
Feyborne Chronicles

In the blink of an eye, my life transforms as a mysterious spell sweeps me away to a realm beyond imagination. This captivating journey thrusts me into a new identity and challenges me to navigate the intricate politics of the Fey, a people unable to lie but never share what they mean. Meanwhile, my dearest friend, Adrian, is destined to become their king. However, the most astonishing twist of all is being declared the new daughter of this world's Goddess. The catch? "But I'm a man!" Now, I must master the art of Illusion magic while adapting to the role of a proper Lady. I find myself in the peculiar embrace of the infamous Cheshire Cat's family. Amidst the chaos, the strangest part is Adrian's evolving attitude. "Did you just call me pretty?"

Islorae · ファンタジー
37 Chs

Chapter 14: Alex's Tea Party Education

The hand that had gently guided me through the portal belonged to Lysandra, just as I had suspected. She wore a smile, clearly amused by my reaction to this sudden change in scenery. Without a word, she turned and began walking in another direction, gesturing for me to follow.

As I trailed behind her, taking in the sights of this remarkable treetop city, I realized that each step in the Fey realm was a journey into the extraordinary. The seamless integration of nature and Fey ingenuity in this city was yet another example of the boundless possibilities in this world.

Walking through the streets of this treetop city, I observed the nuances of Fey culture, finding it vastly different from the urban environments I was accustomed to. The usual hustle and bustle of city life, with its cacophony of sounds and hurried movements, was absent here. In its place was a serene, almost nonchalant atmosphere. The Fey moved with a relaxed grace, their actions unhurried yet purposeful.

The vendors at the stalls, unlike the aggressive hawkers I had known, didn't shout to attract customers. Instead, they greeted passersby with warm smiles and an inviting demeanor. It was a refreshing change, a culture where the hard sell was replaced by a more personal and engaging approach.

As Lysandra led the way, I noticed the reaction of those around us. People gave her a wide berth, not out of fear but out of respect. Her presence commanded attention, and it was evident she was held in high regard. This deference intrigued me and hinted at her importance within the Fey community.

I had been informed that the Summer Court was not particularly welcoming to other Fey, especially those from different courts. However, the atmosphere in this part of the city seemed more open and inclusive. It made me wonder if the aloofness of the Summer Court was more a trait of its higher echelons rather than a reflection of the common Fey populace.

As I walked alongside Lysandra through the vibrant streets of the Fey city, a question began to form in my mind. "Hey, Lysandra. I was wond..." But before I could finish, she halted abruptly and turned to face me. Placing a finger to her lips, she gestured for silence. I instantly understood and mimicked zipping my mouth shut. Lysandra nodded in approval, and we resumed our walk.

As we moved through the crowd, I couldn't help but notice the curious glances and hushed whispers directed my way. Some of the Fey onlookers even scrutinized me more openly, their gazes lingering with a mix of curiosity and speculation. It made me wonder, what about my presence or actions had sparked such a reaction?

Was it my unfamiliar appearance, or perhaps something more subtle, like my mannerisms or the way I walked? Maybe it was simply the fact that I was in the company of Lysandra, who clearly held a position of respect and influence in this society. Whatever the reason, it was clear that I stood out in this setting.

As Lysandra and I progressed, we arrived at the base of an immense tree whose trunk was encircled by a spiraling staircase. Instead of heading towards the stairs, however, Lysandra approached the trunk itself, where two young Fey guards stood watch. Their recognition and immediate nod to Lysandra indicated her status and authority. They allowed her to pass without question, and she glanced back at me, motioning for me to follow. The guards also permitted me to pass, a gesture that hinted at my association with Lysandra.

Reaching the tree trunk, Lysandra walked straight into it and vanished as if passing through an unseen portal. 'Another one of these,' I thought. It seemed such magical gateways were a common feature in the Fey world, yet their presence was not always obvious without some indication, like the presence of guards.

Following Lysandra through the invisible gateway, I emerged into an entirely new scene. Unlike before, Lysandra didn't pause; she continued walking ahead with purpose. I, however, was momentarily rooted to the spot, completely captivated by the sight before me.

A majestic castle stood tall and proud in the distance, its architecture unlike anything I had ever seen. Instead of stone, the castle was constructed from white-barked trees, their natural forms seamlessly integrated into the design. Each of the four tall spires was adorned with leaves of different colors, creating a vibrant and organic tapestry that blended beautifully with the surroundings.

The path leading to the Fey castle was paved with white stone, contrasting strikingly against the verdant landscape. Either side of the path was lined with an assortment of stunning red roses, their petals a vivid splash of color against the white stone.

The air was filled with the refreshing scent of morning dew and carried a cooling breeze, the kind that only graces the early hours of a summer day. It was invigorating and brought a sense of calm to my mind as I hastened to catch up with Lysandra.

Navigating in the dress proved to be a challenge, and I stumbled a few times, cursing the garment silently for its impracticality. Lysandra glanced back, a hint of amusement on her face as she saw my struggles. We soon reached a fork in the path, where we veered left, then left again at the next split. Lysandra pointed to the right, off the path, where a small building sheltered a figure sitting at a table in the shade. As we drew closer, I recognized the figure as Lady Solara Sunbloom, attended by two women in maid attire.

