
Fight For Survival

Lilith, her brothers Max and Blake, and a strange boy named Roy, do their best to survive in a dangerous world. Being only young children when the attacks begin. Will the four of them survive the hard days of the apocalypse??

Secret_Author_HeHe · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Little Girl From The Train Tracks

Lily let out a squeal as she realized the men that had saved her were her brothers. She immediately ran up to them and embraced them in a tight hug before noticing that Blake was there, and alive. She gave her older brother a confused look before she remembered the women in the cells behind her, she removed a ring of keys off the guard she stabbed and began releasing the women one by one.

Once everyone was out they began to leave the building which on closer look appeared to be a relatively small prison.

They worked their way out of the building with no issues until stray bullets started firing into the crowd. Blake and Max quickly responded and shot the men with a clean headshot, before they could do anymore damage. Lilith addressed the women asking if anyone had been hit all except one answered and claimed to be okay.

The one that hadn't responded was the little girl that stood silently beside her. Lilith bent down to check on the child only to see the girls pink dress slowly stain with red. Lily quickly and carefully picked the girl up and followed the rest of the group.

Once the group had hidden in a nearby forrest Lilith set the girl down and checked her wounds. It was a deep stomach wound and only an emergency surgery would give her any chance of survival.

Knowing she could do nothing but comfort the girl she held on to her as tight as possible she begins to sing to the girl.

"My feet are sore from walking all night long....No direction when there's nowhere to go.....Empty picture frames of times all gone.....Lonely echoes of the stories we've told.....If you put on my shoes walk a mile or two...'til your eyes open wider than they used to...Then I will meet you there where the air is clear.....Pinky swear I'll meet you there...." The girls little body falls still, as Lilith closes the girls big eyes before finally allowing her tears to fall.

song lyrics from I'll stay by Isabela Moner

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