
Episode 28: Deadly

Mia stares at Bell dumbfounded. She never expected what she just said. Mia sighs then nod. “I’ll try but no promises,” Mia said and stands “I’m going to bed,” Mia said and turns around

Everyone at the door moves from that place in order not to be spotted by Mia. Mia walks out of the room to her bedroom. She speaks with Liam once it was midnight for thirty minutes before heading to bed.

She wakes up early the next day and helps Sophia with making breakfast. Sophia is a bit quiet as they prepare the food and Mia understands why. She smiles and continues her activity. After making breakfast, everyone sits at the table to have their meal except Ethan.

The dining table is quiet as everyone seems to be tense except Mia who finds the whole ordeal funny. Ethan comes into the dining area five minutes after they had begun eating. He frowns at everyone, especially Mia.

“I thought you said first thing in the morning,” Ethan said