

"Let's begin." Reginald said as he waited for Fenrir to shoot a fireball out of the palm of his hand.

After what happened yesterday, Reginald had planned out a training regiment similar to the one's at the magic academy. He didn't want Fenrir to be the weakest student there.

He knew Fenrir had much to learn, and compared to the other students who would be attending, they had years to study before entering the academy. Reginald didn't think this would be a problem though. Even though he failed to summon the demon he wanted to, Fenrir was stronger that it. So he knew it was likely thst Fenrir would become stronger at a faster pace than his previous plan accounted for.

Fenrir shot a fireball into the air. It was smaller than a human head, and it disappeared into nothing when it went shot too far away.

"Again." Reginald shouted. "Keep going until you run out of magic."

Reginald's plan was to have Fenrir use all of his magic until it ran out, then when it filled back up, he would do the same thing. This was the only way to increase ones magical rank. It would take a long time, but he would check Fenrir's progress everyday to see how well it was working.

In the academy and political framework of the country, rankings determined the future of a mage. Reginald knew there was a chance he wouldn't live long enough to see his plan come to fruition, amd he had accounted for that as well.

Everytime Fenrir would get tired, Reginald would order him to keep going. Using this much magic would quickly drain Fenrir of his stamina as well, even though he felt tired, Fenrir could keep going until he couldn't stand up anymore.

When Fenrir finally fell to his knees, Reginald knew it was time to give his body a break. However, his training was not over just yet. He took out a book from out of nowhere and handed it to Fenrir.

Fenrir wanted to complain, but he knew Reginald was only doing this to make him stronger. 'I have to get stronger than that rabbit.' He thought.

After Fenrir took the book, he eyes widened when he realized it was a spell book. Usually, people would learn one spell at a time because they were sold individually. However, academy books not only had spells, but explained magic theory in certain fields of magic.

He eyes went on the title. 'A beginner's guide to body and item enhancement inscriptions.' Unlike spells, inscriptions could be placed on objects or the body and be activated by another person. As long as they weren't destroyed, they would always last.

While body enhancements could be activated using spells, casting a spells required some concentration to activate. It's unusuall for someone to be able to activate two spells at once, this is because spells have a similar structure to inscriptions, but they need to be created everytime you cast one. However, they don't require as much magic to active.

This means that both methods have thier downsides. However, most people used both methods. Enhancements to increase the durability of armor, and spells for attacking.

For body enhancers, they would increase their toughness, strength, and agility. Some preferred only using this method because they like how inscriptions would active instantly when spells took a few milliseconds to activate. This time difference wouldn't be a problem most of the time, however, if you were to fight someone with an abnormally fast reaction time, they would have a slight advantage.

Reginald gave Fenrir time to read through the book, and he had tried making the inscriptions before he knew enough about them.

While flowing magic through his finger, he would draw the inscriptions on some objects he found lying around the house. However, the results were less than satisfying. None of the inscriptions seemed to work. So he decided it was best to take his time instead of rushing through it.

Reginald would have Fenrir train his magic spells in the morning while learning inscriptions at night. It got to the point where Reginald felt that Fenrir's determination outdid his own and decided to let him train by himself. He was making good progress, so he didn't feel the need to butt in.

This also gave Reginald time to finish up the lessons he had to prepare for the upcoming school year.

When Fenrir was first summoned, Reginald had checked his magic rank with that special device. The total number that it had displayed was twenty five. This was at the lower teir of rank D. The maximum would be one hundred. As the tiers rose, so would the number at a greater rate. Tier C would have a maximum rating of five hundred. Meaning that their magic reserves and power output is five times stronger than that of a top tier rank D mage.

A week went by and Reginald had forgotten to check Fenrir's progress. So before Fenrir got in any training in the morning, Reginald got out the device to check.

The device displayed the number thirty seven. Reginald raised an eyebrow when he saw the number. 'He might make it to the next rank before the school year. This isn't half bad.'

A few more days had passed, Fenrir was making decent progress on his inscriptions. After testing his progress on some household items and seeing them become more durable, he decided it was time to perform his first body enhancment inscription.

It took another few days to get it right. He had gotten down the increased durability for items, but using it in the body was different. Not only did he have to increase his defense, but his speed and strength as well.

To test it, he would perform a couple tasks. The first was to test his speed and agility. He would practice climbing a tree as fast as he could while counting the seconds in his head. He would do this without the inscriptions being activated first.

He looked up at the large tree before he began. He wanted to find the best route to the top. Now that he thought about it a little more, there was something he wanted to try first.

He stood next to the tree and jump as high as he could. Extending his arm as far as it could go, he used one of his claws to make a mark on the tree bark. Next, he activated the inscriptions and did the same thing again. This time, his eye level was only a few inches away from the previous mark.

The inscription had worked. His body was stronger than it had ever felt before.

Using this method, he was able to tweak the inscriptions until he was no longer able to make them any better.