
Fictional Chat Group - All-girls Only Edition

One day, Eleonora Pendragon was suddenly added to a chat group with many girls that suffered from a chuuni disease. The people inside claimed each other to be 'Goddess', 'Assassin', 'Ice Queen', 'Vampire', etc. They would talk all day about dimension travel, exploring dungeon, or share their experience on techniques and skills. However, after lurking inside the group for a while, she discovered that not all was what it seemed… WARN: Don't read this if you expecting a story with realistic scene, realism, less nonsense, lots of action or fight scene since this story has none of that. This story focuses on yuri, mary sue, flawless MC, and sex. WARN 2: If you don't like it, just leave and find one that you like rather than critizing this. This is very slow paced story. Update Schedule: 1 chapter/week from Saturday at 08.00 am GMT+8 (Beijing, China)/07.00 am GMT+7 (Jakarta, Indonesia). Donate Paypal Link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/tetekgede Saweria Link (For Indonesian only): https://saweria.co/TetekGedeYuri

TetekGede · アニメ·コミックス
156 Chs

Eleonora have many admirers

A new day has come; the morning came by. The morning light illuminates the Minowa's family residence; some of it was slipped through the windows into each available room. It also includes the room where Eleonora and Gin sleep together. Both of them slept peacefully while hugging each other and looked so adorable. All of this happened because Kotona pushed her daughter and daughter-in-law to sleep together since they're lovers and have to get used to it.

After the morning light slipped through the room, a sudden cry of the rooster could be heard, causing Eleonora's eyes to twitch in response. She slowly opened her beautiful and sharp blue eyes, got up only her upper body, and then looked around the room. A yawn was escaped through her mouth while she rubbed her eyes and tried to stay awake.

When she is half-awake, Eleonora tries her best to fight the urge to sleep with the heavy pressure of her body and eyebags; she then gets through it after a peaceful silence for three minutes. The young bluenette's eyes then noticed her grey-haired lover and smiled, gently stroking the hair as she didn't want to wake her lover from her sleep.

'Her sleeping face is adorable. The way she hugs me and doesn't want to let it go is adorable. Gin didn't realize that she was actually quite feminine despite claiming and declaring herself a tomboy. She will definitely become a great mother and wife in the future.'

The moment Eleonora strokes Gin's hair, the latter makes an unconscious smile as if she was so peaceful while still asleep. From the look that the grey-haired girl has, she is enjoying her sleep and seems not to wake up at any moment, which was not a problem for Eleonora.

Bringing her lips closer, Eleonora kissed Gin's cheeks lovingly and caused the latter to have her smile widen because she was happy at the moment. The former also smiled happily, seeing her lover sleeping in peace, and wasn't disturbed.

'Since I don't have any objective for today, let her hug me and wait for her to wake up.'

Eleonora smiled and let out a small huff while still gently stroking Gin's hair. She then used [Status] and checked herself, which caused herself to hum in amusement, seeing how her divinity was around 86% and only needed the remaining 14% to make her ascend to godhood.

'My humanity is only 14%, and I know that when reached the rank of God or deity, it won't guarantee me true immortality, maybe only long-lived and ageless body that allows me to live longer and not aged. In times. Maybe I should check anything in [Gate of Babylon: The King's Treasure]. As I recall, the original owner has something that could make himself to be immortal.'

She rubs her chin while humming and trying to remember if she had things that could help her earn true immortality for herself and her lovers. Maybe also all of the families, including her own and her lovers. She might be picky, but the ones that prioritize the people she cared about, unless the strangers are on the verge of death or at that level. Like she was forced to do the same thing that she did to her families and lovers.

While thinking of that, Eleonora opened the [Gate of Babylon: The King's Treasure], which merged with her own [Inventory], and she found the thing that can make someone possess immortality, which makes her smile in joy seeing it.

What she found is something called [Herb of Immortality]. It can grant the one that consumes immortality. However, it's not true immortality, but this is enough for Eleonora since she will alter the properties or effect of the herb to make it so if it is consumed, capable of granting them true immortality.

'There it is. The effect isn't the best, but a minor alteration might do the trick. However, I can only do that when I've obtained the goddess status or become a full-fledged deity, which grants me semi-immortality and mix it with my blood, divine's essence, then the herb. After that, I might have to regrow or multiply it. Actually, maybe the best way is to regrow it, planting the herb as if it was a common herb in a special garden so that I won't have to worry if it was running out or limited.'

