
Hate the Way I Love You

Hinata's feed thudded against the floor of the wood hallway. She moved somewhere between a walk and a dash, hurrying as quickly as she could without outright running. When she reached the door to her room, she wrenched it open and all but jumped inside.

She stood there with her back pressed to the door's cool surface. Her breathing was heavy. Not with exhaustion, though. Something else thrummed through her as her hand dipped into her pocket and drew out her 'borrowed' prize.

The book grew back to its full size the moment she channeled chakra through it. Hinata flipped through the pages to the one she was looking for. Now that she knew what the book's purpose was, she marveled at just how many there were.

So many pages. So many names. So many women. These weren't fantasies or dreams. Having watched what she did earlier, Hinata was certain. They were real things that happened with real women, recorded in three dimensions using nothing but seals.

She tried not to pay much attention to the names she was flipping past. There were some things she was better off not knowing.

When she found the right page, it took only a few seconds for the book to work its magic.

Hinata's austere room disappeared, replaced by Naruto's much livelier one. The scene restarted in the exact spot it stopped earlier— Kurenai bent over obediently, waiting for Naruto to rock her world.

Which he did.

Naruto crashed his pelvis into hers with a cocky grin. Kurenai gasped. Hinata swore she saw the woman's stomach bulge, and wondered just how much the woman was being stretched inside. Naruto was relentless. Rather than ease into things, he fucked away with reckless abandon.

His hands grasped Kurenai's ass. Hinata stared at the way those fingers squished her mentor's flesh. If he wanted to hold her in place he could've done it with chakra, the way she watched Fox do the night before. But there was something more arousing about doing it with raw strength. Something dominant.

The noises were almost deafening. Not just the collision of their bodies, but Kurenai's howls. Hinata glanced worriedly at the walls, but as seconds passed without hearing a thing outside of the room, she sighed. The seals must've included some kind of noise dampening mechanic.

If they hadn't… she had no idea how she would've explained that kind of noise, a man and woman's love making coming from a room she was alone in. Everything she had done this evening was one massive risk after another. It wasn't like her.

Yet she couldn't stop.

As the holograms continued their animated fucking, she pushed away from the door.

She shed her jacket as she paced closer. She circled the two, bending in for a closer look. Kurenai's expression was like none she'd ever seen on her, the way her eyes were shut and her cheeks flushed with pleasure. Hinata studied the way Naruto gripped her. She watched the bed itself buckle under the weight of their movements.

Because she was so close, she jumped back, startled, when Naruto suddenly moved. He got his feet underneath him, rising to a standing position. The bed that had been straining before screamed for mercy. As Hinata watched, he lifted Kurenai by her ass. There was still no chakra involved. Just strength.

Kurenai's moans turned up in pitch. Her hands stretched to brace her front while her back half was ravaged.

"So tight!" Naruto said. "You're the best!"

"Awaaaouiaahh," said Kurenai.

The squeaks of the bed spring turn to all-out wails. The entire thing was shaking. These were shinobi that could move faster than a civilian could see, that could fell trees or crush walls with one strike, and they weren't holding back. In the end, the furniture couldn't withstand them. 

The middle collapsed first. The mattress hit the floor, the frame snapping in two with a metallic clang. Kurenai grunted as she failed to catch herself with her hands. She landed cheek-first on the mattress, her body directly beneath Naruto's.

And Naruto? He didn't stop for anything.

Hinata winced at the noise that echoed through the room as Naruto's monster cock piledrived all the way to Kurenai's womb. The woman's red eyes rolled up in her skull, and the scream of pure pleasure that tore from her throat was muffled by her mouthful of blanket. 

"I knew I should've strengthened this thing with seals!" Naruto complained. "The same thing happened when I had three of those foreign dignitaries over at the same time." He blinked. "Oh well. At least you're enjoying it."

He was fucking her even faster now with gravity helping him out, and from the increasingly wet sounds after each thrust, Kurenai's body was doing cumming as hard as it could to keep the pleasure coming. Hinata moaned.

She froze a moment later. What did she have to moan about?

Looking down, the answer was obvious. She didn't want to believe it. No, she couldn't believe it. But there it was: one of her hands had slipped past her dress, fingers reflexively driving through the folds of her pussy in pleasurable patterns.

Now, that might not have seemed surprising. Masturbation material was what these scenes had been recorded for (at least that was Hinata's best guess) and this was the same girl whose biggest pleasure in life revolved around watching a masked man make mincemeat out of her fellow kunoichi for her viewing pleasure.

But Fox was the only man that had that effect on her. She'd seen porn before. Once, she stumbled on a daring branch house couple conjoining their bodies in an out-of-the way garden of the estate. These things aroused her, but only a little, like drab embers compared to the flames that were watching Fox in bed.

She always believed other men could have the same effect on her. She was fine with that, even looking forward to the moment she discovered the same feeling from someone else.

But not here. Not now.

Not Naruto.

The blond let go of Kurenai's ass, only to bring his hands back down with force a moment later, slapping both luscious cheeks simultaneously. Hinata whimpered.

