
Episode 23: Bell

Mia speaks with Henry in the room for about thirty minutes. She tells him all she has learned from the file that he gave to her a few days before his arrival to pick her up. The paper she held was a map that could be opened up.

She pointed out a few places on the map that she thinks they should visit. While she spoke, Henry nodded and listened intently trying not to miss anything. After an hour, Mia is done talking and exchanging a few words with Henry.

“So what do you think?” Mia asked

Henry stands. “We might check them out,” he said

“We might?” Mia asked angrily standing up

“Listen, Mia, at the moment you are mad and it might not be so good for you to come up with a plan so quickly without calming down,” Henry said

Henry walks to the door and opens it. He steps out and turns around to face Mia. “When you calm down we talk,” Henry said and walks away with Mia’s room door still open