The young bluenette nodded a few times when she thought of that as she was quickly made a plan regarding the future. One of her biggest goals and dreams is to spend her time together with her loved ones forever, so she won't be left alone. While it's true that many unknown factors might hinder her plans, it's not wrong for her to think it like that; at least she won't force them and let them do it willingly.

'I know there might be something that interferes with my plans in the future because of the unknown factor, but it will not hurt me to set up some countermeasures for it. Although if I use [Sha Naqba Imuru: The Omniscient Omnipotent Star], that will be easy to figure out how the future will be. Well, maybe later since it's not like I was forced to it in a hurry.'

She thought, shrugging it off and looking at Gin, who mumbles something in her sleep. Eleonora finds it really cute that Gin sleeps talking like that.

"Eleonora… I love you… ehehe… munyamunya…"

The grey-haired girl mumbled; she smiled after saying that. The apparent happiness was shown on her face. Eleonora chuckled and brushed off Gin's bangs with a smile on her face before whispering something to her grey-haired lover.

"Gin, it's already morning. Wake up, please."

While still asleep, Gin responds with a frown on her face.

"Munyamunya… five minutes more…."

"Come on, Gin. Your parents and brothers are already awake."

"I don't have to go… munyamunya… to school anymore…."

"If you wake up, we can go out and meet with others. We can also spend our time in lovey-dovey."

As she heard that, Gin's eyes suddenly opened in surprise as she immediately woke up from her peaceful sleep. Eleonora, who watched her lover react like that, could only be amused, especially with Gin's eagerness right now.

As soon as she woke up, Gin's grey eyes looked at Eleonora with ascertaining expression on her face, even though there was still a hint of slight mess from her because she was asleep peacefully, like a drool mark on the side of her lips.

"Going out with others?! Eleonora, are you… s-serious?!"

Eleonora nodded, confirmed it, caused Gin to be beamed before giving the answer too from herself.

"It is Gin. I am serious, but you can decide if you want to go out with everyone or alone with me. Hm… how about that?"

"… That's not fair, Eleonora. You know that I can't choose between that."

She groaned with a frown on her face as Eleonora just simply laughed it off with a playful chuckle. The young bluenette then kissed her grey-haired lover's cheeks and patted her head, while the grey-haired girl still had her cheeks burned up because of the feeling of embarrassment.

"Sorry about that, but you must get out of bed and start our day for today. We can't just laze around and do nothing. It's not healthy and not productive, you know. Even though I'm rich and have everything, it's not an excuse to be holed up in a room all days."

Eleonora said it with certainty at Gin, who strangely agreed with her, despite letting out a heavy sigh and scratching the back of her head in slight frustration. She knows what Eleonora means but is still reluctant to move from the comfortable bed. However, she also understands that meeting with her friends is important too.

Gin wants to go out with them, along with Eleonora by her side. Of course, if she has the chance to be alone with her and enjoy the lovey-dovey time, then it would be absolutely fantastic for her too, but the grey-haired girl also knows to give the other a chance to be with the young bluenette.

"Alright, alright, I know that. But next time, let me sleep a little more, please."

"Well, if you say so, then I will allow that."

Gin's face brightened when she heard that from Eleonora before the latter continued what she said.

"But, don't oversleep too much. Okay?"

"Yes, yes. I'll remember that."

"Good! Come on, breakfast is waiting for us. I cannot wait to enjoy the breakfast!"

Saying that Eleonora then drags Gin's out of bed and leaves the room to enjoy the breakfast that Kotona was prepared for them. Actually, the young bluenette offered to help her mother-in-law, but the latter rejected it and insisted that Eleonora just enjoy the upcoming breakfast.

The grey-haired girl just shook her head and smiled at Eleonora before planting a loving kiss on the bluenette's cheeks. Eleonora was stunned but simply laughed at the good thing she received from her grey-haired lover.

"Thank you, Gin. I love you."

"Me too, Eleonora. I love you too."


While Eleonora and her group are currently going out together, the group of Neptune as the leader based on the unanimous votes she got was presently looking for a way to find Eleonora. The chat group is currently out of option because Eleonora's account got disabled or sort of, so they can't mention her or anything in there.

