
Chapter One


The night weather is pleasant as people stroll in and out of the club ready to let go of all the hustle of the week except for me.

There's a big turmoil going on inside me as I'm stuck behind the bar preparing drinks and watching everyone else live their lives. My life and family was torn apart four years.

My current situation is a constant reminder of my failure to protect my family. And none of it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me.

It's the first week after Christmas break and I have to go back to college eventually. The money I have saved is enough to pay my tuition for another semester. But for how long do I have to keep living like this.

Always walking on egg shells and looking over my shoulder twenty-four seven.

Fridays are fairly busy for us at the club and I've made a pretty descent amount of money during the break to pay my tuition this semester.

I can move out of that hellhole but that isn't a choice right now. But how long do I have to keep living like this though? I ask myself for what feels like the millionth time. I look at the happy chatter of all the customers in the bar tonight none of them knowing the war going on in my life.

Sometimes I feel like the whole world is happy except for me. People are hyper and ready to start their weekends and they have money to spend on unnecessary stuffs. While I'm here praying for a miracle. One that'll likely fall into my lab with no strings attached.

The crowd today is young, mostly students from the university. The older crowds are going to be a little later than usual as they usually are. They always start their weekends late so they can party into the next morning or afternoon depending on the individual.

Lucky's bar is a fancy bar alright, a kind of minimalist classical and some people prefer it to the high end bars around here. We serve some of the best alcohol around this part of Ghana and we're mostly famous among college kids.

I rest my hand on the smooth wound of the counter staring at a bunch of college kids drinking and laughing their hearts out. These are all kids who have too much money and don't know what to do except spend it all. I wish I was like that. Have fun and have no care for the consequences.

But no matter how jovial everything is at work, I can't stop the flood of anger churning in the pit of my stomach.

I look down at the fading mark on my right arm and I wonder when this will all end. I've been enduring this for four years but I can't move out no matter how much I want to.

The money I'll use for rent I've been saving for my college tuition and when I finally muster enough courage to drag my aunt, Jackie, out by her hair. Sad to think that none of this will be happening if only I…

Stop right there, Ela. No need to think about the past now. It'll only bring more pain. I'm already exhausted I can't deal with another panic attack.

I know if they were here they'll tell me to stop blaming myself but I can't help it. I just can't stop blaming myself overnight.

I don't know if I'll ever stop blaming myself, I think glumly. It was all my fault anyway.

Things are hectic right now and I don't think I can go back to that house. Well not now anyway, Jackie and her son, Andrew, are still there. I promised Andrew I wouldn't leave without them. I really love my aunt but I don't understand her. They say love makes you blind but not stupid.

No matter how many times I tell her that monster, Bright, wouldn't change, she only gets mad and defensive. It's one thing to find the good in people no matter how horrible they are but it's another to keep making excuses for someone who doesn't want to change.

I sigh and wince when I put too much pressure on my ribs. I don't even want to know how Jackie is feeling right now, she took most of the beatings last night.

And poor Andrew, he's only eight years old but he had to grow up early to protect his mother. The last time he tried to protect his mother we ended up in the hospital with an unbelievable story that wouldn't fool even the stupidest of person.

When will Jackie man up and leave that monster. When we are all dead and gone? I'm so mad right now I can't even laugh at the irony of that thought.

I look around the club at all the happy faces none of them knowing the crazy thoughts going on inside my head. I wish I could just pack up and leave but I can't do that to Jackie and Andrew. I've been saving up and in a few more months I'll have enough for all of us to leave. College will just have to wait for a while.

"Hey, yo. Wassup baby girl," a lanky guy with a huge nose and the bushiest eyebrows I've ever seen on one person, stroll casually up to my side of the counter and smiles.

He reclines against it with one arm on top of it tapping frantically and the other in his pant pocket. He turns his nose up at the other customers and keeps to himself.

I return it as politely as I could master silently laughing at how ridiculous he looks. This isn't the first time a customer try to impress me with their English but this is the first one who has try to slang.

And from his posture and the snobby looks he keeps giving the other patrons near the bar, he has a few doughs in his pocket he thinks he's Richie Rich.

