

Mithian J-bryan. Loosing her mother and her ever first love was more than enough to kill the spirit of a young queen bee approaching her Snr yeah. but having a rich and famous Daddy could take her out of her darkness and turn the lights on. Kyle .m. Jackson. being a highschool king in his jnr yeah was the biggest headache of his life. it's like people expect him to him, I mean people work hard to be the best but he doesn't even lift a finger and yet people love him for it. his wrongs and rights are all pleasant to people's eyes. his father is a well known artist and great business man, and his mother a famous actress. they are divorced but still Inlove.

7 Chs

Questions (2)

few minutes after Mr Bamide went in, Mr Christopher came out and stared at me. maybe looking for some break down thinking that I thought Mr Bamide had told the truth but I gave him a look that said * Why The Hell Are You Steering At Me Like That * and he just walked away some teachers are so annoying even if am wrong it doesn't mean you have the right to catch me.

Mr Bamide came out with a few other teachers I almost lost my cool by jumping up but I held back because I knew that if I had done that these bastard's would use it against me, Mr Bamide looked at me with the eyes of everything is okey, I smiled within me then I saw Amaka coming from out side and she was been followed by Mr Christopher into the principal's office. these people are something else they seriously won't stop until they find a loop hole but not to worry I have lied with Amaka so many times and I am confident that she got my back she knows exactly what to say.

they interrogated her for some time but I believe they got nothing, she came out with a smile on her face and that assured me that once again the principal failed to get the correct information.

just as we are rejoicing I saw them walk in with the J-boy I dragged to Mr Bamide's office and my eyes shut open Mr Christopher walked up to me and said " shocked " and then chuckled as he followed them into the principals office. oh Lord I have lied too much to get court.

why do they really have to bring that fat fool I knew I was dawn for, but I couldn't panick I still have hope that the boy might not be a fool afterall.

I was pacing back and forth until I noticed my bestie Nathaniel and he smiled and gave me a signal to calm down, at first I was a bit confused but soon I realized he was trying to say he already took care of the boy; seriously I felt like giving him a tight hug I turned to Amaka and let out a long sign and she smiled. when the boy came out of the principal along with every other staff that were in there followed by principal Jackson, his next words only brought joy to my sole

" Miss J-Bryon and Mr Bamide I apologize for putting you in distress, you are one of the best student we have and your parents are big supporters of this schools foundation we were wrong for treating you with such horrible manner and Mr Bamide you are one of our holiest teacher I should not have accused you of such a horrible thing "

" don't worry sir it's okey " we where about leaving when he stopped us with a shocking news

" Mr Bamide will be your new further math tutor "


" and I don't want any complains " he said before exiting the room. we just stood there while Amaka kept laughing at us and the rest teachers exited the room soon it was just me Amaka and Mr Bamide" it's not funny " I said to Amaka while exiting the room " umm it's a little bit funny " she continued laughing I wanted to chase her but Mr Bamide pulled me back and entangled his watermelon pink lips with my strawberry red lips. he gave me such passionate kiss and I couldn't say no it took sometime for Amaka to notice what we were doing but she eventually did and was shocked by the site.

after parting lips I hurriedly dragged Amaka by the arm and ran to the hustle while he just stood there and kept smiling " I saw that " a voice from behind said, Mr Bamide turned with fear in his heart only for him to realize it was Matthew the J-boy, then he chased him all the way to thier hustle.

Amaka wouldn't stop asking me questions and I didn't want to say anything until I met Nathaniel cause I know he will ask the same questions.

We got to the Dinning hall where we all met in the second table in the first roll.

it was a convenient table for all of us and surprisingly the J-boy joined us as we all steered at him while he sat down.

" who invited you " Amaka asked

" well now that I am a part of your lieing committee I taught I'll make myself comfortable and besides my school mother Is here "

" What the heck "

" Snr Mithian she told Mr Bamide I am her school son" he smiled

" today is not my day " I bowed my head

" well are you going to explain, am running out if patience here " Nathaniel complained

"alright fine " I adjusted myself to my comfort and started explaining

" to be sincere I have no words for it; I went there to make him fall for me just so I could turn him down and ruin his reputation but every thing change when he touched me, it felt like cold hands but the good type of cold hands and for some reason my body didn't want him to stop I tried to protest but he just pulled me back and kissed me "

" what the F**k " Amaka said with her mouth left open out if shock

" there is a kid in the table " matt complained

" oh shut up you are In Feddy high you are more rotten than a three months old egg " Amaka judged

" ewwww "

" so what happened next " Nathan asked

" I tried to run forgetting that I only had my bra on and that's when the principal court me "

" wow you are one lucky bitch " he said

" now let me ask what happened when you guys went in " I asked Amaka and Matt

" well I knew that you were gonna lie with the girls bathroom so I flooded it, though I almost got court but I am Amaka I am very slippery. latter on when Mr Christopher came to call me I knew I was a pawn in your lie I was the one who told Mr Man here ( she said pointing at Nathan ) to take care of Matthew before going to the principals office, when I got there they wanted to kill me with questions but I told them that after giving you the sports wear you told Matt to tell me to bring for you I was supposed to keep watch but some bullies took my Assignment, which is physically impossible cause no one can bully a bully and I chased them for it and when I came back I heard the principal shouting Mr Bamide!!! so I got scared and decided to let it be "

" and that's when they called me, well before that Snr Nathan has already explained what I would say so going in there and acting scared and innocent was all just a charade but they bought it so I told them that after I spilled juice all over you I knew you would rain on me so I decided to run and you chased me all the way to Mr Bamide's office when we got there thier was no one inside so I decided to beg; you forgave me and told me to get Snr Amaka and that was exactly what I did and after that I knew nothing "

" waw Guys you are the best I don't know what I would have done without you " we all hug.

" that's what friends are for "

" and besides you always do this for us "

" do you know it's tutorial Time " a man approached us

" Mr Bamide " I said in fear

" Normally at this point girls no longer have respect for the teachers any more but you still respect me, thanks , and you should be thanking me too I told them that I had no idea that someone was inside, I left the office for some errands and when I got back I walked straight into my office and found you there and out of panic you tried to run away and that's when they found you "

" thank you "

" you're welcome and thank you guys for saving my ass today you're all great kids " he said while taking his leave

" he says that like as if he is old "

" isn't he "

" no way, why do you think girls are after him "

" because he is freakishly handsome "

" not just that he is the most handsome teacher in this school and we have the most handsome teachers in the world and plus he is super young and has the body of Dwain Johnson "

" no he doesn't " Nathan disagreed

" I know he doesn't but he sounds more handsome when I exaggerate "

" so how old is he "

" you don't know " Matt asked

" no "

" how can you not know anything about the hottest guy in school "

" cause I never cared "

" and now you do "

" of course the guy kissed me twice today"

" wait twice "

"yes "

" I only know about the first when was the second or was that the second " Nathan questioned

" no "

" it was after their judgement when we were leaving the principals office "

" what, are you nuts, how can you commit the same crime immediately after the investigation if that crime which you barely got out of, what if some one saw you "

" someone did see "

" what who "

" Snr Amaka and me " matt said

" I meant someone outside the lieing committee "

" okey no one saw "

" will someone just tell me his age "

" he is nineteen!!! " they all yelled at the same time

" nineteen!!! " I shouted louder than them 😱🥵

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