
Episode 5: Power

A thud was heard after the shot which was heard followed by a leaping Loius Baska into the reception office. Mia walked calmly into the reception office holding a pistol which everyone presumed was the cause of the shot they all heard.

Louis Baska sat on the floor in the middle of the reception officer with tears flowing down his eyes as he massaged his bleeding legs.

“Who… who are you?" He asked crying

Liam smirked as he watched the scene before him. Everyone watching both live and on devices shook their head in pity. Mia squatted before him and used her index finger to get a drop of his tears and stood.

She looks at it sternly and flings it away. With that, Louis found an opportunity to run off without Mia getting to him but before he could cross the exit door, a hefty man stepped him and blocked his path and he fell to the ground.

Liam moves forward and grasped Louis's hands and pulls him back to the position he had run away from leaving trails of blood.

“Don't expect me to chase after you" Mia spoke

It made it the first time the spectators heard her voice and they were surprised. She sounded calm and sweet but her countenance says something else.

“What do you want? Who are you?" Louis inquired between his sobs

Mia pauses and stares down at the sobbing Louis. She snaps her fingers and Liam moved forward and hands her a packet of snout and gave it to Mia. She took a stick and Liam lit it for her. She lifted slightly her mask and placed the snout in her mouth and inhaled it for at least a minute before letting go of the smoke. She took out the stick and placed her index finger and thumb on the lit area to quench it and it surprised everyone. She drops it on the floor and moves closer to Louis.

“I wang you to…" she pauses and a lady putting on a black and white pants suit walked into the reception office and handed over some documents and pen to Mia.

Mia took them and read through them quickly before speaking again. “Sign this" she concluded

“What's that?" Louis asked

“Power of attorney" Mia said and for a moment her voice sounded deep and strict

“Sign them and you will be set free. Power ain't good for you" Mia said

“Look at you who says that. You are definitely not good to hold power" Louis said

“I don't hold it," Mia said and squatted before him “I am power" she concluded and threw the document on his laps before standing

“Who are you? What is your name and how dare you?" Louis Baska threatened

Mia pauses for a while and plays with the pistol in her hands for a while before placing it back to where she got it; behind her tucked firmly into her leggings.

“Daughter of…" Mia pauses and scans her environment

The news reporters zoomed into her face to get her words loud and clear. “Marie Baska and most importantly Louis Baska. I'm Mia Baska"

Outside the company, a rifle shot was made adding to the shock everyone received. Everyone froze in shock including Louis Baska. He momentarily felt numb and his jaws dropped.

Mia bends and lifts his jaw to close his mouth before standing upright and scanning him properly. “You've retained your young figure. That's nice" Mia said with a sweet voice “Now, sign them" she commanded with a warning in her voice

“I won't. You don't deserve my wealth, you cursed child" Louis said

Once those words left Louis's mouth, a thunderous slap was accompanied with it on his face leaving red fingers marks on his cheek. Louis wailed in pain.

“Never say that" Liam warned as he delivered another slap to the other side of his face

Mia watched him and said nothing. She loved his tears as he made the entire family cry each day. Liam was about to land a blow when Mia placed a hand on his shoulder stopping him. Liam stepped back.

“I advise you sign them, you don't want to get me angry" Mia warned

Louis smiled and sobbed. “No," he said and a punch landed on his face followed by a foot on his injured legs

Louis shouted and wailed but Liam did not stop. The people asked and begged the soldiers and police officers to go and stop her but they made no move. Mia watched Louis closely waiting for him to break.

“Mia" a meek voice was heard at the corner

Mia turns and meets the eyes of the woman she has longed to set her eyes on. She looked weak and even more wrinkled than she was a few years back. It made Mia's eyes glimmer in more anger and Liam did not stop torturing Louis.

“Stop that, young man" Marie commanded but Liam did not stop stepping on the injured leg

“Tell him to stop," Marie asked Mia

Mia stared at Marie for a while and then at Louis who was sobbing for a longer time and louder.

“Mia" Marie called out

“Down," Mia said and Liam stopped

Louis breathed heavily as he lay on the ground with his arms spread. He has never felt such immense pain before. He felt like removing his legs at that moment.

“Are you okay?" Marie asked Louis

“No, I'm not" Louis yelled and sat upright as he massaged his legs crying “Your mad daughter wants to kill me and you are with her," he said

“No, I'm not-"

“Oh shut up, you stupid woman. I don't need your help" Louis interrupted

Mia had enough of it and brought out her pistol and pointed it at his forehead. She just saved him from more torture and he is not grateful for that. What type of man is he?

“Sign those papers or I'll use this and open a hole in your brain" Mia threatened

Liam gave him some beating and Marie pleaded with Mia but she did not listen. Eventually, Louis accepted his faith and agreed to sign the papers.

*I would love to know what you, readers think about the events in the story in the comment section. Please do so. Thank you*