He sounds ridiculous there's no need to ask. And I stare at him trying to look tough and intimidating but there's no denying it. He's weak and stupid. I've had my share of them. I release a huge sigh my shoulders dropping in dismay. Looks like I only attract the stupid ones.

"What can I do for you?" I ask him, crossing my arms, in Twi, in case that's the only English he knows and I don't want to embarrass him if it is. The embarrassed and slightly grateful smile he gives me confirm it.

"Um," he clears his throat and grabs the back of his neck looking like he wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole. His eyes narrows when I give him my full attention and he presses his lips together tightly.

Where's the confident moron who had his nose stuck in the air literally bouncing on his feet a few seconds ago?

"Can I have your number?" he rushes out appraising the floor like he wants to disappear.

"How much do I get from your bet if you win?" I deadpan making his head snap up in surprise.

I stare at his friends in the far corner of the bar and they all resume what they were doing before, pretending they're not interested in what's going on over here.

I've notice them earlier placing bets and staring at me when I was serving drinks to a bunch of students sitting by the window being jerks.

But I didn't think they were betting on my number. And this dashing young scapegoat with nose the size of Texas is the chosen one or more like the brave one among them. Either way he's ruining my already sour mood.

"Um, uh," he stammers.

"How much is the bet?" I ask him leaning inward.

"Um, five thousand cedis," he replies and I maintain my composure trying not to let my jaw drop. Five thousand cedis on a stupid bet like this?


What are they? STUPID?

"How about this?" I uncross my arms making him stare at me curiously.

"How about I help you win and you give me half of the money?"

Lord knows I need it more than them.

"Um," he stutters his head tilting to the side doubtful.

"Hey, don't be greedy. I could have you and your friends arrested for starry eyes, you know?"

"What? What is that?" he asks his eyes bulging out of his head. Yeah he's stupid and he doesn't like jail. Okay. I can work with that.

I know his type too much. I've seen everything from this side of the world too much. He's here from Kumasi to celebrate a good harvest with cocoa money he got from his father after helping out on the farm.

I wonder what he said to convince his parents so he can come to Accra. But either way I know what he's going to say when he gets back.

The universal 'I got robbed at the bus station because he can't speak English and didn't know anywhere around here.'

I snicker. It's not far from the truth. If he keeps acting this way, he will get robbed for sure.

"It's for staring too long at a female," I tell him earnestly making direct eye contact to get my points across.

"Really? That's a thing?" he fidgets staring back at his friends but they're too busy enjoying themselves forgetting about him.

I nod giving him a pitying look. He swallows so hard I can see his Adams apple working up and down. His eyes flash, a sheen of sweat forming on his temples.

"Okay, fine. I'll give you half," he says frantically when I don't budge. "I don't want to go to jail. My parents will disown me. Please."

"But there's one thing if you tell your friends I'll add snitch to my complaints and you'll be looking at twenty years jail time."

"Fine. I won't tell them," he says snapping his fingers across his lips in a zip sign, wide eyed.

"Forever," I whisper conspiratorially.

"Forever," he confirms nodding his head.

"That's really sweet, you know," I say in a shaky voice wiping a fake tear from the corner of my eye.

"Really?" I give him a warm smile staring down pretending to be shy.

"You just gave yourself up for your friends. You don't see that anymore. You're like iron man."

"Yeah, it's nothing. It's part of my DNA," he laughs puffing his chest up.

I smile giving him my best hero worship look and his face lights up, his eyes gleaming with excitement. I couldn't control my eye roll then. I almost feel sorry for him.

Almost been the key word.

He strolls back to his friends after I gave him my number with a shaky smile and sit gingerly on his chair still a little shaken about what just happened. I'm not worried about him calling me. If he knows what's good for him he wouldn't.

He tells them something before turning and waving his hand. He gives me a ridiculous wink and mouth the word 'Forever'.

I give him an okay sign and all his friends descend on him like he hangs the moon.

Bitch. Somebody better enroll that boy in some school or else.

Oh goodness.

I hear a muffle chuckle and turn to see Joshua laughing hard and suddenly grabs his crotch. I won't be surprised if he pees on himself at the rate at which he's laughing.

