
Choi Dae-hyun [3]

"SURPRISE!!!"Sora, Hajin and Junwoo screams "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" as Dae-hyun enters.

Hajin wraps his arm around Dae's shoulder

"So? How do you like the surprise?" asks Hajin.

"Happy birthday Dae oppa. You're getting old"

"Dude, you just gonna stare? Say something you dumbo." says Jun as he smiles.

"I- you guys really prepared all this for me? I'm so-" *Starts crying*Jun and Hajin hugs Dae and comforts him. They hug each other for a long time.

"Ummm...guys? Sorry to interrupt you but my hands are going numb. This cake is kinda heavy."

They all look at Sora's direction who was holding the cake and all four of them starts laughing. Hajin goes in his room and brings a funny looking round shaped balloon with a funny picture of Dae.

"This is your birthday gift. Here you go your majesty. Happy 16th birthday." * Hajin gives the balloon to Dae *

"Yah? Where did you even get this embarrassing picture of me?"

"We have been best friends since elementary school bro. I know very well this is your favorite filter. The cringe cat filter."

"Oppa? You like this cat filter? Oh wow You used to be so cringe."

"Did you guys throw me this party to remind me of my cringe old days?"

"Oh just ignore Hajin. I have a better gift for you. Wait here. I'll bring it. Sora, where did you kept it?"

"I think I kept it in my room. It's on my bed."

"Ok, I'll get it. By the way, Hajin? Order the food. It'll take time to arrive." *Goes to bring the gift*

"So? What do you guys wanna eat? Spicy food?"

"Let's get Tteok-bokki , Jjigae , and of course super spicy fried chicken also let's get spicy potato fries."

** Tteokbokki, or simmered rice cake, is a popular Korean food made from small-sized garae-tteok called tteokmyeon or commonly tteokbokki-tteok. Eomuk, boiled eggs, and scallions are some common ingredients paired with tteokbokki in dishes.**

** Jjigae are Korean stews. There are many varieties; they are typically made with meat, seafood or vegetables in a broth seasoned with gochujang, doenjang, ganjang or saeu-jeot. Jjigae is often served as a communal dish. Korean meals often include either a jjigae or a guk. **

"Can we get Bibimbap?"

** Bibimbap, sometimes romanized as bi bim bap or bi bim bop, is a Korean rice dish. The term bibim means "mixing" and bap is cooked rice. It is served as a bowl of warm white rice topped with namul and gochujang. Egg and sliced meat are common additions, stirred together thoroughly just before eating. **

"Guys don't you think it's kinda weird food combination? Nevermind. I'll order."

"I want Jajangmyeon." Jun shouts from other room.

** Jajangmyeon or jjajangmyeon is a Chinese-style Korean noodle dish topped with a thick sauce made of chunjang, diced pork, and vegetables. It originated in Incheon, Korea where Chinese migrant workers started making zhajiangmian in the late 19th century. **

"What is that weirdo even doing? Sora, Jun's been in your room for quite a while. I think he's trying on you dresses." Dae teases Sora.

"Dae? You do know I can heard you from here, right?" Jun shouts from other room."

"Ugh...I wished that they had all the food in one place. I have to call different places for all your foods."

"Just do your job Mr. Onion. It's Dae oppas birthday today."

"You big head you better stop calling me that. I have no respect in this house."

"Hey my head is quite all right. How can you call my baby small head big?"

"Big headed Sora."

"Onion Hajin."

"Okay okay, enough guys. Seeing you two, sometimes I wish I had a sibling too."

"Oh you better not. These little siblings are literal devil."

"And the older sibling is useless."

Jun comes back with a medium sized gift wrapped box in his hand.

"Stop now, you two. Hajin just order the food and Sora sit down."

Jun walks up to Dae and hands him the box."Open it."Dae opens the box and looks at Jun with a fed up look.



"What is this?"

"More of your old cringe photos. Do you like the photo collage I made? I had to do a lot of craft work."

"You guys are so annoying. Why did I even become friends with with you weirdos. But I'm still gonna adore these gifts."

"Yeah. You better keep these safe."

"Ok. My turn."

Sora takes out a small box from behind the sofa cushion. She hesitantly holds the box towards Dae."Ummm...it's not much. But I hope you like it. And it's not more cringe pics I swear."

