
FGO: Parallel chaos

The ordinary FGO player became the master of Chaldea. What can he do in this chaotic world that doesn't go according to the plot?

Gigai · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

Chapter 10. Summon

After yesterday, all the servants in Chaldea were a little depressed. If they weren't weak, they wouldn't have to endanger their master like that.

Usually, the servants that the master has summoned must protect him. But this only happens in the holy grail war. Here in Chaldea, the Master treats his servants as comrades. You know, most servants don't like being treated like weapons.

As a result, a meeting of all the servants in Chaldea, including Mash, was arranged.

If we say who is most depressed, it's Mash. She couldn't do anything to protect Victor. After all, she is his first servant and with her unique Shielder class, if you will not protect your master from destructive attacks, then what is the point of this class?

The first to break the silence was Lancelot.

"Based on the past singularity, I can say that unforeseen circumstances occurred that put us at risk together with Victor. Victor was also surprised by this phenomenon. I assume that this situation may arise again and we should become stronger as soon as possible. We were able to strengthen thanks to Victor, but we can't go any further. If this remains the case, then we will not be able to protect our master and the fate of all mankind will disappear with the master."

Lancelot frowned and expressed his opinion about the situation in the singularity. After that, Archer began to express his opinion.

"I completely agree with Lancelot, but I already discussed the problem of ascension with the master yesterday after returning from the singularity. He said that we need special materials that can improve and strengthen our holy count in order to increase our total amount of magic power and its output. The master also said that we would get new skills, but I still didn't understand it."

After Archer's words, all the servants in the meeting room breathed a sigh of relief. Who wouldn't want to get stronger to protect their master?

"So when will we be able to ascension?" Said Lancer Cu who was holding a spear on his shoulders.

"When our master wakes up and performs the ascension ceremony" Custer Cu said while playing with fire in his hands.

Nitocris was waiting for the master to summon her Pharaoh, Bedivere began discussing with Lancelot about countermeasures in case of an unforeseen situation.

At the same time, Mash received a message on her communicator. She turned to the others and said: "The Master has woken up. He told us to gather in the command center to discuss further actions."

Without wasting a minute, all the servants quickly gathered in the command center. There were several Chaldean workers, Dr. Roman, Da Vinci and Victor.

Victor looked at his servants with a little zeal and said, "As you understood from the last singularity, we will now always face unforeseen dangers that we will not be able to trace, but I have also discovered a way to become even stronger for us. With the help of a simulation using the magic power of Chaldea, we will be able to clear training dungeons to obtain items with which we can strengthen. Therefore, until a new singularity is found, we will go through these dungeons non-stop."

After Victor's words, all the servants started talking to each other about it.

"Master, can I ask you a question?"Raising his hand, Bedivere said.

Victor looked a little surprised at Bedivere, who was by nature a little quiet and nodded.

"You said that the magic power of Chaldea would be used for the simulation, but where would such a large amount of magical energy come from in the modern world?"

Victor replied with understanding: "The Holy Grail we received in the last singularity can provide us with enough magical power to maintain the simulation."

Victor also went on to say, "Before going into the simulation, I would like to summon a few more servants, as well as hold an ascension ceremony for all of you. Based on our formation, we lack a rider, a berserker and an assassin to fill the void in our ranks."

Hearing that the Master was going to summon new servants upset all the servants a little. After all, this means that they are very weak, but then they all servants quickly came to their senses. What Victor said was true. And besides, they can become stronger in the simulation.

Victor looked through various banners with powerful servants inside the system until a notification came from the system.

[Due to anomalies in the past singularity, a one-time limited banner was created that includes the Rider, Berserker and Assassin classes. You will be able to use x20 summons at once with a guarantee that you will get servants in each class with a rank of SR and higher]

Victor was surprised by such generosity, but then the voice of the system lowered his joy.

[This is the only time you are given this opportunity. Since you first encountered the anomaly]

Victor tried not to think about the bad and began the ritual of summoning servants. Twenty magic circles appeared on the ground. After some time, four silhouettes appeared from them.

The first person to come out of the draft circle was an elderly man in a Chinese combat uniform. But despite his age, there was a huge strength from him, like a sleeping dragon.

Next came a little man with a slightly tanned skin color. He was holding a staff in his hands and was dressed in Egyptian style. Looking at him, you can immediately understand that he was once a king.

The next person out of the summoning circle was a woman who was dressed as a ninja. You can see that she is actually a doll.

And the last to come out was a man with a scarlet spear. There were various scarlet tattoos on his body, and behind him was a tail with various bone protrusions.

[The bonus banner is over. I congratulate you on the call of servants:

Assasin: Li Shuwen

Raider: Ozymandias

Assasin: Katou Danzo

Berserker: Cu Alter]