

I woke up around 4 am feeling extremely giddy about today's trip. Today is the day we go to Nigeria alhamdulillah.

I prayed Nafil prayer and sat down using my phone, unable to go back to sleep. I don't know for how long I was there but I heard the adhan calling from the family mosque.

I stood up and prayed salatul fajr then prayed fajr. I did dua for the trip and everything and everyone. I folded the mat and hijab, keeping it back in its original place.

I ran to the room Hauwa was staying in and barged in. She was still fast asleep ugh.

"HAUWA JIDDAH MAI'GIDA MU'AZU WAKE THE HELL UP!" She stood up startled. I laughed. "Get up it's time for prayers," I said casually.

She hissed and went to perform while I sat on her bed. She finished and we did the usual morning adhkar and made our way to greet Umma and Abba. We met Umma on her bed doing her adhkar.

"Ummah good morning" We both greeted squatting a little. "Morning how are you, girls?" She asked. "Alhamdulillah. Umma where is Abba?" I asked looking around.

"Oh, he went to the mosque with Mahmud."

I nodded and we took our leave. Hauwa was about to go back to sleep when I drenched her with water from head to toe. That will keep her awake.

"WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!" She screamed shivering. I shrugged trying to hide the smile on my face. "Oh, your so gonna regret this!"

Before I knew it I was thrown to the ground a wet Hauwa on top of me. "Hauwa get off, your getting me wet!" I said pushing her off of me. She rolled her eyes.

"Stop acting like that. Today is the D-day." Her eyes widened as she remembered. "Oh, mah, gosh, Zarah we are going to Nigeria!" She squealed hugging me.

"Hauwa!" I screamed. "Oops sorry," she said sheepishly. "Whatever, now enter and go change into something else, I'll go meet Abba," I said.

"OK!" I went to check if Abba was back and luckily he was. "Salam," I said entering the room.

"Walaikisalam Zarah how are you" "Alhamdullilah Abba I came to ask what time are we leaving," I asked getting straight to why I came. "By 10 am In sha Allah" he replied. "Ok." I skipped out of the room and went back to Hauwa's room to see her using her phone.

"Ok, get up we are leaving by 10 so go in and take your bath," She looked at me with the are you serious look. "What why the look?" I said looking at her.

"As you can see I've already bathed thanks to you wetting me so obviously you're the person supposed to go bath," She said matter of factly.

"Bye," I waved and went to my room to take my bath. After I was done I applied some cream and got dressed in high waist jeans and a turtle neck sweater. I went down to see everyone seated for an early breakfast.

I took my regular seat and served myself some pancakes. We finished and helped Ummah clear up then Hauwa and I decided to watch tv to kill time. In no time it was 9 am and Abba said we will be leaving in ten minutes.

I went to my room and put on a lace-trimmed open red Abaya, wrapped the black veil hijab style and picked up the Chanel black bag with my essentials in it. I went around my bed and picked up my phone, charger and earbuds and placed them in my bag.

I went out to see everyone already ready. As our boxes had already been taken to the car we just made our way to the car. Ya Mahmud, Hauwa and I go with Mr Will while Ummah and Abba go with their driver.

Hauwa was dressed in a plain white long-sleeved dress with blue flowery designs on the edge of the sleeve, waist and the colar. She wrapped a blue veil hijab style around her head.

I entered the back seat Hauwa following behind while Ya Mahmud entered the passenger seat. In 10 minutes we had arrived at Dubai International Airport.

We checked in and made our way to the hanger where Abba's private jet is. We went in and to say it is beautiful would be an understatement.

The inside was gold and white with silky white chairs and a few tables. There were two bedrooms with cream coloured silky sheets. All in all the jet is amazing. I settled on one of the couches making myself comfy as the rest of them made themselves comfy as well.

Five minutes later we were in the air as I prepared for the six hours, fifty-two minutes flight. I awoke to someone tapping me.

I opened my eyes to see the air hostess. "Ma'am we are landing in three minutes," She said and left. I adjusted my seating position as the sign above my seat indicated to wear my seat belt.

You know that feeling when a plane is landing. Yep, I felt my intestines churning and I started getting dizzy I felt like vomiting. As soon as the plane landed I stood up and followed Hauwa out.

As soon as I stepped out of the jet the hot wind hit my face. Nigeria is so hot even at 5 pm. I felt so hot as I came off the jet. How the hell will I survive living here for two weeks. I look over at Hauwa and saw her facial expression.

I'm not the only one. I let Abba lead us to where I saw five cars lined up. Three were filled with guards. A driver came to lead us to our cars. Ya Mahmud, I and Hauwa sat in the second car while Abba and Ummah sat in the fourth car the rest were filled with guards.

I wonder which state we are. I made Ya Mahmud put The air con on full blast. The car started moving as we passed so many places. We soon arrived at a huge when I say huge I mean huge mansion with different parts.

The automated gates opened as we drove inside parking at the entrance of the main house.

We came out just as Abba and Ummah came out. We entered the house with a Salam as I was engulfed in a hug.

The person released me as I saw an elderly woman. "Ammi!" I heard Abba say from behind me hugging her. "My dear Ya Rasullilah your kids are all grown up." The elderly woman said. "Zarah this is my mother Ammi," Abba said introducing us.

"Come here my child," She said hugging me for the second time. I simply smiled. "Maryam zo kinuna musu wajan su" (Maryam come and show them their part) Ammi said in a different language.

I guess that's what they speak here. "That's Hausa the main language here in Kano," Ya Mahmud whispered to me as I saw the person called Maryam walking towards us. "What did she say?" I asked him."You see the girl coming towards us?" I nodded.

"Ammi told her to show us our part of the house." Ohhh.

We, by we I mean Hauwa, Ya Mahmud and I followed her to another part of this huge place. Abba and Ummah had already gone to their part. She led us to a part on the right-wing side.

She opened the door and lead us in. My jaw dropped. There were three rooms designed to our taste, a kitchen and a living room. "Close your mouth you're drooling," Hauwa whispered.

I quickly shut it and followed the Maryam as she directed each of us to our room. Once she led us she immediately left but not before telling Ya Mahmud something in the Hausa.

"She said we should freshen up and go for dinner in the main house." Ya Mahmud said. "Ok" I entered my room to see it just the way I like it. Gothic and blackish. My boxes and carry-ons were already here.

I walked into the en suite and used the hot tub to take a long-needed relaxing bath. I hope I get used to staying here.