

An encyclopaedia of all the Devil Fruits? The Ark from Tokyo ESP? Shugo Chara? Black Clover? I’ll make money off of all of them!

Eternal_Angel · ファンタジー
20 Chs


He came close tiptoeing getting way too close to my face. I backed away leaving him to stumble.

I looked at him, his face taking on a shade of pink. He was embarrassed and hid his face from me.

I was not that dense to be oblivious of his feelings, but it was embarrassing for me since I've never had romantic relationships before.

Moreover he was a guy! So he tried to change the subject. "By the way what's your name?" He was woken from his absentminded daydream and stammered.

"I-I, I'm Walter, nice to meet you!" He bowed, and nearly fell over. I caught him in my arms and sighed. "You should be more careful you know?" His face turned red once more.

He coughed loudly and forcefully calmed himself down. "By the way, what else do you sell here?" I never expected him to ask such a question so I was a bit shocked.

"For now its just the Devil Fruits, the rest of the items here are fakes. The real ones haven't arrived yet." I told him a half truth not because he was untrustworthy, but because I didn't want others to know where they truly come from!

If others found out I could infinitely produce such powerful items, they'd surely kidnap and exploit me! "Is that so? Then I have to ask you, what are those glowing things over there?"

He pointed to a collection of glass containers filled with glowing ooze, mutagen ooze. "That would be mutagen, those are not for sale due to the unpredictable nature of it. In addition they are yet to be perfected unlike the Devil Fruits."

Walter stared at me dumbfounded. He had no idea what to say in this situation. "The Devil Fruits were originally cursed. Once you obtain the powers given by the fruit you would no longer be able to swim in the sea. However it is fixed now thanks to me."

This was the truth, the Devil Fruits could no longer disable people's swimming abilities after consumption, it still tasted horrible which was one thing I could not fix.

"Then what does the mutagen do?" He looked at me innocently. "Rather than tell I should show you! Follow me!" I gestured for him to follow me to my lab.

He was very curious about what was beyond the doorless entrance. He followed me to a metal door. Putting my hand on it it slid open. He stared at me in admiration.

We went in, the lab was spacious and very technological. Computers lined up in rows face to face. Another wide room could be seen behind the one-way mirror.

I went to one of the computers and asked Walter to sit down on of the spinning chairs in front of the mirror.

I went to the left corner of the lab and took out a case. Opening the leather case, I saw vials of red liquid. I smiled, I went back to the corner and scoured through the cages.

Within the cages were animals of different shapes and sizes sleeping peacefully. I finally picked a sparrow, carefully takin it from its cage I put it down gently on the white floor of the white room.

Feeling that something was missing I decided to add several drops mercury onto its body. I nodded feeling satisfied with the results.

Going back down to the computer near the one-way mirror I inputted some commands. "Initiating Mutation Sequence. Adding in mutagen." Small holes appeared on every corner of the white room, green ooze drizzled down flooding it to the point that we could barely see the bird anymore.

I added in more commands. "Venom, plant toxins, poison spores had been added." I was not trying to kill it, but rather wanted to see what happened if I added such lethal stuff into the mutagen.

The ooze gradually drained away, being wasted into a tank. I keeled over hoping for a good result. My face warped in shock as I witnessed the monstrosity I had created.

The bird no longer had it's beautiful brown feathers. They had burnt away leaving a purple bald sparrow. It tried to fly, but to no avail.

It had went into a rage releasing extremely noxious gas from its mouth. The bird stressed itself out resulting in overexertion and internal organ failure. It was crying tears of blood and vomited out it's own organs in the process.

The mercury seemed to have solidified and became a part of its heart, I inspected its body for any other problems and the scans showed several defects and a bit of necrosis in parts of its body.

I felt sad, Walter however was in a state of stupefaction. He had never witnessed such a horrifying scene before.

I took the vial and poured it into a sprayer. Spritzing the red liquid onto his face he quickly fell asleep.