"It sucks, nepu. I don't know how to get Noura."

Neptune said something with a depressed sigh while slumping her face on the table. After ordering breakfasts, they're currently in a café since they're not in the mood to cook, even though Neptune and her group were already in this world for likes… two weeks.

She got a head pat from Ais and didn't hate it since the blonde swordswoman wanted to console the Planeptune goddess. It has already been two weeks since they've come to this world to find Eleonora, just because they want to see her and, of course, to ask permission for them to be sort of protector for Eleonora's families and lovers if possible.

Hearing Neptune's complaint, Kurumi then put down her teacup with a charming smile plastering her face as she said something to the light-purple-eyed girl and matching hair.

"How about we ask the local? If it is Eleonora-san, I'm sure she will do something extraordinary that makes herself be remembered by the people around her. I am also optimistic that no one would miss someone with a remarkable figure like her."

What Kurumi has said caused some of those who haven't Eleonora filled with curiosity. Their eyebrows rose in that feeling, especially those who have a crush on her, like Medusa, Artoria, Momo, Miyuki, and others. But some also want to know how amazing this girl is called Eleonora.

"If what Kurumi said is true, then we should do that. But the question is, should we split into a group of defined numbers or stay like this? If I'm being honest, splitting is good, but that will decrease the chance of those that truly want to meet this Eleonora, is it not?"

"That a sound plan, Esdeath-san, but don't worry about it. Even if we're split up, we can just call each other by our phone. Our account has their own numbers, so we can use that to our advantage even when we aren't together."

"That's good, but what of everyone? We can do a unanimous vote and see which option we had to choose."

Esdeath offered, which got several choruses of nods from the rest. Choosing the unanimous vote is the right way to make everyone ultimately agree with one decision, so they won't be able to reject it. That was fair since it has everyone's voices on it.

"Then, how about we start it? Which one should we choose? Split or stayed in one group like this?"

On hearing that, the group came to their own decisions that concluded the result of the vote.


Breakfast is finished, and Eleonora and Gin then excuse themselves to Shingo and Kotona since they have an appointment today. Although it's not that super important to the general public, it is very to the young couple. The first thing on the to-do list is exploring the area around them, since Eleonora and others, except Sumi, Sonoko, and Gin, don't know much about Shikoku and the prefectures. But they would start on Oohashi, the city in the Kagawa Prefectures of the Shikoku Region.

The group is agreed to meet at a certain place at a scheduled time. They have already exchanged numbers on phones, so they won't have to worry if they can't reach each other due to the distance that will likely be far away. But something bugged Eleonora when she checked the chat group through her cell.

'Access is temporarily blocked…? Why would this happen? More importantly, what the heck is going on with my account? Oh great, it's safe, but it seems I can't access the chat group for a while. That is… strange.'

When that crossed her mind, she noticed a notification that suddenly appeared in front of her. It's the familiar notification that makes the young bluenette look at it suspiciously and fill with curiosity. Also, she knew the sender didn't have any ill motive, so the young bluenette opened it and checked the content.

[Heyo! Sorry for bothering you, but I want to tell you something. Yes, right now, you may have noticed something wrong in the chat group, right? I know, and don't worry, it's not malfunction or anything, but instead, it's my way to prevent something since you did manipulate the time flow of your world and your grey-haired lover's world, so I had to do that.]

'I see, so he had to do some precaution to prevent from what I've done.'

[Anyway, there is also a quite surprise in that world. One surprise and one secret mission that I give you. The surprise will make you happy and shocked when you see it, but the mission… is related to that damn former tree god. It involves time travel, but it's okay; I will do my best to ensure that the present won't be affected that much. Although hard, I have to do my job, and the bonus salary is quite handsome.]

'So my next mission is involving this world and time travel? That's the first for me, but maybe worth doing. Is it about the former heroes or the past heroes of Shinju?'

[Exactly! It's about them. I want you to save them and change their cruel fate by keeping them far away from their doom. I think it will be an easy feast for you since it will be your second time to battle Vertexes, and maybe you can get Shinju's [Divine's Fragment] too in the past. The method of time traveling is not always one, but many. You can choose which one suits you the best, but I recommend using the MCU Time Travel one. "Changing the past doesn't change the future," Bruce Banner said in the movie.]

