

Zack kept explaining the use of the sword to me and thanks to his genius plan Alex wouldn't be home anytime soon

if I wasn't the one learning swordsmanship and I was just watching,I would have said it was easy but only carrying the sword tired me out

" Zack it's difficult" I complained

" it's not you're just being lazy , it you had continued your jogging routine then all this wouldn't be happening

" but ... "

" shh now am not your husband but your instructor"

" whattt !!! "

" and I'll be strick with you from now on " he walked around me making a circle

" you aren't permitted to step out of this circle

now pick up your sword and charge ".

I picked my sword with my right hand and supported it with my left

following all his instructions

I continued like that for a while and I could see him smile

" seems you're already getting it "

" yep ".

" well this is more easy than I taught".

" well duh am the devil's daughter and I should know how to perfect this in a click of a finger" I smirk

" hmm I see so I'll be teaching you how to defend today and tomorrow attacking skills" he said nonchalantly

" hey hold it right their just because I said I could perfect this easily doesn't mean you should just borden me with everything " I retorted

" okay we'll have a little rehearsal today

you would be fighting again my sword"

" since your sword is already connected to you and they are the same swords why don't you just kill that dumdum yourself" I blurted.

" They might be the same sword but they aren't the same"

" meaning"

" the sword you are holding has been bless by the great one and given to your dad to fight against evil but since he did otherwise the sword stopped obeying it

mine is just a look alike and I haven't ascended the throne of the new morning star so I can have mine blessed" he explained and my heayr sank hearing what greed did to dad

although he's a good father he isn't a good person and I can't possibly change the past all I hope for is that he changes

" so why don't ascended the throne and get yours blessed" I said in a low voice and he laughed

" theirs always a time for everything wifey as for now we need to end this game and bring an end to Lucas and Alex okay "

I nodded and he pecked me

" am ready " I charged

" good luck then tempest"

" tempest who's that ? ".

" that's the name of my sword

you see just calling it sword sounds off so I gave it a name "

" ohh "

" tempest ready and attack " he commanded and his sword rose up and came after me.

At first I kept defending myself unlike normal sword fighting when you can try reading the move of your opponent

I found it hard reading the next move if the sword

I had misread the move of the sword and almost gotten injured

" tempest stop

I think I'll teach you the Japanese sword fighting skills " he came close to me holding his sword

" the most basic move is the forward slicing cut

it begins from the over head position until it makes contact with the opponents shoulder or hear.first the swing is executed by positioning the sword behind you and making an arc to cut your opponent like this " he demonstrated

" while other sword skills are like the uppercut , vertical, vertical arc , vertical square and others

but you can only use one hand when doing these skills

also the basic moves are

the straight down from the top

diagonally down to left , diagonally down to the right , diagonally up from the left , diagonally up from the right and left and right strike horizontally"

after hearing all he said I took a deep breath

" Zack do you expect me to learn all this moves you just said "

" yes wifey " he smiled and kissed me.

" are you planning to kill me or what how do you expect me to learn all these "

" don't complain it's easy "

" so you say " I complained and he burst out laughing

I was already exhausted and so we're my feets

when we arrived at the sitting room he handed me a glass of water and made me sit

" hubby when would alex be back " I asked checking the time

" tomorrow morning or afternoon " he said and I was overwhelmed

" so we have tonight to ourselves" I placed my hand around his neck

" yes " he pecked me

" hmm you know a poet once said happiness is an uncontrollable feeling , taught and wisdom that no one knows when it comes , never minding the occurrences just the feeling of hope " I winked and pecked him back

" I never knew my wife loved poems "

" it's just a one day in and one day out hobby of mine"

" why don't I take care of you tonight he said and swipe me off my feet

we got to the room and he dropped me on the bed and headed to the bathroom

he then came back with a towel and helped me strip.

he carried me into the bathroom and help me into he bathtub

" Zack "

" hmm " I folded my hands on the top of the bathtub and rested my chin on it

" why are you so cute "

" that's because I have a beautiful wife beside me "

" you're trying to flatter me " I smiled and poke my tongue

" well am not trying to flatter you and since am having a beautiful wife I want a beautiful daughter also " he said and placed his hand on my stomach

" no I want a cute son like you

so I won't have to scream all the time "

" so you agree that you're a bit troublesome "

" yes maybe" I smiled and my stomach growled

" wow we are both arguing the sex of our baby and your stomach wants food " he said and I burst of laughing .

Zack helped me wash up and took me to the room

helping me Change into my night gown and left to prepare dinner

I was really craving for some junk food so I hurried and went to meet Zack

" hubby can I have pizza or burger please ".

" at this hour it's already late "

" pretty pretty please "

" please wait for tomorrow please"

" No no no no I want it right now " I screamed and I could see he was frustrated

" okay just have a sit I'll be right back "

he disappeared and I went into the kitchen to found the fishes properly grilled by zack

I began salivating and was about to have one when I suddenly had the urge to vomit

I ran into the washroom and puked

when I was done I came back to the dinning room to find Zack placing a slice of pizza and bugger in a plate

I couldn't explain what was happening to me

I can't possibly be pregnant because according to my reports I have some complications am just waiting for all these to be over so I can tell Zack about it

hey guys thanks for reading

please check out my other book '365 days married to a demon' it's like a series book with this both they both can be read as a stand alone ^_^

lo_rezicreators' thoughts