Approaching the structure, Lysandra performed a curtsy before taking a seat. I quickly followed suit, trying my best to replicate her elegant gesture, and then sat opposite her. Lady Solara silently sipped her tea, her demeanor composed.

"Much improved, but still much more to go," Solara commented, breaking the silence. "Good morning, Ladies. You are behind today, but it is not outside of what I anticipated." Her gaze then shifted to Lysandra, inquiring about the morning's proceedings. Lysandra responded with a hand gesture that indicated a mediocre experience. I was slightly taken aback, having thought our morning had gone relatively well.

Solara's comment and Lysandra's response were clear reminders that in the Fey world, standards were high, and expectations were even higher. My journey of adaptation and learning was just beginning, and it was evident that the road ahead would be filled with challenges and lessons.

Solara's smile widened as she turned her attention to me. "How did your evening go? Any exploratory adventures?" she inquired, a playful edge to her voice.

I felt an involuntary frown start to form but quickly tried to mask it. My blush I failed to do so. "No, it's not really high on my priority list, if you can believe it. It's... awkward," I admitted, feeling a bit out of my depth in this new world. Solara's giggle at my response was light and understanding.

"As anyone would imagine it to be," she acknowledged. "So, normally, I would see you two much earlier than this. Today is an exception, of course. Our daily activities will vary depending on the unfolding agenda. My mother likes to keep everyone on their toes." Her words painted a picture of a dynamic and ever-changing court life.

Lysandra, sitting beside me, let out a soft, exasperated sigh. Solara quickly responded to her reaction, "Don't be like that. You know how busy she can get. She needs all the help she can get." Lysandra's raised eyebrow seemed to challenge this statement, prompting Solara to continue, "Yes, yes, I know. She can be extreme at times, but these are unprecedented times. Especially now with the arrival of a new Fey lord. There's likely to be a lot of political maneuvering in the courts."

Her words hinted at the intricate web of politics and power plays within the Fey realm. It was a complex world, one where alliances and strategies were constantly shifting.

Remaining silent during Solara and Lysandra's conversation seemed the best choice, given my limited understanding of Fey society and politics. I sipped the tea offered to me, grateful for the small comfort it provided, and thanked the maid who served it. Her beaming smile in response was a warm reminder of the friendly nature of the Fey.

Solara's gaze then shifted to me, as if reading my thoughts. "So Alex, during the day we must act in a formal capacity, always. A lot of our society is built upon certain expectations and laws. Fey adhere to the letter of those laws but not the spirit," she explained.

"As such, any perceived weakness will be exploited. Therefore, it is imperative that you follow my directions closely. Never refer to each other on a first-name basis outside our private circle, especially in the land ruled by the courts. Lysandra and I are both destined to become queens of our courts in time. Unfortunately, while you are a Lady of the Fey, it would be improper for you to address us as equals. Do you understand?" Solara asked.

Lysandra's intense gaze fell upon me, driving home the importance of Solara's words. I realized my earlier mistake in addressing Lysandra so informally. To those around us, it could have either implied her weakness or my disrespect. Given their deference to her, the latter seemed more likely. It was a high bar set from the start, and I hoped that this misstep could be brushed off without any significant repercussions.

I nodded in understanding. "It doesn't sound much different from how things were in my old world. Where I came from, in the west, we had a more relaxed view of such formalities, but class distinction was always there, subtly replaced by wealth."

Solara's nod was one of understanding. "That makes sense. In the human world, wealth is often a substitute for power. But here, wealth is insignificant compared to the power one can wield through magic," she explained with a smile. "Now, let's discuss Power. In our world, that equates to magic. Every Fey possesses unique magic, inherited from a source. The Summer and Spring courts draw theirs from the earth and new life, while Autumn and Winter courts are aligned with the loss thereof. Then there's the magic all Fey share, drawn from the world itself. We gain as much as we contribute. Harm the world, break your word, and you'll find your power diminishing. To survive, you must learn the basics of magic and adhere to standard court etiquette. Once you've mastered these, we can move on to more advanced steps."

Curious, I asked, "What are the next steps?"

"Mastering your personal, unique magic and consolidating power," Solara replied. "As a Lady of the Fey, you will be expected to enforce your Queen's will, especially as a Cheshire in the Winter Courts. We'll discuss consolidation strategies later. For now, I don't believe you're quite ready for that." She took a sip of her tea and gently set the cup down.

I quickly finished my tea, placing the cup on the table, only to receive a disapproving shake of the head from Lysandra. Solara clarified, "A lady does not gulp her tea down like a drunk gnome. It's acceptable to leave your tea unfinished in these situations." With that lesson in mind, she stood and indicated for us to follow her. We had appointments to attend.

Lysandra and I rose to follow Solara as she led us down another path, explaining various aspects of the Fey grounds. She spoke of the different flowers and animals they raised, the practices for cultivating a garden, and even mentioned a troublesome Mankin who had wandered into their realm a few years back.

I bet I knew who too.