'And here I thought that we only stick to one method or theory. That's so convenient if I said, you know, but perfect to lessen the errors or anything. So I can always change the method I use for time travel, that's great.'

[Good, I take it you would do it, right? If so, I will take my leave and don't worry, I might give you another gift ready later. And considering you slowed down the time flow between two worlds, then you don't have to do it right away. Take it slow, and please do learn about some anti-aging magic that affects your body and soul if possible. Ciao!]

The message quickly disappeared, causing Eleonora to shake her head while sighing tiredly. Gin noticed that and asked her bluenette lover in curiosity.

"Eleonora? What's up? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing, I just… had something to talk about with everyone later when we meet up. I am curious of something."

"Is that so? At least don't hide it if that is important, okay? And don't shoulder everything by yourself! You can share it with everyone too. Got it?"

Eleonora nodded and merely laughed at Gin.

"Right, right. I tried my best to change that habit. Although if that is too dangerous for any of you, I have to make everyone except me sit that out so I can take it over. I don't want to risk my loved ones getting hurt or having something worse than that. I will totally go berserk if that happens."

Gin could only laugh when she heard that from Eleonora, who just smiled as she understood why the grey-haired girl reacted like that. But it's also something that Gin understands since Eleonora loves the people close to her, and she is also kind; that's why she will do whatever it takes to make her loved ones stay away from dangers.

The grey-haired girl then cleared her throat.

"Alright, but don't overdo it, okay? The last thing I and everyone wants is if you have gone berserk. At least use that as a last resort. I admit that in the past or the former me would be like that, but after spending my time in your world, I realized how stupid it is. I have to control myself better."

"I believe that you can, Gin. Everyone, even Sumi-san and Sonoko-san, also think that you will succeed in doing that. I will promise myself not to easily be swayed in emotion. I mean… so far, I haven't. But, of course, I will remind myself to do some training to keep myself calm."

"Okay, then we should not let them wait anymore! Come on, Eleonora!"

Gin said as she dragged Eleonora's arm and walked towards the directed place they wanted to go.


Sumi and Sonoko accompanied Ayako, Mao, Eri, Chiyuki, and Sonoka were currently in the gathering place mentioned to Eleonora and Gin. That place is the noodle store that Sonoko was discussed back in the shrine when they held a festival. Luckily, the size is big enough to accommodate the group since the owner said it was renovated two weeks ago and miraculously done in that time.

Not only udon, but it also has soba and many noodles. Although for Sumi, Sonoko, and Gin, their favorites are udon since it's really delicious than the rest of the noodles. Eleonora and her group could only sweatdrop because of their love for udon when they heard that. Their enthusiasm towards udon is… very unique and weird at the same time.

But it's not like they only eat udon. Sumi and her two best friends also liked other foods than udon, especially Chiyuki and Sonoka's cooking are so delicious, though… the one that surpasses them is Eleonora's cooking that tasted heavenly and made them have a foodgasm. Especially the special and unique udon Eleonora cook is far better than any udon they have tasted. The newly former two heroes of Shinju think that they would have to rely on Eleonora's udon from now on since it was heavenly and caused them mouthwatering whenever the smell went through, the presentation, and also the taste.

And while waiting for Eleonora with Gin, they decided to spend the time omitting a small and casual talk. The one that starts it is Washio Sumi or Sumi, one of the former heroes of Shinju, that loves her country, which is Japan, and people would call her nationalist. She decided to talk with Chiyuki and Sonoka since she thought those two were the best people she could ask about something.

"U-Um, Chiyuki-san, Sonoka-san… could I ask something?"

The two blinked and nodded before Chiyuki asked Sumi.

"Oh, yes. What is it, Sumi-chan?"

"I was wondering… do Eleonora-san… okay with having a new lover in her… harem?"

"Ah… yes, Leo-chan is okay with it. Sakura-san is already given her permission to do that. She is the one who leads Leo-chan's harem. But she is currently in our world, so that's why Sakura-san cannot join us right now."

A smile flashed on Sumi's lips; it's wide and obvious enough to make Chiyuki and Sonoka notice it. The two older sisters only covered their mouths in surprise before chuckling as they were amused seeing it. They exchanged a stare before nodding as Chiyuki and Sonoka already knew what was going on with Sumi.