"Oh my God," he says grabbing his stomach tightly his laughter not subsiding a bit. "Starry eyes? Snitch? Really? What elementary school did he go to?"

"Shut up." I'm not sure he even went to any elementary school. But looking back at him he looks a little on the rich side. If those people have a scale I'd give him a three.

"I'm telling you all they do at this fancy school these days is let the kids watch movies. Such a waste of money," he says wiping his eyes.

Oh no. I'm not going to feel bad. He had it coming. That'll teach him not to bet at bars and focus more on his studies if he thinks starry eyes and snitch are something to get twenty years jail time.

"If you pee on the floor," I murmur dryly when I see him crunch over grabbing his crotch. "I'm not cleaning it."

I feel so sorry for his parents though. I bet they don't know he's at a bar instead of studying right about now.

Joshua's right though. What a waste of good money. I'll just put it to good use for them if they don't need it.

"Ela," Lucky calls making my spine snap up. I give Joshua my best glower and he gets himself under control.

I don't need Lucky giving me another lecture on how customers are always right and I should be nice to them. Blah blah blah.

"Do you mind closing up tonight," I turn to her standing at the counter.

"Why?" I ask only half curious. I usually close up all the time but I just need to distract her from the laughing hyena named Joshua.

I drop the glass I'm cleaning and give her my full attention when she doesn't respond. She walks around the counter her face lighting up and grab my hands tightly in her excitement.

She's dressed in a pale blue dress which compliment her sea blue eyes, along with her straight nose and bow shaped mouth which she inherited from her Dad. Lucky really is a stunning young woman.

Her father is a British business man who came to Ghana more than twenty five years ago and got hot and heavy with his business partner's sister. Nine months later they had a screaming bundle of joy to take care of.

Lucky is a daddy's girl through and through. Her father's always giving her everything she wants to the protests of her mother who claims he's spoiling her too much. But he doesn't care, he can't leave his baby girl for want.

I wait for her to tell me what has her so happy and smiling from ear to ear like that. I smile in spite of myself because seeing her like this is really infectious.

I wait one beat.

Two beats.

I wait with barely concealed impatience to discover what's bugging her, anticipation curling up in my stomach.

"I have a date tonight," she screams so loudly the customers within hearing distance turn to see what the ruckus is all about.

"What?" I mouth scared that I'll scream this whole place down if I try to talk.

"Mmm hmm," she nods her head vigorously.

"Really?" I ask in a low voice, a little skeptical.

She nods again excited.

After what happened the last time I didn't think she'll want to go on a date so soon. Her last date was a date from hell according to her.

Her dad found out she went on a blind date with someone she met on the internet and he literally tracked them down and drag them back here.

But he let them continue their date after Lucky's pleas got to him with him sitting at the next table staring straight at them in case he tries anything 'funny'.

He's just scared his baby girl's growing too fast and now she has to move on to the next chapter of her life. At twenty four, he still thinks she's too young to get married. If it was up to him she wouldn't get married at all.


But Lucky's mom will kill her husband if he stops her from settling down.

Mr. Winston is a big man and with those arms looking like they can put you in a permanent coma, Lucky's date was stammering all night long.

He ran out of here like the hounds of hell was on his ass when the timer Mr. Winston set for them went off but he was decent enough to leave a few bills on the table to cover their meal but I think he was just covering loose ends.

Mr. Winston was one second away from retrieving his pistol that he still keeps in his old office which is now Lucky's office when it went off. He doesn't want Mr. Winston to track him down and castrate him obviously.

Lucky was so embarrassed she locked herself in her room and didn't come out for days. I and the girls took care of the club in her absence. Trisha and Jenn couldn't stop laughing about it for days. They never let her forget about it and are always teasing her but I know they only do it to get her mind off her embarrassment. They even had a bet going for her next date. I seriously want to know who's going to win.

We jump up and down, holding hands and screaming silently like a bunch of school girls. The same patrons from earlier give us weird looks thinking we're finally over the edge. But we don't care, she's going on a date. I'm so happy for her.

"But wait," I stop. "Are you sure about this?"

After what happened, she's so brave going on this date tonight and I hope it turns out better than the last one. I didn't think she wanted to go out with anyone again, especially so soon but she looks so happy I don't want to spoil it for her. If this is what she wants then I'll support her wholeheartedly.

