
Chapter 4. That is one big...

AN: Here is the new chapter. I hope you enjoy it.


I woke up with Rebekah's crystal blue eyes staring at my face. "Good morning."

"Morning, Bekah. When did you wake up?"

Before answering, she turned around and snuggled her back to my front, my cock lodged between her thighs as she ground her pussy on it.

"Few minutes ago, you looked so peaceful while asleep."

"That's because I have you in my arms," I say as one of my arms starts groping Rebekah's breast while the other one travels down and starts playing with her clit.

"Mmm... that feels nice..."

"I am glad," I say as my fangs extend and I bite into her shoulder, instantly triggering an orgasm from her, making her thighs tighten even more around my length and her cunt gush juice all over it.

"We should get up," I say after some time as I play with Rebekah's blonde hair.

"Mmhm," she murmurs in agreement, but keeps snuggling into me, not moving away at all.

"Fine... but only a few more minutes," I sigh out.


Rebekah and I spent a month or so in our little hidden camp, only going out near a native village and feeding on their hunters when they left to hunt. It turned out that Rebekah also had telepathy, which came in handy in ensuring that the hunters wouldn't remember us feeding on them.

I still don't know for sure where the power came from. This world has natural psychics, so it could have been something we inherited and our transformation awakened it, or it could be remnants of our short time as original vampires. I guess the only way to find out is to turn a few vampires into Feravores and see what happens, which I don't plan on doing.

Feravores, while physically weaker than the vampires my mother created, have a relatively easy time learning sorcery, while Esther's vampires cannot use magic at all, with some extremely rare exceptions.

Sorcerers can be extremely powerful depending on their intelligence and imagination, so I don't plan to turn anyone who isn't loyal to me.

Time Rebekah and I didn't spend sleeping or eating was spent training. I practiced my sorcery while Rebekah tried to figure out something for herself. Unsurprisingly, she didn't get far; it takes a long time for sorcerers to accomplish anything notable. Rebekah is actually quite advanced compared with anyone else who just started; she can already feel and move mana through her body, and she has only slightly less mana than I do, with me having more only because I have an easier time exercising my mana since I have sorcery.


"So what's the plan?" Rebekah and I were all packed, with our camp left behind, as we made our way north when she asked that.

"I am not entirely sure, but it would be incredibly stupid to try sailing to get off the continent. We would probably just get lost at sea."

'On that note, how much luck did our brothers have to actually end up in Europe?'

And I knew they did end up in Europe, not only based on the show but also scrying I did yesterday. It was quite easy, especially since I have a blood connection to them.

Anyways, back to answering Rebekah. "I was thinking we make our way across the continent, explore, and try to find a way to get to the Old World."

Rebekah nodded in understanding. Honestly, I trust Rebekah, and there is no reason to hide anything from her, but I feel like she would be overwhelmed if I shared all my plans with her right now. We both had a lot happen to us this last month, but while I was prepared for it to some extent, Rebekah wasn't. On top of that, Rebekah's understanding of the world is extremely limited, composed only of life in our village and Esther's stories.

So I wish to give her time to adjust to the world and gather experience, maybe discover her sorcery. But I don't want to wait long; I plan to share my plans with her once we settle in Europe.

For now, I wanted to explore the continent a bit, but I don't plan to waste too much time on it. We will have as much time for that as we want later; right now, we need to get an understanding of the world, especially its supernatural aspects, and for that, we need to be in Europe.

The Americas are too isolated, and the supernatural community doesn't really exist here independently. Mostly, it is integrated with the mundane. Japan and China should be in a similar position regarding isolation, at least if I remember my history correctly. But the biggest reason to go to Europe is that I know European countries will soon start spreading their influence all over the world, and I want to be established there when it happens.

So we are heading north because I remembered that there is a place there that is extremely close to Asia. I think some people have even swum from North America to Asia there.

We started running north first in our human form, but we quickly discovered a difference in the speed we had as original vampires and now, so we shifted into our hybrid forms.

Quickly my hair grew and became wild, with streaks of black through it. My eyes turned from pure gray to gray with purple seeping through them, as in my full lion form. My face became more lionine overall, with my height growing and my muscles becoming bigger. Claws grew on my hands and feet, and all my teeth became sharp, with my fangs prominent. I also grew more hair all over my body, especially on my arms and chest.

Rebekah, next to me, went through similar transformations, the only difference being her eyes, which stayed the same ice blue, and less hair growth.

This transformation boosted everything physical about us: making us faster, stronger, our senses sharper, and so on.

In this form, we were able to travel much easier and faster.


It took us probably a month to get to what would later become Alaska, and a few weeks there to find the place I was looking for.

In all honesty, it wasn't that hard to find it with my sorcery. I just copied Harry Potter and enchanted a twig to show me what I was looking for, which surprisingly required quite a bit of mana, probably because of the distance it had to search.

Anyway, during our trip here, we saw many interesting things. We saw what I think was a Yeti tribe and a few werewolf tribes; we were chased by a gigantic bear that radiated magic.

We mostly avoided humans, but we did see something interesting. It was probably somewhere in what will become California. There was a giant tree that gave off similar magic to the white oak under which we lived.

The tree reminded us of stories Esther told us, about branches of Yggdrasil. Immortal trees that grow at locations where the veil between the spiritual world and ours is thin. These trees attract supernatural beings and protect them, making scrying for someone who lives near the tree impossible.

Unfortunately, there was a tribe of wolves living around the tree, so I didn't get to examine it properly. But my magical sense told me that there is much more to that tree than it appears at first look. It felt alive and like it looked at me when I was sending my mana towards it.


Anyway, now that we've reached our goal, I was explaining to Rebekah that if we passed here, we could get to the Old World.

"Why don't we stay here awhile? In the old world are our siblings and probably Mikael."

"I promise Bekah we will avoid our siblings, but it is important that we get to the old world. But look at it from the positive side; we won't need to hide from humans in the old world; we will fit into society. That means new clothes, beds..."

"Smell of shit... but fine. How are we going to get there again?"

At that question, I smiled. "First, I am going to steal a boat from that village we passed."

"Fine. While you are doing that, I am going to make myself a bow." "A bow?"

"Yes. I felt useless. You have your sorcery, but I am not getting anywhere. So I want a weapon."

I could only shrug at that. It was true that Rebekah didn't make much progress with her sorcery, so if she wanted a weapon, that was fine.


The next day, the weather was clear. Rebekah and I found ourselves on a fishing boat sailing toward Asia.

Normally, this would be a bad idea, but I have been continuously casting an enchantment that strengthened and propelled the boat; add to that the twig navigation, and we were golden.

Until we weren't... "The fuck is that?"

"A giant sea snake!" was the answer I got, and indeed it was a giant sea snake, complete with greenish-blue scales, red glowing eyes, oh, and let's not forget a giant maw with what looked like a thousand razor-sharp teeth.

"Can you make the boat faster?"

"I can, but I don't know if it will be enough. If I make it too fast, it might fall apart!"

At my answer Rebekah pulled out a bow she made and started shooting arrows at the snake. Unfortunately they weren't particularly effective.

"Try putting mana in them!" "I am trying!"

"Concentrate, Bekah! It is your mana; it is part of you! It must move as you will it!"

Rebekah's arrow shone the same color as her eyes: a beautiful icy blue, before it flew and lodged itself between the snake's eyes, piercing its brain and killing it


AN: I plan to post a chapter weekly, so the next one is coming next week.