'Sumi-chan wants to join Leo-chan's harem and be her lover, huh. Really, Leo-chan… you're amazing. I wonder what Sakura-san will think about it.'

'Not only Sumi-chan, but Noko-chan also has that sign. She shows a subtle hint of romantical interest in Leo-chan. Noko-chan may be oblivious of that, but she showed us that obvious sign. Anyone who sharp enough would immediately notice it.'

But then, Sumi's cheeks went red. She's flushed and thinking of something with Eleonora while both palms cover her cheeks. The black-haired girl with a ponytail develops a romantic feeling towards Eleonora; she realizes that and feels warm whenever the young bluenette appears in her mind.

"I hope Eleonora-san accepts me in her harem….'

She even said that in a low voice while having her cheeks red like a tomato. Sumi never fell in love with someone; she never had a romantic feeling with anyone, whether a boy or girl. She only knew of love stuff from Sonoko's novel, even though the writer herself never had an actual experience in that field.

Unfortunately, Chiyuki and Sonoka could hear what Sumi whispered on herself, which widened the smiles on their faces as they were happy that another person loved Eleonora again. But then, Sonoko, that went curious, butted off as she was asked something to either Chiyuki, Sonoka, or Sumi.

"Hey, hey! I want to ask something, Chiyuki-san, Noka-san!"

Seeing that, Sonoka then responds to it with a kind and polite smile and great patience.

"What is this, Noko-chan?"

"I wonder how exactly Eleonora-san so wonderful like that? She can defeat that many Vertexes on her own without our help! How powerful is she? I want to know if any of you know that."

"Hmm… I don't know much about it, maybe Ayako-san, Mao-san, or Eri-san the ones that can answer it?"

Sonoka offered the three she had mentioned, exchanging glances before nodding. Eri then stepped and The black-haired girl with glasses just giggled in amused seeing that before she spoke of it to the curious Sonoko, expressed so obvious on her face.

"Yes, Sonoko-san. Eleonora is powerful enough to defeat a god on her own. She possesses unimaginably vast power within herself, and I think she can still grow stronger by it. I feel her potential is limitless, and if I recall, she only started involved in supernatural only in a month or two."

This only made Sumi and Sonoko jaws drop when they heard that. The look of disbelief is evident on their faces, causing others to smile in amusement as it could be expected since Eleonora's growth is too fast. It feels like the young bluenette's existence is a cheat; she is a walking cheat that denies the impossible and possible by her absurd ways.

This made Sumi and Sonoko impressed even more with Eleonora. Sumi has the look of awe and admiration while Sonoko has her face beamed brightly with stars on her eyes. Both of them now understand why Gin loves Eleonora and is okay with the harem, despite sounding absurd and abnormal.

Ayako and Mao nodded in agreement with Eri. Chiyuki and Sonoka share the same sentiment with the three of them since they all believe that Eleonora has no limit and is bound to be powerful each time, might even surpass any gods out there.

'Eleonora-san is really amazing! No wonder people admire and love her so much!'

Yeah, no more ******* or advanced chapters for this novel so it is already free since I won't charge you anymore for those. So don't worry for the people who don't have the money or those that don't want to pay shit because it is posted on internet so it should be free since a certain someone said:

"My motto, if it's online, it's free. You can't make me pay for something that literally everyone has access to, I will not pay for your subscriptions, even if it's a crime! Nothing will stop me from pirating your shit! >:D"

Oh right, I made paypal.me and for those who don't want to be my patron, you can donate me through that. There is no bare minimum or anything, you can donate as much as you want.


P.S: For those who came to read and just comment me that they hate this kind of story, please don't bother to comment about your hate towards this story.

P.P.S: I hope my grammar improved from your knowledge, since I'm not good at judging myself.

And finally, for indonesian readers who wants to support me through donation, I've already made Saweria's link. Here is it: https://saweria.co/TetekGedeYuri

Gosh, I hope there is more readers to read this story. Oh right, please check the ******* since I have added new chapters and new tier!

You can also check the new cover I commissioned!

Also please share this novel to those who like it, so that it became popular.

And I did some editing in early chapters (Volume 01), so please check it if you want! Oh right, please take a look at my new fanfic/novel which is also yuri with futanari MC!

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