Lucky is a beautiful woman and God forbid if anyone is ever good enough for Mr. Winston's baby girl. A lot of the regulars come here to check her out. Right now everyone's eyes, mostly men, are on her. She's been running the club ever since she graduated from college and inherited it from her dad.

She didn't have time to date and her love life is pretty much non-existent. She's been trying to date after I and the girls at the club told her about her workaholic streak. I can't wait to tell the girls when we have our break.

But first let me get something straight.

"Is it a blind date? Do you even know him? He might be a serial killer. Oh my God. Is he a serial killer? What does he do for a living? How old is he? Where is he taking you? Do you know? Does Mr. Winston know you're going out on a date?"

"Ela," she snaps grabbing both of my shoulders to stop my ranting. "No it isn't a blind date. I met him last week at the grocery store. He's not a serial killer, I think. I don't know his age but he looks thirty. He's taking me to the Chinese restaurant around the block. And I'll tell Daddy once I get back."

"Grocery store? You met him at the grocery store? Maybe he went there to buy disinfectant to prepare for his next victim which is you. What kind of man goes grocery shopping?"

"The kind that needs to eat," she deadpans shaking my shoulders lightly.

"Mr. Winston isn't going to be happy about this," I tell her still a little breathless from my tirade.

"I know," she says her face pinching into a grimace.

"Lucky, he's going to freak out," I start.

"I know," she whines. "but daddy freaks out about everything."

"What if it doesn't turn out great?" I ask her.

"Then he'll never know," she replies nonchalantly but I can see through her.

"Lucky," I say warningly.

"Don't worry about it."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

"Anyway," she says nervously. "How do I look?"

"You look like a homeless girl on cheap wine," I tease.

"You tease me more than those girls."

Yeah. I have to tell them before I combust with worry.

"Please," she says. "Don't tell the girls. I don't know how it's going to turn out and I don't want to give them anymore reasons to tease me."

What? Was she reading my mind?


"Please," she whispers grabbing my hand in her plea.

"Okay," I relent. "I won't tell them but promise me something."

"Anything. What is it?"

"I get to tell them when it turns out great," I tell her jumping up and down on my feet.

"Fine," she laughs engulfing me in a huge hug. I wince when she squeeze me too hard which I try to hide but I wasn't very successful.

"What is it?" she asks me noticing my slight wince.

"It's nothing," I tell her.

"Ela," she says warningly looking doubtful but I shake my head slightly indicating the customers.

"Later," she mutters.

"Later," I confirm. "You look amazing by the way."

"Really?" she says looking a little green. "Don't you think it's too much?"

"Relax, you look great," I tell her.

"Okay, I have to go," she says nervously.

"Well, what're you still doing here? Go," I push her towards the door when I realize she's stalling. I know she wants this one to turn out great and I know it will. Lucky's a smart woman and any man will be lucky to have her and love her unconditionally despite all her flaws. I hope this one turns out better than the last one. I can't wait to grill her for information tomorrow.

"I'm so nervous," she says wringing her hands together.

"I know. You're getting an armpit stain."

"What? Where?" she shrieks turning around to check.

"Just kidding," I laugh.

"You're the worse," she tells me when she sees I'm just messing with her.

"Go," I shoo her.

"Wish me luck."

"You don't need it but good luck," I tell her giving her my best encouraging smile. "Call me when you get there."

"I will and thank you," she murmurs hugging me again. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Okay, bye." She says waving at me.

"Bye," I return it. "Don't make me an aunt. I still have a few years left."

"Sheesh, Ela," she clips out staring at the few men who suddenly became interested in our conversation.

"Go on." She nods and turns on her heels.

I sigh.

"Where's Lucky going?" Trisha asks staring at Lucky's profile. I want to tell her so bad but I already promised Lucky that I wouldn't. So I have to keep my mouth shut.

For now. This is going to be harder than I thought. I try to keep the smile off my face but it's hard.

"She's running a few errands," I say lying through my teeth.

"Oh," she mutters. "When will she be back?"

"I don't think she's going to come back to the club tonight."

"Uh," she sputters. "So who's going to close up."

