
Planning a date with Ms. Jin

"Well I'm sorry I'm talking about the plan and how I think it's going to go bad but what we came here for today was something else." Said Secretary Kim

"It's fine well it's almost time for me to go home because tomorrow the plan is going to begin."

Said Ms. Jin

"Please don't go yet I would like to tell you and ask you something."

"Ok, what would you like to ask and and tell me?"

"Well would you like to go on a real date next time since this one isn't what I wanted it to be?"

(In secretary Kim's head)

Am I blushing?

I hope she says yes I would like to go out on a real date. I think I like her, am I also falling for someone. Omg this isn't what I expected but something I really want.

"Well I do want to go on a real date next time so yes, where should we go? Said Ms. Jin

"Well do you like water parks?" Said secretary Kim

"Umm well I do love them, because it's a water park."

"Ok, so would you like to go on a date with me to a water park this weekend?"

"Yes I would love to."

"I will pick you up at 8:00am on Saturday so be ready."

"Ok I'm so happy we are going somewhere where it's not a restaurant on our first date, I prefer some where I can have fun."

"Ok well looks like we are going to have fun this weekend."

"Yes it does should we get going I still have work to do at home."

"Ok we should go then just give me a minute to go pay."

"Ok I'll wait in the car."


"Should we go now then?"


"Well I'll leave you home and I'll go home myself."

(When secretary Kim arrives home)

"I think I'm actually falling for her, I think I can see how Mr. Lee likes Ms.Kim Mi So and now i know that feeling. I'm so happy!! I actually am going to be happy with someone I like and not with someone I don't.

Well it's almost 10:00 I should go to sleep."

(Next day at work)

Good morning Mr. Lee

Good morning Secretary Kim

"Mr. Lee, Ms. Jin will go today and start the plan. She will also come by today to talk to you."


(When Ms. Jin arrives)

"Good morning Secretary Kim."

Good morning Ms. Jin

"Nice to see you."

"Nice to see you too the boss sus you can come in."


"Mr. Lee."

"Ms. Jin."

"I have news."

"Yes, what are they."

"Well I heard Ms. Jin will be signing a contract with you and also I asked her if we could work together and she said" "yes." "The only condition she is putting that I have to sign a contract and that I can't leak information."

"You did a good job Ms. Jin I thought you were going to do it today, what happened?"

"Well yesterday I saw her at the restaurant when I was having lunch with the new investors. So I took the chance and asked if we could talk after about work when she was done eating and said yes." said Ms. Jin

"You did well I'm happy I can count on you keep going I want to hear what she said." Said Mr. Lee (the boss)

"Also I think I saw her with your dad coming out of here, but back to the point. She told me to come with her and we could talk about business at her work place so when we arrived I went directly to her office and I asked if we could work together to make new opportunities for new female entrepreneurs since it's hard for women nowadays because men have more power. So she agreed immediately as soon as I said that and wanted to work with me as soon as possible but that I had to sign a contract." Said Ms. Jin (Ms. Jin is another CEO who destroys people for money or wherever she asks for and she get the job done.)

"Well done Ms. Jin, now the next step is to start working with her and get information and with that information destroy her. But there is more to the plan I just have to see how this goes first."

"Ok sir, well I have to get back to work because I have to go sign a contract and start the plan once I'm in." She also had to look up my back ground, you were right about that."

"I know I am, we all do it to make sure who you really are."

"Ok well bye sir." Said Ms. Jin

"Goodbye keep up the good work and impress me so that we could finish this and keep going with our lives." Said Mr. Lee

"I will Mr. Lee thank you for the opportunity to work with you, and to be able to get my company growing." Said Ms. Jin