
Fighter Shinobi

xinn_ · 都市
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Kakashi winced as his ears were assaulted by the thumping beat of hundreds of speakers that loudly played a song called 'Shake you're money maker' (Ludacris). All around him men and women danced to the beat while the DJ who controlled the music, tweaking parts here and there to enhance the song. The room smelt strongly of sweat and sake as the women and men danced closely together with bottles of sake in hand, not caring if they spilt it or if it was spilt on them, they were just having too much fun.

Behind him was Kiba who covered both his and his dogs nose, Hinata who blushed bright crimson at the sight of the people dancing in such a way, Shino who didn't show any outward signs of being effected, Sakura who looked around not really knowing what to do, and Kurenai who did the same as Hinata and Sakura.

They were searching for Naruto, who had been banished and removed from ninja duty a few days after he failed to bring Sasuke back. It had been seven years since that day. Five years since his banishment had been overturned and three years since Tsunade had announced his parentage to the whole village when his mother, Kushina returned, creating shock across the whole village.