It was an anaesthetic of sorts but I had no idea what kind. All I knew that it was great for those with insomnia and the sleeping state lasted about 20 minutes.

While it was only twenty minutes, the effects were actually similar to a 10 hour sleep, once you awake you'd feel completely refreshed and rejuvenated.

It also relieves stress, get rid of fears and mental traumas. This was the perfect item in this situation.

I let Walter sleep there on his chair. I put a blanket over him and turned the temperature up since it was quite cold inside the room.

After taking care of the minor matters I

moved on to my big project. A bodyguard. What I wanted to make was an android no different from humans and could easily pass as one.

I had already created the body, the base was an alloy combining tungsten, titanium and mythril. It was extremely hard since even though I had read about these materials combining them was a different matter altogether.

Turns out my ability to replicate works as long as I focus on what I want to materialise, in addition the concept for it must exist, if it doesn't, I must use my own imagination.

At first I found it to be overpowered, but it turns out I couldn't make anything that was bigger than me. So I ended up having to build it manually piecing it together one by one.

The skin was elastic and had a similar texture to actual human flesh. The hair was made from synthetic fibres thin and flexible yet sharp if it underwent vibration.

I had also added some unnecessary fat to be consistent with my work. The hardest parts were the synthetic eyes and the replication of movement.

I had to compile data of how a usual person walked or ran, speech patterns as well as regular movements.

This included how much the average person blinked, yawned, slept and more. It was such a troublesome task but I had finally finished it.

The only thing to do now was to have a power source to fuel it as well as an artificial brain to process information.

The fuel I was thinking of were Soul Gems. They were perfect since they were tightly connected to thermodynamics.

The magic within Soul Gems could possibly fuel it infinitely if not for it turning into Grief Seeds. Once a Grief Seed is born the android will absorb the energy from the imploded Soul Gem, this way no witches will be born and I'll have an indefinite amount of energy for my android.

This is not sustainable of course since creating a Soul Gem means using an actual soul. Lately I've been using the forest critters to create it, but I soon realised that I needed three animals of the same kind to create a Soul Gem equivalent to a human's.

It seems like that the emotions from a human could not be compared with any other creature, I had wondered if there were any other similar beings such as goblins or ogres maybe even a demon existed.

But for now that is a mere impossibility. I went to the lab next door and saw a human-like body strapped onto a bed.

I went to my desk and took the Soul Gem. It was the common intrinsic design of a Soul Gem, in this version it had a bright lavender glow to it, the top part had a teardrop design while the one o the bottom was a crescent moon.

It was a simple design that reflected the nature of the combined three souls. I walked up to the android and opened a compartment right underneath its breasts. Placing the gem in I closed it once more.

I took off the forehead and added in a small circular object. It was the brain of a small critter, I had tampered with it slightly allowing it to become a Growing Brain.

Any time the android activated Exterminator Mode, it will collect the corpses and take the brains out first to feed its Growing Brain.

The size of the brain will only stop growing until it reaches its optimal size. Depending on the quality of the brain it may even gain psychic abilities.

Due to it being more of a robot/automaton. I had connected it to the main supercomputer. The reason for this was so I can get information about anything while it was defending me.

I had also planned to create some drones and satellites to watch over this planet. In addition I needed to learn about magic.

Out of many other shop locations there was one I was interested in. The forest near a city. I had found out about it using a small spy drone.

It was a very big city and the best part is that there were nobles there! If I could make a contract with a noble and have them use their connections to advertise my shop, I'd be rolling in riches in no time.

The problem was, no noble was foolish enough to go to the dark, spooky forest anyways. So I had another idea. Luring.

I decided to make the forest even more of an enigma, with the voices calling out to them they have no choice but to come.

This time I was using an enchanting song, (in my opinion), to lure them in. In other words I was using what people call a Siren Song.

My hope for now was that it worked out well...

Sorry for any errors.

Eternal_Angelcreators' thoughts