
Feelings of A God

This is a series of short stories that tell the story of one mans journey through a series of emotions given form. The purpose... he doesn't know it could be nothing but more likely than not things aren't as simple as they seem. It's the same multiverse with different adaptions that will all be related at the end. --On another note this is my first time writing short stories so if they aren't that good please let me know, I am doing this to get better at writing and all feedback is appreciated.

Sable_Lyon · ファンタジー
3 Chs

19,000 Ft. of Despair- Sadness of god

The truest despair of sadness is only seen when the ultimate happiness is taken away. He opened his eyes and saw a scene so enchanting it seemed incongruous with everything deemed beautiful by the mortal eye. For he was surrounded on all sides and angles by water, yet it couldn't be water, or rather it could no longer be simply perceived as water. The very particles of the water seemed to be made of the most resplendent joy and happiness given form by auroras of all shades of the color spectrum and more unknown and unimaginably captivating shades. It all danced jubilantly in ever twisting and changing patterns. So enamored with the scenery he was immersed in he never noticed when deep below much further than any eye could see within the only darkness present in the utopia-like scene a slight ripple formed. This ripple spread from the bottom up and wherever this darkness reached the brilliant, dancing particles of water seemed to shudder abruptly and slowly still. By the time he noticed anything, the surroundings had become completely still. Suddenly, he shivered and began to feel an unknown dread appear inside him as he floated alone in the picturesque scene with no noise or movement detectable. Slowly he began to get dragged through the colors becoming a radiant meteorite as he began to pick up speed on his descent towards the unknown. Colors and shapes streamed past him as he looked down and saw a black dot appear, at first so small it could barely be noticed but gradually growing bigger over time. Abruptly, his surroundings blackened as if a light had been switched off. As whatever force was acting on him and a few bright particles continued to drag him downwards he became the only bright spot in a realm of darkness. Eventually, after an inestimable amount of time, he noticed what could only be described as a piece of spiralling darkness blacker than the surroundings around it. Where the darkness could be considered an absence of color, this spiralling force was more than simple lack of color. It seemed to drag all matter and color including the very darkness around it into itself where it vanished. Rather than seeing color he noticed a feeling of unending disquietude seemed to emanate from the black hole. Stomach dropping, he realized that was what it must be, a black hole filled with all the dirty, unwelcomed and unloved particles that the utopia above would not permit. Compressed into one point was the depression, dread, self-hate, fear and more. Above all the existence of a crushing anguish stifled him. It seemed to shred away all his strength. It suffocated all his anxiety and left only despondency in its place. It tore his mental concentration into pieces leaving his mind encumbered and incapable of thought. As he got closer those feelings only got stronger, overwhelming him and looking to devour his entire consciousness. With his view darkening he grew closer yet to the black hole and noticed inside the gaping hole a looming figure made of the same particles that were destroying him. With a long, slender humanoid body and jagged claw like hands it seemed to savor the rushing darkness as one would a delicacy. The creature inside the hole had no defining features outside of a white line that constituted its mouth. It suddenly opened its mouth to reveal rows upon rows of jagged teeth and lunged towards him right outside the black portal that he mistakenly assumed was a black hole. Being dragged towards the creature he watched as its mouth came closer to him and felt his eyes slip closed as the anguish drained the last of his energy, and with a snap his eyes opened once more...

Got another one for you guys, as always leave a like, comment and vote if you think its good and especially comment if its bad. Happpy reading people.

Sable_Lyoncreators' thoughts