

Sarah was a normal girl. She enjoyed gossiping with her friends, having coffee together, etc. Until she learned she was a walking disaster, that is. Note: This has literally no schedule.

Fernein · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 10

Sarah awoke less than an hour later, bleary-eyed and exhausted.

'I can't believe I just spent an entire night fantasizing about making a utopia with Callum.' She thought, exhaustedly going about her morning routine. 'I doubt we'd even be able to create a dystopia.'

She went to work, exhausted and slightly crabby.

She couldn't even bring Nimbus, which made her crabbier.


After a horrible day working, Sarah returned to a very happy Nimbus.

"Did you miss me?" She asked Nimbus, who was purring like a jet engine.

Nimbus didn't respond, thankfully. She'd probably doubt her sanity if he did.

After tending to the attention-deprived cat, she called Callum.

"Yeah?" Callum never picked up the phone and said 'hello'. He'd only say 'hello' if he was royally pissed, and she had (thankfully) never irritated him to that point.

"Can you come over to my house?" Sarah asked, before immediately understanding what that implicated.

"Nah." Callum refuses her. "I just had somone try to snipe me. Maybe another time."

He hung up.

'Well...Is it schizophrenia?' She wondered.

She seriously doubted it. He had seemed of sound mind when they had last talked and she didn't think that a day was enough for someone to develop schizophrenia.

So, like anyone of sound mind, she visited his house to see if he was alright.

He answered the door, saw her and quickly ushered her inside.

"So today, I got this." He showed her a double-ended cyberpunk scythe. "And someone was trying to snipe me."

"...Is the double-ended scythe your proof that it was real?" Sarah asked skeptically.

"You're questioning the fact that someone was trying to assassinate me, but not how your powers work?" Callum asked her.

She had no response to that.

"The person who gave me the scythe said I should enchant it." Callum mused, pulling out a soul. "I wonder if I can use a soul to enchant it."

Callum was startled by the sudden connection between the soul and scythe. The connection was the exact same colour as the orb and arked like lightning into the scythe, while the orb in his hands slowly shrank into nothingness.

Callum swung the scythe expirimentally, noticing no change to it.

"Do you need more than one?" Sarah asked him.

"Maybe." Callum said, moving to put the scythe down before noticing that it had disappeared from his hands. "Huh. It's gone."

Callum stared at his hands, wondering where he had placed the scythe.

Callum was then shocked once more, seeing it appear once more in his hands.

"That's convinient." Sarah said, moving to take the scythe from his hands and inspect it.

"I guess it's bound to me." Callum said, watching Sarah's hands phase through the scythe like it wasn't there.

"Try cutting something now." Sarah said, trying to figure out the extent at which it was intangible. "Perhaps only what you want to interact with will be able to interact with it."

So, being the logical next step, Callum cut lettuce for a salad, using his scythe.