Because as much as she hated it, that roaring passion of hers was well and truly lit now. Whether she wanted to or not, she couldn't stop herself. She needed to ride this wave of pleasure and cum at its climax. 

Her own voice joined the cacophony of gurgles and groans Kurenai was letting out. Her fingers relentlessly pushed against her clit. But the most arousing thing was the sight in front of her. 

Kurenai Yuhi, the adoptive replacement for the mother Hinata never got to have, was being fucked like a common slut by the boy she couldn't stand the most.

Hinata shouted as her body convulsed, breasts swaying and legs clenching as she hit her climax. At the same time, Naruto pulled his cock free from Kurenai's depths, raining a white shower all over the woman's sexy nude body.

Kurenai collapsed in a heap. Naruto laughed, one hand wrapped around the base of his glistening still-erect cock. And then the entire scene faded back into the book as if it were never there, leaving Hinata slumped alone on the floor of her room, her juices dribbling onto the wood floor.

Not for the last time in the next couple of days, she wondered what exactly she had just done.


"So. You're confused because you got off to a guy you don't like?"

Hinata was back in her comfortable chair far from the light of day. The Den was the same as it'd been on her last visit, and every visit before that. She watched as Fox pummeled some poor Kunoichi from behind… but it was her that had his attention.

What possessed her to share her problems with a man that was all but a stranger, she couldn't say. She just felt she could trust him. 

And, more pathetically, he was about her only option. Tenten would just tell her to forget about it, and there was no Hyuuga Hinata would even think about sharing this sort of thing with. Who did that leave? Kurenai?

That would've made Hinata laugh out loud, if it weren't such a mortifying thought. 

So, Fox it was.

She found him in his usual room, where like every time recently, he was waiting for her. Snake was absent this evening, which wasn't strange. It was always a different woman with Fox.

It was Dog sharing Fox's bed tonight. Dog was a woman of short stature, more filled out at her backside than her small perky chest. Her mask was dull brown and simple, just like her straight long hair. Fitting for her animal codename, she was bent forward with her face pressed into the bed and her ass raised. A leather leash was wrapped tightly around her throat, the other end nestled in Fox's hand as he repeatedly thrusted into her.

"I don't just dislike him," Hinata said. "I loathe him. It's a matter of pure hate. I would like to never breathe the same air as him ever again."

She got the feeling Fox was blinking behind his mask. "I admit, I don't really see what the problem is here."

"Watching him aroused me!" Hinata said. "He made me feel things he shouldn't have! Things that—"

She stopped herself from saying, Things that only you do. But she wondered if Fox knew where she was going anyway.

"I think that you're getting a few things confused," Fox said. "Sex isn't love."

As he spoke, he jerked the leash. Dog's head was pulled into the air by her throat. She yelped, choking and cumming as Fox used her roughly.

"Maybe you should just sleep with the guy," he said.

"Out of the question."

"It could be fun, though!" Fox said. "I've jammed my dick in psychos lots of times. Sometimes, crazy is tight. But just because I slept with them didn't mean I had to spend my life with them. We got off, then went our separate ways."

Hinata was sure Dog's face was going purple under her mask, but there was really no knowing for certain. Besides, she believed Fox knew what he was doing.

"Don't you think you should at least feel something for somebody if you sleep with them?" she asked.

"No?" Fox shrugged. "Besides, you do feel something for him, right? You hate him. That can be just as good as crazy. You can get rough without having to feel bad."

He finally let Dog slump forward. Her face thumped against the bed, landing next to a small metal bowl that wasn't usually present. 

Fox scooted around Dog. He positioned his cock above the bowl, and a few quick strokes later, fired a thick load inside of it, forming a small pool of his seed. Part of Dog's mask, a little panel around the mouth, opened. Dog wasted now time in shoving her face into the bowl and lapping up the meal with her pink tongue. 

Fox turned to Hinata, reaching up and scratching the back of his head. "Look, I'm not sure how much help I can be with this sort of thing. My solution is usually to fuck first, and ask why I was turned on only after my balls are empty. But what I do know is that feelings are complicated stuff. If you don't know why you're feeling a certain way about someone… Maybe just give it some time? Talk to them. Spend time around them. Either you don't hate them as much as you thought… or you do, and any other feelings get washed away. Or just fuck them. I'm telling you, that's still on the table."

Other than the last bit, it was almost normal advice. Shockingly normal, considering she was receiving it in a state-mandated sex-dungeon from a man she'd never seen the face of.

"I don't think it will be up to me whether I spend time with him." Hinata bowed her head. "But, I thank you for your advice."

"Eh, don't mention it," Fox said.

There was a moment of silence between them, filled only with the noise of Dog lapping up the last dregs of Fox's gift for her. Hinata meant it when she thanked him. Not only did Fox turn her body on, he was willing to listen to her problems. He did his best to give her advice, useful or not. That was the difference between him and Naruto, one of many. He was considerate in ways that brash boy could never dream off.

Dog finished her meal and looked up at him, puppy-like gaze begging for more. Fox looked at Hinata.

"Want to watch me fuck her in the ass?"

Like she was saying. Considerate.

"Yes please."

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