
Crimson Dawn

At Reginald's house, Fenrir was taking his anger out on the trees in the front yard with his fists. He was angry that Reginald didn't allow him to take the ring off when he was outside. Sure, he had to make a new one for him after he lost the first one. A human had also seen him in his wolf form, but none of that mattered to him. All he wanted to do was to feel the breeze running through his fur.

"Being a human gets boring. Can't I just kill everyone? Then Reginald wouldn't make me wear this thing."

Fenrir took a short break before he continued to train once again. He punched and kicked trees until he had to wait once again for the bones his bones to heal.

Just as he thought about taking off the ring again, he saw something he never would have expected to see.

Two humans were walking towards the house. They didn't notice Fenrir, so they ended up walking right up to the house and knocking on the door.

After killing knocking on the door several times with no answer. They assumed Reginald was probably out running an errand or too busy working on his projects in that basement of his. When they turned around, they saw a teenage boy walking towards them.

Fenrir approached the two of them. The woman had blond long blond hair that reached down to her waist. She wore a magic a white robe with a blue trim.

Standing next to her is a young man with black hair. He wore something similar to a black suit.

"Is Reginald home? We expected to talk to him this evening." The woman said.

The man next to her who had a confused look on his face, checked his pockets until he found the item he was looking for. "Um...I may have forgotten to send him this letter."

"You did what?" The woman shouted. "How is he supposed to know we were coming if you didn't send it?" She asked as she lifted her hand in the air to cast a large water ball above her head.

"I'm sorry, Miss Holly." The man said as he bowed towards her. "My incompetence has failed you again, I deserve to be punished."

After the man finished his words, Holly flung the water ball at him and it send him flying at least ten yards away.

Without checking to see if the man was okay, she turned her attention back to Fenrir. "Is Reginald home?"

"No. He went to the capital to fetch something." Fenrir replied.

"How inconvenient. A trip like that will take a while. When did he leave?"


She cursed under her breath after hearing this and glanced at the man as if she wanted to punish him more. However, she asked Fenrir another question. "Are you the one he summoned?"

"Summoned?" Fenrir asked not wanting to give her any information that might give away who he really is.

"That ring." She said as she pointed at Fenrir's finger. "Show me your true form."

"True form?" Fenrir asked again not knowing what her true intentions are.

Holly's eye started to twitch out of annoyance. "We work with Reginald...."

Before Holly could finish her sentence. The man she had shot had grabbed Fenrir's arm and pulled it towards himself. 'When did he get up?' Fenrir thought.

"This ring, right here." The man shouted as he took off Fenrir's ring.

As Fenrir changed back into a werewolf, Holly and the man were a little shocked by what they saw. At the same time, they started to wonder if all demons looked like this.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Holly said. "We weren't sure if you were the demon he summoned or not, we had to make sure before we told you who we are. We are a pet of the organization that wants to take down the royal family."

"Reginald never mentioned an organization. I thought I would be killing them all by myself."

Holly shook her head when she heard this. "I can't believe that man didn't tell you anything. Most of us didn't agree with summoning a demon, that's why we never helped. But we weren't against the idea either. But now that you're here, it wouldn't hurt to prepare you for what's coming."

"That crazy bastard really did it." The man said. "Killing innocent people to help us all get our revenge."

"We don't have high hopes for you." Holly said. "I think Reginald thought of you as a plan B. Just in case we couldn't get the job done. Shows you how much he trusts our power."

Fenrir couldn't think of anything to say. All of this was new to him. And finding out that summoning him wasn't the main plan made him feel weak.

"We were wondering why he wasn't using his transponder to communicate with us." Holly said. "Perhaps he didn't think we would be pleased that he actually went through with it."

Holly handed Fenrir a small round metallic sphere and told him it is a communication device. "Since Reginald won't talk to us, you'll have to do. We'll call you at the end of each week so you can inform us on anything important. Also, we might give you some missions. Just don't mention this to Reginald."

This came as a shock to Fenrir. Not only was Reginald hiding information from him, now he would have to do the same. On top of that, Fenrir would have to work for a secret organization he didn't know anything about. However, if this helped quicken the pace of defeating the royal family and gaining his freedom for completing the contract. Then he would help in anyway possible.

"What's the name of this organization of yours?" Fenrir asked.

"We are called Crimson Dawn." Holly replied.

"And you can call me, Blake." The man replied.

Just after Blake introduced himself, Holly performed a roundhouse kick right to his face. "Why didn't you introduce yourself sooner? Proper etiquette means you say your name first and then the organization you belong to."

Fenrir thought that kick would have easily broken Blake's nose, but he was fine. He started to wonder what this guy is made of.