"Me," I reply. "I always do."

"What? Don't you have to get home before the devil's advocate comes back?"

"No," I laugh. "I have errands to run myself."

"Don't tell me…," she says pointing a finger in my face. "you're going to that girl's house again."

"Trisha, that girl's name is Priscilla and she's our friend."

"Whatever. I only tolerate her for you," she murmurs. "You can't always be hanging out at her place like that. It's unhealthy."

"I don't go there to hang out. I work there," I tell her.

"Aww, you still do that?" she asks innocently looking anywhere but at me.

"You really are hopeless," I say shaking my head.

"How can she call you her 'best friend' when she makes you clean her toilet and wash her clothes," she mumbles making air quotes on best friend.

"I should be grateful that she talked her father into letting me work for them. The pay's really good so I can't complain."

"I will," she interjects.

"I know," I mock her.

"They have an army of servants to work for them. Why does she need you?" she snaps.

"She doesn't need me. They have all these money to spare and I'm just taking my cut."

"I can't even call you stupid to make myself feel better. Sheesh," she says frustration clear in her voice.

I laugh.

"Come on," she says strolling to the back. "Jenn is waiting for us."

I shake my head at her antics to get me to take a break early. Trisha comes from a pretty decent family but are only willing to let them support her so far. She's their favourite but she feels guilty about asking them for money for her fashion school. She doesn't want to burden them anymore after they accepted her with open arms when they found her on the streets ten years ago.

She secretly took money from her college fund to buy all the stuff she needs for fashion. Now she's working to pay it back. Even though they'll kill her if they find out she's working to pay back money that initially belongs to her.

Lucky pays good money but fashion school isn't cheap. She won't be able to pay that money back in time with what Lucky's paying us but I admire her determination.

She's the most beautiful and determined girl around here with her brown hair and brown eyes, she looks like a goddess. And she gets stares almost as much as Lucky. But she's waiting for Mr. Right. She's living her best life and she's glowing.

I take my break ten minutes later and head to the adjoining restaurant where Trisha and Jenn works to get some food into my system. I'm famished.

The three of us together we always make a sight whenever we go out. With my brown skin and long curly black hair, Jenn with her cute face and straight black hair and Trisha with her beautiful face.

We always get requests for foursome from guys. But no thanks this girls are like my sisters. Just the thought of it is…ewww. No. Just…no.

"So…," Jenn stresses dropping a glass of orange juice in front of me before taking her seat beside me.

"So…" I echo.

"Your birthday is coming up in three weeks…" she starts.

"I don't want a birthday party," I interrupt before she can say anything.

"Oh c'mon Ela!" Trisha says frustration clear in her voice. "How can you have a birthday without a party?"

"Just a small gathering for us please, please," Jenn pleads. "There won't be a drop of alcohol."

"Yeah no alcohol," Trisha agrees enthusiastically.

"I can't. Don't you guys remember? Priscilla and I share the same birthday and she's holding a birthday party at her house," I say trying not to get mad at them for forgetting.

"She'll kill us if we miss it. And I know you guys won't go to a party where there's no alcohol much less if you're planning said party."

"We will for you," Trisha says looking to Jenn for confirmation to which she bobs her heard so hard I fear it'll snap off.

"No," I say sternly. "We have to focus on Priscilla's birthday."

"But it's your birthday too," Jenn interjects.

"Yeah," Trisha agrees. "And it won't be a birthday if you're only serving drinks at Priscilla's birthday party."

"She's only worried about herself and her infamous boyfriend, Richard Dalton," she snaps scrunching her cute face up.

Priscilla's boyfriend is in fact not infamous but very famous. He's the heir to the Dalton industries and his family own more than half of the businesses in Ghana and everybody knows that. They are worth more than the president and everyone combine.

Every mother's trying their best to auction their daughters to the highest bidder. And Richard Dalton, is the richest and highest bidder and they all have their eyes set on him.

Girls have been throwing themselves at him since before he hit puberty and Priscilla knows this. That's why she make it clear to everyone that Dalton belongs to her and no one else.

Richard Dalton and his family aren't from around here actually. But fortunately for them, Richard's grandfather invested into the right business more fifty years ago. Now they're ripping all the fruits from that lucky tree.

