
Fight for the throne!

In the mystical realm of Drakonia, a land blessed abundantly by dragonic energy. The throne, once thought to be the rightful seat of the ancient royal bloodline, became the basis of war in Drakonia. Alliances will be formed. Secrets will be shattered. Truth will be concealed. Power will be used. Strategies will thrive. Revenge will be sought. Finally, war will come!!! _ The MC, Roshan is the only rightful heir to the throne. His life has been a mystery since birth. He is popular for his inability to perform spells, an ability that comes naturally to other members of the royal family. Triggered by what he was experiencing, he began to question himself: why is he weak? What is the mystery surrounding his birth? Why can’t he perform spells? In order to get answers, he embarked on a journey of adventure, where he got to know what he really was. Just when he was about to accomplish his mission fully and claim what was his, he made a mistake! [Note: This book has a large cast of characters, and to avoid confusion, their roles will be included in key places.]

Amiedo_Bahubali · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Onju Martial Academy 3.

After spending six days in Onju Martial Academy, all Roshan could feel was pain and mystery. It was so intense and overwhelming, like a strong fire burning inside of him.

No one came to check on him despite the fact that the week has ended. He wondered what could be going on in the palace, especially with his uncle. Even if no one cares about him, he is sure his uncle will always think about him everyday before he sleeps.

Lately, he has been experiencing different things that he can't comprehend. While he is battling with that, master Lucas hasn't given him peace ever since he has gotten there.

The hatred from Master Lucas towards him is overwhelming. Everyday, there must be something to complain about. Even when he thinks he has done it perfectly, master Lucas will always look for a mistake in his perfection and when he finds one, he will punish him in a ridiculous way.

The only positive aspect is that all the training he has been doing is helpful. He is now able to lift heavy objects on his own like he has been doing for a week.

Amidst Roshan's thoughts, master Lucas approached him and his colleagues with hefty men behind him as usual. Upon his appearance, they all gathered together at their usual place to listen to whatever he wanted to say.

"Greetings everyone!" He greeted them as he stood akimbo.

"Unfortunately, we do not have enough food and provision for dinner today. That means, the available food won't be enough for everyone in this academy.

To make things fair, we will have a competition, where one team competes against the other.

Only the team that wins will get to eat the available food and provisions tonight.

We will be starting very soon and as for the teams, it is going to be a team of the trainees versus the trainers."

After master Lucas spoke, all the trainees there couldn't help but mumble. The trainers in the academy are incredibly strong men who are skilled in different aspects.

However the trainees there are just a set of weak people that had come there to train, among them are three women who are barely trying to catch up.

Of course, a dumb person already knows the team that will win.

In the thick of it all, five men were seen carrying a sturdy, thick rope to the training ground. Afterwards, they were told to change into their training clothes and get ready for a tug of war.

All the trainees got outside after changing, to meet nine hefty trainers of Onju Martial Academy ready for them. Fear gripped them, their presence was scary and they all had menacing looks.

Just by looking at them, they all knew there was no dinner for them.

"Align!" Master Lucas' voice pulled them back to reality. His voice sounded firmly as he kept a straight face and all the trainees did as they were told.

"As you can see, we have nine trainers of Onju Martial Academy here. And you all will be competing against them in a tug of war.

If you all are able to pull them beyond the line, then you will be the winner of the game. However if they are able to pull you beyond the line and over to their side, only the trainers of this academy gets to eat tonight.

Now arrange yourselves beside the rope." Lucas instructed and all the trainees arranged themselves. Due to fear, Roshan ran to the back and stood as the last person on the line.

"Pick up the rope!" Lucas' voice resonated and they all picked up the rope, ready for the war. Some of the trainees could feel their heart beating as they were going to face a group of hefty men.

"Pull!!!" Lucas bellowed. Both team pulled the rope with all their might. For the first few seconds, no one was winning, no one was losing. But with time, the trainee team got tired, and the opposing team was too strong. The trainers were able to pull the trainee team towards themselves, slowly.

Roshan only held the rope at the back. But the moment the other team was about to pull them beyond the line, Roshan's heartbeat accelerated because of the fear of losing. He decided to try pulling the rope if that would help the situation.

Strangely, the moment Roshan grabbed the rope tighter and pulled the rope with his might, it was like a tidal wave. The rope trembled and vibrated, making the trainers team cross the line and they all fell to the ground due to the unexpected mighty pull.

Shock was plastered on everyone's faces, they were all surprised. Even the trainee's team thought they were all dreaming, their opponent crawled on the floor, struggling to stand up, due to the heavy fall.

"This is cheating!!! One if you cheated!!"

Lucas yelled.

"Stand up and pick up the rope! You are going to do this again! Upon Lucas instructions, they all stood up and picked up the rope again.

"Pull! Now!" Lucas ordered and they all channeled their energy into a mighty pull.

Roshan's hands trembled at the back. He was only holding the rope, he was scared to pull because of what happened earlier. But his team was losing again.

Just like he did earlier, he gripped the rope tighter and pulled with all his might.

This time around, it was more astounding and beyond comprehension.

The pull was mighty this time, so mighty that everyone that was holding the rope fell down including the trainee team.

The trainers team fall was mighty, it was as if the wind had carried them up and threw them down.

However, someone was still standing among them. That is Roshan, he stood still amidst everything while holding the rope in his hands, unscathed.

Everyone was surprised to see him standing at their back, even Roshan himself was surprised to see that he was still standing among them.