

This story's theme revolves around love, sacrifice and belief. The male and the female protagonists get involved in a situation where they have to work together. Will destiny help them get closer or will they get apart? Our story leads are settled and well-established but their still something missing in their lives. Is it love? Our male lead hides a deep secret from our female lead into the unveiling of the secret, will it break them or will it get them closer?

_B_L_U_E_M_O_O_N_ · 都市
1 Chs


" I perceived my directions and I found nothing but the silhouette of my shadow"

"My passion for living is because of your love"

This is a story revolving around the themes of love, sacrifice and belief.

A writer writes from his or her imagination they create a new realm every time they write a new story.

Same as in how everyone has their own perspection, different perspectives create new stories from within stories.

So, comment what's your perspective of my story and let us see whose perspection matches with the writer's.

I'll keep posting new chapters and let me know your thoughts on my writing.

_B_L_U_E_M_O_O_N_creators' thoughts