
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · ファンタジー
56 Chs

Singing under the Moonlight

Maria pushed Edward away before giving him a tight slap across his face. Edward groaned and touched his already swollen cheek and rubbed it lightly. "Hey why did you hit me?" He asked pouting his lips. Maria glared at him fiercely. "Are you asking why? I have never seen such a shameless person for my entire life. You... you bastard, Get lost from my sight!" Edward smirked. "Young missy, how do you manage to pay your medical bills without me?" Maria pressed her lips tightly. "I never thought that Evie's brother is a demon. You are not a good person. You are a rascal. A rouge!"

Edward laughed out loud shaking his head. Then he pinned her hands on the bed and pulled himself closer to her gazing her coffee colour, spiritful eyes. "I investigated you. I know you loved Jared but that fool just dumped you,right? I won't do that. Be the sister-in-law for my Evie." Maria's jaw dropped. "How did you find all of these things? Moreover did you just..." 'proposed to me indirectly?' Edward nodded his head. "Yep, I love you. Just be my girlfriend, will you?" Maria was stunned at his casual behavior. "Hah, dream on." She scoffed. Edward narrowed his eyes. "Why? I'm a wealthy CEO, I can give any luxury you want. So why are you refusing me? Besides, you told Eve that you loved to be her sis-in-law, am I wrong?"

Maria wanted to slap herself for saying all that rubbish. 'Hmph! Evelyn is such a traitor. She betrayed me! Why did she tell that to him? I was just joking at that time. Gosh! I digged my own grave.' "Anyways Maria, I won't let you go. Now rest well. I'll see you later, bye Marie." Edward left the VIP room leaving behind an awestruck girl. 'What did he just call me? Marie? Ugh! When can I get my freedom?' Maria facepalmed herself.

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Evelyn pointed towards the night sky above them. whispering in a low voice she said, "Liam, look at the full moon over there,isn't it beautiful?" Liam nodded his head staring at the round,shining moon which was like a silver plate kept middle of the white and yellow flowers. Undoubtedly, the stars seemed to be like pretty little flowers and they surrounded the moon just like some students gathering around their favourite teacher to explore the world or some little kids encircling their mother to get her attention,care and love.

"Yep,It is." Liam uttered.Evelyn turned to him. Facing his perfect side profile she said, "Now I remember something I heard before.That Asian statement stated that the moon which sets above the forest is worthless. Come to think of it, I can clearly say that how wrong it is.right? Look how the moon makes the forest even more beautiful in the night by chasing away the darkness." Liam cleared his throat. "Eve, But actually it's kind of correct. When the moon sets above a village or a city or wherever people live in, there are lots of admirers to praise it. When it comes to forest no one is there to admire the beauty of the moon. So..." Evelyn interrupted him.

"Who said there's no one in the forest to admire the moon? Liam,just look around you. Can't you see the Lilies, Daturas, Tuberoses and many more flowers which bloomed tonight under the moonlight? That's the way plants admire the moon. And see how nicely the fireflies celebrate the arrival of the moon by emitting their lights which are their natural fireworks.There are many more admirers to count. Hmm...What about now? Still don't agree with me?" She raised her brows.

Liam chuckled. "No,no.You won. I agree with your arguement. Are you happy now,my dear?" Evelyn nodded her head,smiling. "That's more like it." She said proudly.Then the both of them fell to a deep silence still looking at the wonderful night sky above them.After a few minutes Evelyn could hear a melodious voice rang beside her. It was Liam. He started singing while breaking the long silence between them.

Listening to the music came through the wind

I finally realized that I was very wrong

It's just not sounding a meaningless stuff

It was alot busy telling the stories of us

This time Evelyn also joined with him.

Beezs carry the honey baby that I am a fool

I did not understand the meaning of that

The honey is not taken from the flowers

It just came from the sweetness of the love

The love the taste which give us the happiness

Of world even of the heaven it was the peace


The rhythm of the flowing water of the lake

Adding the tunes to the song of our love

I am listening and even remembering that

Our love made me the happiest man on earth

Darling you made me the luckiest on earth


Look at the roses which symbol our love

You changed me into a different person

I was a little girl who didn't know to love

You let me understand what it means love

Now you are my whole world my dear love

Both of them:

Darling I love you to death I swear that to you

I won't be apart with you even after our death

We have a lifetime beautiful journey to begin

I will be with you untill the end of the world

With all the blessings which nature gives us

Guys please give me your comments!!!

LonelyQueencreators' thoughts