
The Dinning Hall I

The Dining Hall

-10:45am, Wednesday, School Compound, Royal Hearts College.

The trio who had snuck out of the hall, stepped out of the door which Divine had shattered now. Outside, the fresh airs seemed to be inviting but then again, they knew they could not just trust it that way.

Being outside like this was an invitation to the monsters so they could not just afford to let their guards down. Divine led the way, in her black tank top which was folded at the ribcage while her lower half had a black legging on as well as black trainers on her half. Behind her, Sam followed, having on his back the black camping bag while Tolu tagged behind, holding on to the smaller shopping bags with both hands on his side.

Of the two of them, Tolu considered himself to be the unluckiest. First, he had almost gotten himself and Sam into trouble when he had gone back to get his journal and then when they reached here, after Divine’s effort in almost killing them, she made sue to hit his shoulders with her concussion blast.

His shoulder hurt so much. But he steeled his face and kept on moving. The last thing he was going to do was to let this girl have any sort of fun in knowing that she had hurt him. That was the last he would ever do. In fact, that was not negotiable. The only thing that had pained him there was that Sam still had to keep her around all the same.

Even after all those times.

But then he sighed, it was rather convenient for her to keep being around Sam because Sam had been the head boy. The head boy post was usually given to the person who had shown exceptional capabilities in management skills and as well as academic excellence. To befriend him as to have him so close by that she could just easily copy his wok when they had a test or exam.

Just then, Sam looked back and shook his head. He could almost guess what Tolu would be thinking. After all, the both of them had been together for some time, as buddies. But then again, it was not so as easy as that seemed. Divine was like a sticky gel, no matter how much you wanted it gone, it would always stick around.

And if he was being honest, he was tired. When he’d tell her about this, she would then become offended and try to act all bossy about him. Divine did have her merits though, she was witty and could make decisions in very tight situations but then her bad outweighed all of that.

In short, she was not someone he was to be with but he could not shake her off. After all, there was a time when he had begun to develop feelings for her. Sam frowned, looking down to his feet at that thought.

They walked along the path of the verandah and then got out to the exit break in the metal railings, right into the space of the U-shaped Hostel. Now that they were outside the faint growling of different creatures out there were beginning to reverberate into, the air. It sounded like the monsters were battling.

Sam frowned. Tolu looked up with a frown and Divine fisted her hands together. If there was a fight going on, then they had to be absolutely careful from this point onward. Luckily for them, they were protected by the U-shaped space of the hostel. The block of hostel to their left, right and back provided a sort of cover but then again, it was not all that reliable because eventually they would move out from it.

They were going to the Dining Hall and that destination as at the opposite side of the school premises.

However, even as they found sort of protection, their front was not catered for, despite the positioning of the self-containing Hostel warden’ lodge forming a line over the U shape of the building. Even at that, any monster could just walk between the warden’s lodge and the hostel and see them. In fact, it provided a disadvantage to them because if they were pressed in, with the steps all damaged, it would make for hell for them to run and escape. Especially since their back and sides were walled in by the blocks of the hostel.

“Where are we going to again? It seems pretty engaging out there.” Divine said, fisting her hands tighter.

“To the hall, dumbass!” Tolu sneered.

Divine turned around now but just as she did, Sam put a hand to her shoulder, signaling to her to calm down.

“If we get at that, we don’t stand a chance against the monsters. They are attracted to sounds; you know.”

‘Fine!” Divine sighed and then tuned around. She led the walk onwards, till they were just out of the space of the hostel.

And the moment they were, a loud thudding sound erupted. Dust exploded into the air and several screeches rang out almost immediately. Panicked, the three of them stood rooted to the ground, shocked at what just happened. The way it was timed, it seemed as though the monsters had been waiting for them to step out of the hostel first.

The wall was of the school premises was all that here was to the surrounding of the Hostel, being that it was specifically stated to the end of the school premises. There was a little bush around, it had been a while the grasses had been cut so they had grown exponentially now.

The grasses rumbled then and the three turned to their right, only to gasp out as three monsters with slimy skin, reptilian gaits and sloshing long tongues burst out. Their breathing seized for a second but then just as the three monsters jumped out, they landed and continued running, totally ignoring the three of them.

“Uh… They ignored us!” Divine exhaled, letting her shoulders slump down her in relief.

“Angela…” Tolu said.

“Uh? She said she should cover for us.” Sam looked back at Tolu with a frightened look. “If these ones are running there, then we ought to get there to help her. She won’t be able to take all of them at the same time.”

“Why?” Divine frowned, putting her hands to the side as she turned to face Sam squarely. “If the monsters ignore us, then, we ought to go to the hostel instead. Why are you looking to help her? Or did you force her to do that?”

“Are you serious?” Sam looked aghast. “Did I not say that the powers only have a burst usage of three times? If she has to face a horde of them, she would run out of usage times and then…”

“And then what?” Divine shrugged with wide eyes. “She buys us the time to get to the dining hall with these supplies we have.” She turned to look at Tolu, pointing a finger to him.

“Or are you not seeing the sense in what I am saying?”

“NO! Angela saved us. The east we can do is to repay her back.” Tolu said.

“HAHAH… Are you two nuts? How? You are out of bursts. What can you do?” She chuckled wildly.

Just then, Sam exhaled and nodded at Tolu. “Lok, if you want to do otherwise, feel free to get to the hall but we wont leave Angela alone.”

He replied and then turned around, making his way in hurried steps. The bag weighed him down and the occasional cries of monsters about as they also raced towards the field.

He could not see so much up ahead because of the monsters that were running but he banked on it. As long as they were ignoring him right now, he could move along with them till he got to where Angela was.

It was foolish but then knowing that Tolu was to be with him somewhat comforted him. And even though Tolu was out of his moves already, he did not even expect him to pull them so soon in succession, he was going to keep going.

Maybe, just maybe, his own power could waken like that.

He just had to surpass his limit and face his fear.



A cacophony of whirr exploded in the air, the sharp sound of it jarring Sam’s ears. He ducked over, covering his ears with both hands only for him to see so many monsters erupting into the air, rocketed by an explosion of dust.

He gasped, wondering what that could be when he heard her voice.

“Honestly, you guys are so annoying!” It was Divine’s voice. “What do you think you are doing? Running like Knights to save a mistress when you are all so pathetic? How do you want to get supplies to them if you die out here?”

Divine cried out. the next thing Sam felt was her hand clutching to his neck sleeve and then with a jerk, she pulled him back.

He groaned as he tumbled down to the ground, hearing Tolu groan out too, beside him.

“Take the pavilion you dumb heads. I will hold them off till we can get to Angela.”

“What?” Sam gasped, pointing his left hand at her. “There are two many for you!”

“But my blast is not limited. So, I don’t get your three-time usage. Besides, I know a bit of combat here. Take away the visibility and you have the edge.” Divine smiled over her shoulders.

As she said that, Sam’s eyes widened, realization popping into his mins. Divine sure did know what she was doing. Take away the visibility.

The dust cloud that was swirling about must have been all her. That was her way of gaining the edge over the monsters. Now, she could take away their visibility and be able to escape from them unharmed as well.

Just then, she swirled her hands in the air and the next instant fired out some more blasts, directed at the ground, in a semi-circle about her. The blasts rocketed against the ground, raising dust and throwing off the monsters that were starting to turn towards her.

“Let’s go!” Sam called out, jumping to his feet.

Tolu did the same, and together they picked up speed, running as fast as they could towards the broken-down pavilion that was devoid of the monsters.
