
FGO: Parallel chaos

The ordinary FGO player became the master of Chaldea. What can he do in this chaotic world that doesn't go according to the plot?

Gigai · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

Chapter 4. The quick death of Rider

Moving further and further, Victor's group found themselves next to a suspension bridge. This is the bridge where the king of heroes and the king of conquerors fought. But now only a pile of stones and beams remains of this bridge.

Archer, who was the eyes and ears of the team, turned his head to report on the situation.

"I detected a huge surge of magical power nearby. It comes from the side of the mountain. It seems that's where the holy grail is located. What are we going to do, Master?"

Victor looked at his group and decided that it was better for everyone to express their opinion. This will resolve some awkwardness in the group.

So Victor turned around and asked the others for their opinion.

Mash was the first to give her answer.

"I think we should get rid of the rest of the enemy servants first. Otherwise we won't be able to get to the grail."

Olga silently supported Mash's answer.

Archer also spoke positively about this proposal.

Nitocris, who was behind everyone, suddenly summoned several sphinxes (in the sixth singularity, Pharaoh gave them to her, well, okay).

Her ears twitched quickly, as if they had discovered danger.

"Be ready. I feel the approach of an enemy servant."

Suddenly, several chains appeared, which flew towards Victor.

Mash immediately put up a shield to protect her master, and Archer launched several arrows to destroy the chains.

After a short silence, a voice rang out.

"Finally, new toys have come to me. This time I will try not to break you as fast as my past ones"

A girl with a scythe appeared in front of the group. She looks very good, but what she sees in front of her is only her prey.

Mash was a little nervous. This was her first face-to-face encounter with an enemy servant.

Olga, though she didn't show it, was also very nervous.

Archer just looked at Rider calmly, as if he had seen her somewhere before.

Victor decided to share information about this servant with everyone else.

"This is Rider's servant, namely Medusa. She uses her hair as chains and wields a scythe. But the most dangerous thing about her is her mystical petrification eyes, so be careful."

Medusa was surprised and angry at the same time. What kind of servant likes it when her strengths and weaknesses are told so casually?

Archer, in turn, added his own word.

"I confirm. She also participated as Matou Shinji's servant in the Fifth Holy Grail War"

Victor, in turn, realized that this Archer was called from the UBW root.

Medusa, who recovered from the shock, fell into a stupor again after seeing Archer.

"Archer, why are you here? You're supposed to be guarding Saber. No wait, you're not that Archer right?"

"All right. Unlike that archer, I have my own master."

Medusa, in turn, laughed.

"How wonderful! I always didn't like your tone when you chased all the servants away from Saber. I will chop up your body so that that archer will understand that he will not be able to compete with me."

Medusa that wanted to attack suddenly spat out blood.

Everyone suddenly saw a scarlet spear that penetrated into Rider's heart.

The last thing she heard was: "Here's the last one"

After Medusa disappeared, a lancer appeared in its place.

"Yo Archer, why did you take so long with this servant? Can't you do anything without me?"

Lancer looked at Archer with a grin, as if saying that he was better than him.

Archer, as usual, gives his arguments.

"I think you should change your class to assassin. Although with your chatty mouth it's impossible."

Suddenly, two voices that were the same rang out.

"You damn red!"

Next to Lancer was another servant who looked very much like him.

Olga was in shock. Mash is at a loss. Nitocris wondered what to do in this situation. And Archer, who had just noticed the second Lancer-like servant, became very ill.

"Why are there Two Cu Chulins here!?"

Director Olga shouted. After all, it can't be that a servant can be called twice with the same personality.

Caster Cu began to explain the reason for this.

"As you can see, I was called by the holy grail for the role of caster, and the other one was called by the master of Chaldea. What kind of bad luck? I'd rather be drafted as a Lancer."

Lancer Cu grinned thinking about how lucky he was.

Victor asked Lancer about another servant, or rather another Archer.

This time Lancer smiled like he had never smiled before.

"Don't worry master. He was destroyed. I put my spear right in his head, or rather in his right eye."

Everyone felt a little creepy. Archer, in turn, restrained himself from shooting an arrow at Lancer right between his eyes.

"By the way, Caster Cu, let's make a master and servant contract. I don't want such an outstanding magician to disappear after the completion of the singularity."

Caster thought for a while and agreed. Although he didn't like Archer's presence, but since there is another Cu, it can be tolerated. It was as if he had found a spiritual brother.

"Master, if you're done here, then we need to hurry up the mountain. Climb on the sphinxes. And yes, don't look that they are so big. They run as fast as cheetahs when they see their prey"

Nitocris called the sphinxes who bent down and waited for them to sit on them.

Lancer Cu was the first to climb the sphinx.

"I would never have thought of riding a sphinx in a modern city. At least that's what it's worth following the master for."

Caster Cu agreed with his opinion.

When Victor, Mash, Archer and Nitocris boarded the sphinxes, only Olga remained.

"No way! I will never ride these creatures!"

Suddenly Olga shouted. Most likely she has a fear of any creatures.

Victor did not waste time arguing and asked Lancer to "politely" put Olga on the sphinx.

"Victor! I'll remember that for you! As soon as we get back to Chaldea, run as fast as you can!!!"

Then the sphinxes ran with incredible speed to the mountain under the screams of Olga, the laughter of Lancer and Victor who tried not to fall off the sphinx.