
Feral High

Finding a way to release herself from the chains and shackles of a dragon curse, Serena Bakerson is offered to enter the Feral High where she learns how to manipulate and control her power as well as find the way to free herself from the dragon curse that will surely return herself to her peaceful normal life. -- Serena awakened as a feral at the day she turned sixteen. Since then, she tried so hard to keep it as a secret for two years. But until that present day, she loses control in public as the ability and strength of her power grows stronger. She's offered to enter Feral High where awakened ferals like her are kept safe and educated to live with the humankind peacefully and as they are offered to either live the way they are and help other awakened ferals or help them release theirselves from feral curses. The competition for the cure of feral curse is high and only top 10 can get it. As she spent her days at Feral High, she gains friends, learns survival of the fittest, competes with the strongests, experiences betrayal, and finds love. Will she either choose to happily live and stay the way she is? Or stay determined to return herself to her peaceful normal life? "Long live the reckless and the brave..."

Yasmin_ · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1


"ARE you not feeling well, Serena? Hey?"

A soft voice in a worried tone coming from my seatmate looks at me while nervously glancing back at the teacher in front explaining the lesson just to be not caught.

I looked back at her nervously and smiled, showing that 'I'm alright, don't mind me' but the truth is I'm enduring an inexplicable excruciating pain.

I held my stomach and winced in pain.

Good thing I hid my face behind a stack of books on my desk so that the teacher won't notice.

I just don't want disturbing attention that's why.

But just what shit am I going to do with this pain?

This just started the moment the class started.

This is too disturbing.

Ah. I wanna go home so bad.

"Teacher! Excuse me, Serena is having a stomach ache!" my seatmate boldly raised her hand up and made the teacher stopped lecturing.

Kill me.

Just kill me instead.

Ah. This is embarrassing.

But thank you, whoever this seatmate is, I badly wanna go home and deal with this pain.

"Alright, take her to the clinic. Hurry." Teacher considerately responded.

My seatmate stood up and walked to me. I raised my head so I got to take a look at everyone's expressions.

Worried. Confused. Bored. Shit. Now I'm more embarrassed.

"Please, girl, stand up. I can't carry you, you know? Why don't we ask your crush-- OW!" I stopped her nonsense by pinching her side waist.

"Just... take me to... the clinic.. already." I said weakly because of the pain.

"Oh my ghad, are you really okay? How bad is your stomach ache?!" This seatmate panickedly asked while helping me to stand up.

Out of 100 percent, it's damn 98.9999 percent. Too painful. I can't even believe I can still endure this.

This seatmate supported me to walk towards the clinic. Slowly but surely.

And while we are on our way to the clinic, I felt something familiar.

Too familiar that I frequently deal with this almost everyday.


"Hey.. I left something... important.. can you get.. it?" I weakly asked.

"What is it?" She responded.

"Blue bottle... it's small.. please get it.. " I couldn't say properly at this situation of mine.

I mean, if you're in my situation and enduring a shitty pain, do you have enough energy to talk properly?

Oh please, 3/4 of my brain is focused on how painful it is that I'm feeling right now.

"Ok, I'll get it later. I'll take you to the clinic, first." She replied.

"No.. please.. I need it now.. I can get myself there.. on my own... " I pleaded calmly.

"Are you sure-- what the fuck is that?!" She unintentionally took a glance at my back and have seen something she shouldn't.

She stopped supporting me and distanced herself away while her eyes are straight looking at my back.

Damn it.

Because of this pain, I couldn't concentrate on keeping in control my secret.

"Calm.. down.. please.. " I weakly kneeled in pain.

"I-Is that a lizard tail?" she scaredly asked.

What do you mean 'a lizard tail'? Does it look like a lizard tail to you?!

It's a dragon tail!

Argh. Forget it.

"No.. it's not.." I closed my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows in pain.

She didn't listen.

She took out her phone at was about to take a picture of it but she stopped out of shock by the next thing happened.

My horns came out.

My wings came out as well.

My nails are getting sharper.

My cheeks are showing dragon scales.

And the pupils of my eyes changed to vertical.

Ah. This time. I knew. I fucked up.

"W-Woah." She's surprised.

She started taking a video of me and waiting for what I'm about to do.

This is bad.

My secret is exposed now.

Not only I am bothered by the pain but now my secret is going to be known.

I don't even have the strength now to ask her stop taking a video.

I breath heavily because of the pain.

But now I'm starting to realize the cause of this pain.

It's probably because of my powers forcibly growing since I've been keeping it in control. Now, what am I going to do?

This situation right now is getting dangerous.

I returned my attention at her and she's rather more excited to see what's about to happen.

This crazy idiot!

"Look away! Or do you badly want to die?!" I yelled at her.

"W-What?" She became confused.

Right before she notices, starting from her feet, she's becoming a stone.

My eyes widened as I helplessly look at this idiot becoming a stone before she could even realize it.

Not another one.

I was taken aback by her becoming a stone statue and unintentionally touched the grass. The grasses became stone and whatever the grasses touched also indiscriminately became stones and it continues to turn everything else to stones.

Students, teachers, and other co-workers in this school noticed how everything are slowly becoming stones.

They all panicked and it became a huge commotion.

I'm slowly losing consciousness because it takes a lot of my energy to turn everything to statue stones.

I couldn't control it.

I couldn't do anything about it.

I couldn't live peacefully with this dragon curse.

The sadder I think, the angrier I get to be. The angrier I get to be, the more ferocious and faster my power turns everything and everyone in this school to statue stone.

I forced myself to stand up despite the excruciatingly pain.

I plan to force my power to calm down and put it under control.

If I could get lucky enough, I could turn everything back to the way it used to be and everyone back to normal.

And when I'm about to stood up, unexpectedly, my legs suddenly weakened and made me fell down.

The impact from my fall made me ended up losing my consciousness...