aelfrida smiled malevolently as he would be travelling through the Cinder Forest to get to Bebbenburg, she was certain he would die for sure.

"We shouldn't lord," Eowyn said

"Stop talking!!!" Aelfrida screeched at Eowyn, who only looked at her with a blank stare.

"Hold your tongue, or will I have to teach you another lesson?" Thorfinn said firmly and Aelfrida was silent.

"Why should we not go?" He asked.

"Tonight the moon will be full, for years a creature from hell has haunted the Cinder Forest, it stole my sister from her bed only leaving a bloody trail," Eowyn explained, though her voice cracked a bit when she spoke of it.

Thorfinn put his cup down and leaned forward "Has your lands lord not dealt with this creature?" He asked.

She shook her head "The creature had never ventured close to Bebbenberg, the Lord believed it nothing but rumours."

"Then we will wait, but regardless I think we will receive a visit, a creature that feasts on human flesh wouldn't pass up the meal outside," Thorfinn said with a grin. In truth he felt concerned, while he had defeated a Draugr before, it was due to luck and his sword. While he was much more skilled than he was before he would not forget the fear he felt when he fought the Draugr —though fighting was too generous a term.

"What will we do lord?" Eowyn asked slightly concerned, she had not been concerned that the dead bodies might attract the creature out of the cinder forest.

"We will sit and we will wait, there is not much else to be done," Thorfinn replied as he picked his cup back up and drank from it.


Elijah noticed that despite the news that Thorfinn was alive, Rebekah still seemed to be distraught and he did not know why. Even Niklaus who was often oblivious to these sorts of things had started to notice that she was behaving differently. As Elijah walked to her room to check on her again he was stopped by Finn his elder brother "Father wants us in the hall," he said emotionlessly before turning around and going himself.

Elijah followed him inside to see that Mikael sat on his mock throne with Niklaus, and Kol sitting on either side —though Niklaus was a few seats down. "Elijah take a seat," he said gesturing to a seat next to Kol.

"What is this about father?" Kol asked a little disrespectfully, he had been reading his mother's books when he had been called by Finn.

Mikael looked at him with annoyance but ignored his behaviour "Jarl Haraldson has informed me that Ragnar wishes to sail west again next moon and he has sanctioned this raid.

"What does that have to do with us?" Kol asked with a laugh.

"Because! Our family will not be left out of this again, two of you shall join them and bring our family wealth and reputation," Mikael stated.

"I will go, Father," Niklaus said in an attempt to please the man.

"As will I," Elijah said, hoping to find Thorfinn when he went.

"There you have it! Now may I leave?" Kol said standing up.

"Get out of my sight boy..." Mikael growled out.

When Kol left the room Mikael looked back to his sons "If Finn did not already have another task I would send him in your stead Niklaus, this is your chance to deem yourself worthy in my eyes."

"Do not disappoint me!" He said sternly.

"Yes father," Niklaus said with a bowed head.

"Father, we are already wealthy, what point in there is gaining more?" Elijah asked.

"The lands west hold wealth that could buy this land and everything on it hundreds of times over, I will not see our family be dwarfed by the likes of Ragnar or any of those other cretins!!!" Mikael shouted as he slammed his cup on the table.

Elijah didn't react and instead leaned back in his seat. This was about his reputation and how others saw him, if people did not think of Mikael when they thought of wealth and power then he would not be satisfied.

"Is there anything else father?" Elijah asked. Mikael shook his head and so Elijah stood and left the room, the good thing about this would be that Rebekah would be happy as Elijah would make sure to drag Thorfinn back home once he found him.



Elijah opened the door to Rebekah's room and saw her sitting on the bed, her hair was messy and her eyes were red. "Rebekah, you must stop acting this way, people are starting to notice something is wrong," he whispered as he closed the door behind him.

Rebekah looked up at him with tear-filled eyes as she tried to smile "I had gotten so used to seeing Thorfinn every day, being apart has been painful. I am joyed that he is alive, I just wish he had come home with the others."

"Then you'll be glad for my news, Ragnar will be raiding west again and Father has decided me and Niklaus should join him," He stated.

Her expression did not change "Why would losing you two as well bring me joy?" She said in a quiet tone.

"Because when I am there I will make sure to bring Thorfinn back," Elijah said as he stood in front of her.

Rebekah's eyes brightened "You'll bring him back?" She asked hopefully.

"Even if I have to drag him," he replied.

Rebekah laughed and then jumped up and hugged her brother. She knew Elijah would never go back on his word, she knew he would bring Thorfinn back home "Thank you, brother!" She said gratefully.

Elijah let out a smile at his sister's happiness, but that smile soon turned into a frown as he felt her body pressed against his. He pushed her back slightly before pressing his hand against her belly; the look on her face had told him all he needed to know.

Elijah's expression darkened "How long..." he growled out.

Rebekah backed away from Elijah before falling onto her bed "Elijah... you don't understand!"

"I understand enough, you and him are fools," Elijah stated.

"Elijah please help me! I've been so lost on what to do," She pleaded as she grabbed his arm.

"What do you expect me to do, once father finds out, he will kill Thorfinn," Elijah stated. 'And I am undecided on whether to help him,' he had warned Thorfinn not to visit his sister during his stay. The fact he still did was disrespectful and a breach of the trust Elijah had extended to him, but he did not forget how Thorfinn had saved his life, he owed him a debt.

"Please, Elijah!" She said desperately.

Elijah sighed but nodded "We will keep this hidden as long as we can, I will try and convince the father to allow me to take you on a pilgrimage to the White Oak tree,"

"In Uppsala?" She asked.

Elijah nodded "Your belly won't begin to truly grow for another month, by then we will be back and I can take you away long enough for you to give birth,"

"Where will we go truly?" She asked.

"To Thorfinns land, Hild had been restoring it for him, it should be a safe place for you," he replied.

Rebekah nodded before hugging Elijah once again. "I am not happy Thorfinn did this, and I will take my anger out on him when I see him," he said, but Rebekah was too relieved to take heed of his words, she had felt so alone in this pregnancy and knowing that Elijah would help her made her feel better.

Elijah accepted his sister's hug while imagining the beating he'd give Thorfinn for breeding his sister before they were married.

(AN: Sorry didn't post yesterday but I've been working the past few days. I'll try make sure to post again tomorrow but If I can't then please bare with me. I was going to include a sex scene with Aelfrida but I felt kinda uncomfortable writing one so brutal, I do know that it's not very authentic so I'll try my best in the future. Hope you enjoyed the rest of it.)

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