Dae takes the box from Sora. The box is really cute. Though it is small nothing special but the box is neatly wrapped and there is a nice looking blue bow glues on the top to add extra decoration to wrapping. The bow looks like it was hand made with care.

Dae opens the box. There is cute looking key chain inside. A cute brown crochet teddy is the main theme of the key chain with some beads as extra decoration. There are some letters hanging in a different string. If you spell it out, it reads Daehyun. It is so clear it was hand made but someone else won't be able get it. The key chain was so perfect.

"Sora? Did you make it?", Dae asks with a shocked expression on his face.

"Yes. I'm sorry it's not that good."

"What do you mean it's not that good. It's so perfect. You have a real talent for craft. You are so talented. I love it. Thanks a lot. I'm pretty sure you made the teddy on your own right?"

"Yeah. I'm glad you liked it."

"Now that Sora gave you her gift let me give you my actual gift for you."

Jun takes out a small packet from the pocket of his jacket. It is a ordinary looking packet. Nothing special about it. Jun gives the packet to Dae.

Dae takes the packet and brings out a box from inside the packet. It is is nice looking black colored box. A simple black wooden box. He opens the lid. It is a Plectrum. It is jade black colored and his name is written with an illuminating silver color. On the other side there is a quote saying "No matter how hard it gets, never give up"

**A plectrum is a small flat tool used for plucking or strumming of a stringed instrument. For hand-held instruments such as guitars and mandolins, the plectrum is often called a pick and is held as a separate tool in the player's hand.**

"How did you know I need this?"

"Come on. I know you lost your old one. So I thought I'll order a custom one for you. Plus I know you won't buy a new one or ask you mom to buy a new one. You live quite a humble life for a millionaire."

"Correction, my mom's a millionaire not me."

"Yeah Yeah. So, do you like it?"

"Of course. I promise not to lose this one."

"What are you guys doing?" Hajin enters the room.

"Nothing. These two gave me such nice and sweet things."

"I have an actual gift for you too. It's right under the table. Take it out."

Dae ducks down and discovers a box. It is big compared to the other gift boxes he got today. It seems like a shoe box, a branded one. He looks at Hajin.

"You did not bro."

"Hey open it first. why are you guessing."

"I know pretty well what it is." he says while opening the box.

"So, how is it. See if it fits."

"Why did you buy it?"

"Why else? I do know you have your evaluation soon. I want you to wear these to your dance evaluation."

"What about me?" Jun whines.

"Didn't you buy new full fit just a week ago?"

"You do know I was joking?"

"Whatever. This fool just never spends on himself. So of course we have to make sure you have the things you need."

"Thanks you guys. I love you guys a lot."

"Yah!!!! Oppa you don't have to thank any of us."

"Well I wanted a sincere thanks." Jun says jokingly and they all start laughing.

*Doorbell rings*

"I think it's the delivery guy."

Hajin brings some food boxes and drops them on the dining table.

*Again doorbell rings*

"Sora answer the door. I think it's another delivery guy." She goes to the door and comes back with a lot of food.

"I think its all. There were two guys."

"Yeah so we have all the food. How about we cut the cake." He looks around for the cake but doesn't see it. "Wait. Where is the cake?"

"I kept it in the fridge. It was melting. Wait, I'll bring it."

That was a memorable day for me. We had a lot of fun. Jun ate most of the cake. I must agree the cake was really good. It was my favorite chocolate flavor. I also ate three pieces. Sora ate only one piece and saved another one for later and warned Hajin not to touch it as she kept it in the fridge. As for Hajin he just ate one piece as he doesn't like sweet foods much. But we gave him a big piece. We literally ate the food like pigs that day. They forced me to eat a lot. That indeed was a fun day. We went to my mom's place for dinner that day. Because mom secretly prepared a whole feast for us. Mom convinced me to stay at home that day and I convinced Jun to stay with me. Hajin had to go home as Sora had a picnic planned with her friends and she'll have to get up early and leave for her picnic because their parents are out on a business trip abroad and Hajin told her to come back home before it gets dark outside.

I have such nice and caring friends. Yes they are annoying but they are also really nice. Sora is like a little sister as well as a friend to me and Jun and Hajin are my best and one of the first friends when I moved to Seoul. They all are very dear to me.

TO BE CONTINUED ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●




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