
Fight For Survival

Lilith, her brothers Max and Blake, and a strange boy named Roy, do their best to survive in a dangerous world. Being only young children when the attacks begin. Will the four of them survive the hard days of the apocalypse??

Secret_Author_HeHe · ファンタジー
15 Chs


Roy couldnt help but push her away, during the ambush he had been bitten then dragged away by Blake, his brother in arms. He has been mantaining his humanity by refusing to eat human, which had easy since nobody was around much.

Having Roy push her away Lily began to pout,after all she missed him after finding out he could've been dead.

Seeing the sad look on Lily's face, Roy wanted to reach out and hold her but stopped himself.

"Lilith get out of that cell now." Blake says nervously yet some how calmly.

" Why what's wrong with him?? Why is he in this cage?? I thought he was your friend!!! What did you do!!??" Lilith quickly turns against her brothers.

"L-Lil stop. Get out. I'm infected" Roy's stern and pained voice interups the young girls protests.

Lilith turned around to face Roy before slowly backing away, realizing all that could have happened. For some reason she still wanted to stay and comfort him but she knew she'd probably die if she did.

Roy looked at her one final time while breathing in her sweet sent before turning away, fighting the urge to tear away at her soft limbs.

Lilith walks away with a look of pure horror staring at the man she once knew sitting in the corner. Once she backed up enough her brothers grabbed each arm, pulling her out of the cell.