
Felix Scarletwound: The Transfiguration Prodigy

"Felix Scarletwound: The Transfiguration Prodigy" is an enchanting novel that follows the extraordinary journey of Felix Scarletwound, a resilient orphan boy, as he discovers his magical abilities and embarks on a quest to become the strongest Transfiguration wizard in a world of mystery and wonder.

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33 Chs

Headmaster office and the house

In the hallway, Felix was led by McGonagall in silence. After a few seconds, Felix asked with a little bit of embarrassment, "Are you angry, Professor?"

"No, I'm not, Mr. Scarletwound, but what you did wasn't good," said McGonagall, her voice firm yet understanding.

They stopped in front of a magnificent statue, towering above them. McGonagall whispered, "Orange cake," and to Felix's astonishment, the statue shifted and revealed a hidden staircase. With curiosity guiding him, Felix followed McGonagall up the stairs, anticipation building with each step.

Finally, they reached the top and entered the office of the headmaster. Dumbledore, sitting behind his desk, greeted them calmly. "Welcome, Mr. Scarletwound. I don't think I've called a student to my office before they even start at school. You're the first," the headmaster said, his eyes twinkling with a mix of wisdom and amusement.

"Sorry, I can't hold myself back sometimes," said Felix, his voice tinged with regret. He couldn't shake off the feeling that Dumbledore saw right through him, peering into his very soul.

"Well, that can become a problem. Seeking knowledge is great, but you should control yourself and not get lost," Dumbledore responded, his gaze focused yet compassionate, as if addressing not only Felix but an inner struggle he himself understood well.

"I will be careful from now on, and sorry for the trouble," Felix apologized sincerely, realizing the importance of restraint and focus.

"Good. As punishment, you will lose 10 points for the house you will be sorted into. You can go back to the dinner hall," Dumbledore declared, raising his hand to signal Felix's departure, guided by McGonagall.

Once they were outside the office, Felix couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and concern. He turned to McGonagall and asked, "Professor, what does losing 10 points mean?"

McGonagall studied Felix for a moment, her expression softening. She sighed and replied, "Each house collects points to compete for the house cup at the end of the year."

"So, it doesn't affect my studies?" Felix inquired, relieved to know that his academic progress would remain unaffected.

"No, it doesn't directly impact your studies, but it holds significance for most of the students," McGonagall explained, her voice gentle yet filled with a hint of pride for the Hogwarts tradition.

"Well, I don't care about houses. I'm here to learn," said Felix with a relaxed expression, his determination shining through. He was relieved to realize that his pursuit of knowledge was unaffected by the loss of points.

Once they returned to the bustling dinner hall, Professor Slughorn stepped forward with the Sorting Hat in his hands. The hat seemed agitated as it caught sight of Felix. "RAVENCLAW! NO NEED TO PUT ME ON HIM!" it exclaimed, surprising both Felix and those around him.

"Okay, Felix, that's your house now," McGonagall said, turning around and announcing toward the Ravenclaw table, "Ravenclaw, -10 points."

As Felix made his way to the end of the table, he could feel the unfriendly stares from some of the students. However, he remained unperturbed and focused on his own path, paying no mind to the judgmental gazes.

The rest of the dinner passed uneventfully, and when it came to an end, the prefects led the first-year students to their respective residences. Felix followed the Ravenclaw prefect, who shared the glory and achievements of the house while they walked. They soon arrived at a peculiar moving staircase.

"Be careful around this spiral staircase. Most first-year students get lost, but you, as a Ravenclaw, should memorize the pattern easily," the prefect warned, climbing the staircase with confidence.

Felix paid close attention, committing the intricate pattern to memory as they ascended. Finally, they reached the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room, located on the west side of Hogwarts, on the fifth floor. The door stood before them, lacking a doorknob or keyhole but adorned with a bronze knocker shaped like an eagle.

"In order to enter the room, you must answer a riddle asked by the eagle knocker. If you answer incorrectly, you must wait for someone to let you in," the prefect explained, his voice tinged with excitement.

Just as the prefect was about to recite a riddle, Felix, in a moment of spontaneous intuition, blurted out the answer without thinking, "Friday."

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," Felix quickly apologized to the prefect, who seemed taken aback by his unexpected response.

"No problem. I don't think that's the correct answer, so let me..." Before the prefect could finish his sentence, the door swung open, revealing the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room. "Well, you've got some luck," said the prefect, trying to appear nonchalant as they entered the room.

The Ravenclaw common room greeted Felix with its enchanting ambiance. It was a wide, circular space adorned with arched windows draped in blue and bronze silks. The midnight blue carpet beneath his feet was adorned with sparkling stars, reflecting the design onto the domed ceiling above. The room was filled with bookcases, tables, and chairs, inviting a sense of intellectual exploration. Standing by the door leading to the dormitories was a tall white marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, a silent reminder of the house's rich history.

"The Ravenclaw common room is one of the airiest rooms at Hogwarts. The sound of the wind whistling around the tower's windows is incredibly soothing while going to sleep," the prefect explained, his voice filled with pride. "During the day, we have an excellent view of the school grounds, including the lake, Forbidden Forest, Quidditch pitch, Herbology gardens, and the surrounding mountains."

After the prefect concluded the tour, they guided the boys to the dormitories, ensuring each of the four students found their assigned rooms. Felix followed the prefect's instructions, entering his room with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. The sight that greeted him surpassed his expectations—his four-poster bed was draped in luxurious sky blue silk, with navy blue curtains providing privacy and tranquility. A desk and stacks of books awaited him, inviting him to embark on his academic journey.

Felix changed into his pajamas and slipped into bed, his mind abuzz with excitement and gratitude. It had been a long day filled with unexpected turns, but he was finally where he belonged, surrounded by the promise of knowledge and intellectual growth. As sleep enveloped him, Felix couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the adventures that awaited him at Hogwarts, ready to embrace the challenges and discoveries that lay ahead.