
Fight for the throne!

In the mystical realm of Drakonia, a land blessed abundantly by dragonic energy. The throne, once thought to be the rightful seat of the ancient royal bloodline, became the basis of war in Drakonia. Alliances will be formed. Secrets will be shattered. Truth will be concealed. Power will be used. Strategies will thrive. Revenge will be sought. Finally, war will come!!! _ The MC, Roshan is the only rightful heir to the throne. His life has been a mystery since birth. He is popular for his inability to perform spells, an ability that comes naturally to other members of the royal family. Triggered by what he was experiencing, he began to question himself: why is he weak? What is the mystery surrounding his birth? Why can’t he perform spells? In order to get answers, he embarked on a journey of adventure, where he got to know what he really was. Just when he was about to accomplish his mission fully and claim what was his, he made a mistake! [Note: This book has a large cast of characters, and to avoid confusion, their roles will be included in key places.]

Amiedo_Bahubali · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Onju Martial Academy 5.

After a peaceful night, the morning came. All the trainees of Onju Martial Academy gathered on the training ground, ready for the day's training.

Soon, an instructor came out and told them to change their clothes, they will be learning swordsmanship, since it is a new week.

They did as they were told and waited for instructions while gisting among each other. As expected, Lucas came out with a few mages of Drakonia behind him. He looked like he was in a good mood as he grinned from ear to ear while talking to the people behind him.

Surprisingly, he began walking towards where Roshan was seated with a smile, still on his face. He then stopped by his side and looked at him.

Roshan's heartbeat accelerated, maybe he has done something bad again, because Lucas's smile was giving an eerie vibe.

Unexpectedly, he stretched one of his hands towards Roshan. With a racing heart, Roshan put his hand into Lucas's and he was pulled up by him.

"Listen everyone!" Lucas voice held everyone's captive.

"Every good deed deserves a reward. This trainee here has surprised me by showing that our training at Onju Martial Academy is effective!"

"A round of applause for him, please." Loud applause followed Lucas words, they were all surprised to see Lucas compliment Roshan, even Roshan himself was surprised and lost.

"What does this mean? You all should work hard! And you will get a special reward from me, just like Roshan who will get one today!" Lucas declared and they all cheered and clapped again.

"Let's get to today's task. Since it is a new week, we will be learning spells and magic, and by the end of the week you will get to know about some charms."

"Master." A trainee interupted Lucas. Lucas turned around, it was the same girl that always ask him unnecessary questions.

Lucas gaze darkened, making the girl swallow the question back.

However, the girl was confused because an instructor had told them earlier that they will be learning swordmanship. She was surprised and confused as Lucas was now saying something different.

"You all will be given a small book. The book contains guidelines of hundred spells and magic. Although we have more than hundred spells and magic, you can get that when you leave this academy.

You all have four days to learn and practice all these spells and magic. And the last day, you will get to know about charm.

One thing to note while practicing is that you must not make mistake, you must follow the instructions as it is written in the book. If you make a mistake, it might backfire on you and lead to sickness or death. So, you should be careful." Lucas instructed them.

Afterwards, a guidebook was given to each of the trainees except Roshan. Just then, Lucas walked to him and brought out a bigger guidebook from his sleeve and handed it to Roshan.

"This will be your reward. It contains over five hundred spells and magic." Lucas handed it over to Roshan with an eerie smile.

Roshan quickly rose up and bow.

"Thank you, master." He thanked Lucas as he collected the special book from him.

Unknown to Roshan, all of the spells and magic guidelines there are wrong. This can lead to summoning of spirit that will drain one's energy and even lead to death.

After Lucas handed the book to Roshan, he wished him a painful death in his mind. He knows that if Roshan begin to practice the spells with the wrong guidelines in the book, it will summon evil spirits or demons that will drain his energy and kill him.

"Before I leave, I will make an example." Lucas voice preceeded him as he made his way back to the front.

"If you open your guidebooks, you will see a place that explains how to manipulate the energy in the air in the first page. Now I am going to show you that. Watch me.

Lucas closed his eyes. He raised his hands up and his fingers formed a cross. Slowly, his body was raised into the air till he reached a height. Just like he did earlier, he manipulated the air again and his feet touched the ground again.

The trainees wowed and clapped for Lucas.

"This is a very simple magic. Manipulating the air, all you have to do is to focus and imagine it."

"You are to learn and practice the hundred spells and charm in four days! Failure to do this attracts punishment." Lucas declared and left the place.

The trainees started practicing, Roshan went through the guide and saw it there that one can also manipulate the air and use it to send letters, signals and even small objects.

The first thing that came to his mind was to send a letter to his uncle.

He picked up his paper and ink and wrote a letter to his uncle.

"Dear uncle, how are you?" I hope you are not too worried about me?..."


The letter got to the palace late because it took Roshan a long time to be able to perform the magic.

Queen Avery was going out for a walk when she saw a guard going to the king's chamber with an envelope in his hands. She became curious on what was inside. This was how anonymous letter was delivered to her husband when he wanted to marry a second wife then.

She quickly sent her guard to stop the other guard and collect the envelope from him. The envelope was handed over to her, when she opened it. It was something she wasn't expecting.

It was a letter from Roshan. She opened it and read the letter in her mind.

"....I have learnt new spells and magic now. Very soon, we will meet. Take care of yourself." Avery squeezed the letter with anger after reading it.

At that moment, she felt like she had forgotten something very important. As long as Roshan is still alive, there is no chance for her son to become the king. She had thought everything will be fine after eliminating Abigail [the king's concubine] and her son.

However, she had totally forgotten Roshan. The throne was supposed to be his, and he could come back at anytime to claim the throne. The most scary part is that she knows her husband won't hesitate to leave the throne for him.

"I think I know the first person to eliminate." Avery muttered.