

Natasha Collins had to accept the harsh reality because her lover, Philips Sylvester, died in an accident on their wedding day. Frustration makes Natasha live alone, and she does not want to socialize until she meets a handsome CEO who makes Natasha thrill when she first meets him. Even though they had never met, Natasha felt a magnetic pull inside her to be close to a man named Christian Gibson. A playboy who turns out to have had heart disease since childhood. His life survived after his father, Alan Gibson, found a donor heart for Christian. Natasha always wanted to be near Christian. She could calm her down and forget her depression, but why? Why Christian? Even though Christian said that he didn't love Natasha. He didn't want to be tied down with women, but Natasha made him melt and entangled with incredible feelings.

YuiSakura · 都市
17 Chs

2. A Poor Young Master

In a luxurious and majestic house.

A middle-aged woman in such elegant attire sat in one of the rooms. The woman who looked like a rich woman looked so restless.

"Mrs. Gibson," a man forcing a doctor's robe had just arrived. The rich woman, Mrs. Linda Portman, immediately stood up with a very worried look.

"Doctor Nick, how's it going? Have you got it?" Linda asked.

The doctor-robed man seemed to sigh and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Gibson. The hospital is trying very hard. We haven't been able to get it," the doctor replied.

Linda was so worried. Her body shook as if her world had ended. The eyes dripped from her eyelids. "My son," Linda muttered so sadly.

"You don't have to worry. We can still try other ways. Christian can still take his medicine regularly. As long as it's not too late and according to the doctor's advice. Then he will be fine. And I ask you not to be too active."

"Nonsense! Christian really wants to enjoy his life. Why does he have to be cooped up at home in his current condition? That boy really wants to travel the world and enjoy his life. If he has to live on drugs every day. We're just waiting for him to pick him up! "Linda was so emotional. Of course. Christian is her son. She loved her son so much. Unfortunately, the son suffered from heart problems since childhood.

All efforts have been made by Linda. Her husband, Alan Gibson, is the president of the Gibson Holding Company. A company that has several business branches. But they focus more on cosmetics. Given that Austrecua Country is currently on the rise with cosmetics and also the world of entertainment.

"He's a potential heir to the Gibson Holding Company. What if he doesn't survive? Who will continue our company?" said Linda, who still didn't accept it.

Doctor Nick Brown looks so guilty. He had been the family's personal physician for many years. And he has also tried his best for Christian's recovery. Unfortunately, fate said otherwise. In addition to a heart transplant, Christian must continue to live on drugs. Even that does not guarantee that Christian will avoid the sudden heart attack that occurs when Christian is tired or has a lot of thoughts.

"We will try to find a suitable heart for your son. Once again, I apologize. Finding a donor is not easy, Ma'am. We can't just look for a heart donor. Everything must be ensured that it is compatible with the patient.…."

"Doctor Nick!" Linda immediately interrupted Doctor Nick Brown's words because she was tired of hearing the same explanation repeatedly. "You've said it so many times. So please, I just need some good news from now on. You don't have to worry about the cost. Either way, I'll pay you, Doctor Nick. But save my son's life!"

"I'll try, Ma'am. You don't have to worry. The young master's condition is currently very stable. There's nothing to worry about. While waiting for a donor heart for him," said Doctor Nick.

A young man walked from the front of the house. He smiled as he spoke to a man who was about twenty-five years of age to him.

"Mom?" the man was surprised to see his mother meeting with Doctor Nick Brown in the living room. "Doctor Nick? What's this?" asked the young man.

Linda immediately stood up. She winked at Doctor Nick Brown to keep himself from saying anything to his son, Christian Gibson.

"Where are you from, My son?" Linda immediately approaches Christian and puts his arm around her. She rubbed Christian's back very gently.

"I was just taking a walk in the park with Jonas," Christian says. Jonas was the man she was with. Christian's personal assistant.

Linda glanced at Jonas. She glared at her son's assistant. "You mustn't tire my son, Jonas," Linda warned.

"Mom" Christian warns his mother. "Don't be mean to Jonas. He's my best friend!"

"Friend?" Linda smiled bitterly. She didn't know what to do with her son, who loved Jonas so much, his personal assistant. They have been very close for a long time. Jonas is a street child who is helped by her husband. He was schooled by Alan Gibson at the same school as Christian, so they were close for a long time. And Jonas did not refuse when asked to be Christian's personal assistant.

"Mom, I want to eat. Can you prepare something for me? I want to eat your cooking today," Christian says.

Linda smiled at her son. She touches Christian's face. "Of course, I'll make one for you, Honey," said Linda. She then glanced at Doctor Nick Brown, who was still standing by them. "I am sorry, Doctor Nick. Looks like we have to end our meeting. I have to cook for my son."

"Oh, all right, Mrs. Gibson. I have to go back to the hospital too. Then I shall resign first." Doctor Nick Brown stares at Christian. "Young Master, I'll excuse myself."

"Okay," Christian replies casually.

After paying homage to Linda and Christian, Doctor Nick Brown immediately left the Alan Gibson residence. While Christian is still with Jason and his mother.

"Jason, let's go to the room," Christian says. The man immediately walked out of the room.

Jason, who was asked to follow Christian, also paid his respects to Linda. Linda shook her head because she saw these two young men who were too close.

"Thank goodness you at least have Jason," said Linda.

Meanwhile, in the room, Christian immediately asks Jason to come in. He closed the door to his room and immediately opened his laptop.

"I can't wait! I can't wait," Christian says excitedly.

"Young Master, don't be too emotional. You must take care of yourself." Jason warned Christian.

The Christian immediately turned curtly at Jason. "I've told you many times. Call me Christian. We are friends. Why do you call me Young Master? Don't you want to be friends with me?"

Jason sighed. It's not that he doesn't want to be friends with Christian. But Jason's position is Christian's personal assistant. He's just a subordinate. Moreover, his life was saved by Christian's parents. It was inappropriate for Jason to think of Christian as a friend.

Suddenly Christian faints. Jason, who was near Christian, immediately panicked. He also pressed the emergency button, which was in Christian's room. It was useful for this kind of impromptu situation. Panic strikes when Christian's eyes only show the whites. If Christian's parents found out about this condition, they would be very panicked. Jason didn't want anything to happen to Christian.

"Chris, are you all right? Christian!" squealed Jason. He looked at the door several times, but no one came.