"It's okay guys. I don't really want a party," I don't want Priscilla to think I'm stealing the spotlight from her again.

But I don't know how I can do that. She's the one having the party and I do nothing but she confronted me about it last year. And I don't want a repeat of that. Thank you very much.

"Not even just us," Jenn pouts making my resolve crack a little.

"Maybe we'll do something before Priscilla's party," I relent.

"At least it's something," Trisha says in a pitiful voice. If I didn't know her better I will let her response calm me. But I have to keep my eyes on her.

"Hey," I say wrapping my arms around her shoulders and pulling her into my side. "We'll all go shopping later."

"Oh ho," she says pushing away from me. "It's cruel to use what I love to bribe me."

"Did it work?" I ask raising both eyebrows and taunting her.

She can't stay mad for long whenever I do my puppy dog face as she's so fond of calling it. But I don't think it's much of a puppy dog face.

I laugh.

I remember someone else who couldn't resist my puppy dog face and a searing pain shot through my chest making me lose my breath there for a second.

"Are you okay?" Jenn asks.

"Yeah, I'm just tired," I lie.

"You're so pale. What happened now," Trisha asks staring at me like a mother hen. Even though she's only five months older than me. She acts like my mother sometimes and I love her for it.

"Are you sure you're okay," Jenn asks this touching a hand to my forehead.

"Stop worrying too much mom," I tease.

"She's fine if she can still mouth off at me," she says to Trisha.

"So are you guys clear on the 'no party' policy?" I ask staring each of them in the eye to get my point across.

"Fine," Trisha snaps making Jenn giggles.

"Okay, okay," Jenn says. "You guys want to eat something?"

"Yeah, I'm starving," I reply.

"Girl, you're always starving," Trisha says frustrated. "And look how skinny you are. I'm so jealous."

"Okay," Jenn laughs. "Our usual?"

"Yeah," we both confirm.

I wish I can give them what they want but they know about my alcohol allergy. I can't drink alcohol and that's so frustrating sometimes when you just want to relax and have a normal teenage drunken night.

Maybe I should let them organize a small party and as Trisha has been telling me for months now you only turn nineteen once in your life.

Jenn goes into the kitchen to collect our dinner and she comes out approximately five minutes later with a bump in her steps. I exchange a knowing look with Trisha both of us understanding each other.

"Well that was fast," I comment.

"Uh," Trisha sighs. "When I go there nobody pays attention to me and I have to wait for more than an hour before I get any food."

"Yeah, I understand," I pat her reassuringly. "Last night I had to wait thirty minutes for a glass of water."

"Yeah you only get fast food if you have a secret admirer in the kitchen who doesn't want you to starve or dehydrate."

We both jump slightly when Jenn slams our plate in front of us.

"Hey watch it. It'll take another hour for me to get food if you throw this one away," I say.

"Yeah," Trisha agrees.

"When are you guys going to stop teasing me about this?" Jenn questions.

"When you finally put that poor man out of his misery and go out with him. By now I think everyone from here to Japan knows he has a crush on you," I tell her.

"Someone has a secret admirer," Trisha teases in a sing song voice.

"It's not a secret if we know who it is," I say and we all turn to see Jake staring at her with a whipped look on his face. He gets startle when we wave at him and he flushes before dashing back into the kitchen.

"You guys shouldn't tease him so much," Jenn reprimands.

"Why? Is it because you like him too?" Trisha asks.

"Okay, Trisha. Let's let her be," I say and Jenn gives me a grateful look.

"You don't want to confuse her. They moved from like to love eight months ago."

"Ugh," Jenn groans throwing a fried chip at me. "You guys are the worst."

Trisha and I have a good laugh over that one. It's really embarrassing how they've been skirting around each for almost a year now. They should just bone already. The tension between them is legit driving everyone crazy. Maybe we should set them up.

Yeah that should help.

"You shouldn't tease me so much," Jenn tells me pointing another fry at me before rounding the table to take her seat.

"Yeah," I agree. "I still want free food."

"Me too," Trisha mutters.

"You guys really are hopeless," Jenn comment making us laugh out loud.

Yeah we really are