
Fated To His Darkness

FATED TO HIS DARKNESS "Are you trying to gain my attention?" he asked, a note of cynicism and gave her his devilish smile. ______________________________________________ "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how... In a world where vampires and witches secretly coexist with humans, there lived a fragile and timid vampire named Aliena. Her life took a tragic turn when her mother left her, leaving her in the care of her cruel stepfamily, the Anwars, who despised her for being different. Aliena was not like other vampires. She possessed no remarkable abilities or strengths, often the target of her stepsisters' mockery and mistreatment. Forced to live in secrecy among humans in the Mundane universe, her life was a never-ending nightmare. But destiny had different plans for Aliena. The vampire kingdom of Nacrifa, in the mysterious realm known as the Dark Universe, was on the brink of war. The current king, summoned all vampires in the Mundane universe back. Upon her arrival in Nacrifa, Aliena was introduced to a world of darkness, magic, and intrigue. The royal court was a complex web of vampire politics, where alliances were fragile, and betrayals were commonplace. Amidst the chaos, Aliena found herself inexplicably drawn to the enigmatic Crown Prince, Sebastian. He was not a pure vampire but a rare hybrid, born of both vampire and witch bloodlines, and carried an air of mystery and danger. As Sebastian and Aliena spent more time together, their connection deepened, and a forbidden romance blossomed. But the path to their love was not smooth, as both their worlds were threatened by external forces. Dark creatures and powerful adversaries sought to tear apart the kingdom of Nacrifa, and Aliena discovered her unique abilities could be the key to victory. Yet, the mysteries didn't end there. The Crown Prince harbored a hidden identity that even his closest confidants were unaware of. Secrets from the past began to unravel, and their intertwined destinies became entangled in a tapestry of love, magic, and danger. As the war loomed over Nacrifa, Aliena had to find the strength within herself to rise above her weaknesses and embrace her true self. In a world where strength came in many forms, she had to prove that even the weakest vampire had a role to play in the kingdom's survival.

Deborah_13 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Personal maid

The grand Royal Palace was filled with the resonant echoes of laughter and the soft rustling of elegant gowns and suits. The Royal Ball was in full swing, a magnificent affair that brought together the kingdom's most esteemed guests.

Sebastian moved gracefully through the opulent corridors, his royal attire commanding attention and admiration. But beneath his composed exterior, curiosity tugged at him like an invisible thread.

There was something about the girl in the identical dress that had captured his attention. Her presence had struck him like a bolt of lightning, and he couldn't simply ignore it. His father's speech had concluded, and Sebastian decided to take a stroll to clear his head. He found himself in a dimly lit hallway, away from the prying eyes of the court, and there she was, staggering.

Aliena had been wandering through the palace's maze of corridors, attempting to regain her composure as she was feeling dizzy because of the blood wine she had drank.

Lost in thought, she turned a corner and collided with a solid, unyielding figure.

The collision was as unexpected as it was abrupt, and Aliena stumbled back, her equilibrium lost.

What the hell?" she blurted out, her words slurred. "Can't you watch where you're going, you good-for-nothing

Her ranting came to an abrupt halt as she looked up and locked eyes with none other than the Crown Prince, who had removed his mask. She squinted, her vision hazy from the wine, but Sebastian steadied her.

"Are you trying to gain my attention?" he asked, a note of cynicism in his voice, and gave her a devilish smile.

Sebastian, the Crown Prince, studied her with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. Her vulnerability was evident, and he found it strangely endearing. "Are you trying to gain my attention?" he asked, his voice carrying a note of amusement.

Aliena's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, her mind racing for an appropriate response. "N-No, I didn't mean to... I didn't see... apologies..."

But before she could finish her sentence, her stomach heaved uncontrollably, and she retched. The contents of her stomach, a mixture of wine and the evening's dinner, splattered onto Sebastian's regal attire. The hallway suddenly became a chaotic scene of disgust and confusion.

Sebastian, who moments earlier had been filled with intrigue, now found himself drenched in vomit, his elegant clothes tarnished. Shock turned to fury as he looked at the girl who had just soiled his attire.

"You," he hissed at Aliena, unable to contain his anger. "You did that on purpose!"

Aliena, pale and mortified, struggled to form words. Her strength gave way, and the spinning room seemed to swallow her whole. Her vision blurred, and in an instant, she collapsed to the cold palace floor, unconscious.

The scene was nothing short of pandemonium. The magnificent ballroom had been replaced by the stark and deserted hallway. Servants and attendants rushed to clean the mess and tend to the fallen maiden. But all eyes remained fixed on the Crown Prince and the girl who had caused this spectacle.

Sebastian was left standing in the midst of chaos, his once-impeccable attire now ruined. His intrigue had turned into anger, and he could feel the burning glances of the courtiers and guests surrounding him. But amid the anger, he couldn't help but feel a tiny shred of concern for the unconscious girl at his feet.

Aliena awoke to a throbbing headache and a sense of disorientation. Her surroundings were unfamiliar, and she couldn't immediately grasp what had transpired. As the haze began to clear, memories of the disastrous encounter with the Crown Prince flooded her mind.

She found herself in a modest chamber, far removed from the grandeur of the Royal Palace. Her hand went instinctively to her forehead, and she realized she was lying in a simple cot. Confusion clouded her thoughts, and she struggled to understand how she had ended up here.

Just then, the door to her chamber creaked open, and a servant entered, bearing a tray of food and water. She regarded Aliena with a mixture of pity and sympathy.

"Here, drink this," the servant said gently, offering her a glass of water. Aliena drank gratefully, her throat parched from the effects of the wine. The servant then placed a plate of food on the small table next to her.

Aliena finally found her voice, her words coming out in a hoarse whisper. "Where am I? What happened?"

The servant sighed and nodded. "You fainted at the ball, and Prince Sebastian ordered for you to be brought here. You've been unconscious for a few hours."

Aliena's eyes widened as she remembered the events that had led to her fall. The vomit, the Crown Prince's accusation, and then the darkness that had swallowed her. Shame and embarrassment washed over her, and she couldn't bring herself to meet the servant's gaze.

As if on cue, the door opened again, and in walked a royal courtier, followed closely by Prince Sebastian himself. The courtier had a solemn expression, and Sebastian's eyes were fixed on Aliena.

"Well, it seems you've finally awakened," Sebastian remarked, his voice tinged with sarcasm.

Aliena struggled to sit up, her head still throbbing from the effects of the blood wine. "I'm... I'm so sorry," she stammered, avoiding the piercing gaze of the Crown Prince.

Sebastian's eyes bore into her, and she felt a shiver of apprehension. "You made a spectacle of yourself and tarnished my attire in the process. Tell me, was it deliberate?"

Aliena shook her head vigorously, her cheeks flushed with humiliation. "No, I swear, I didn't mean to... it was the wine, it was too much, and I—"

Sebastian cut her off with an impatient gesture. "Enough excuses. You will face the consequences of your actions."

Aliena braced herself for the punishment she knew was inevitable. Serving as the personal maid to the Crown Prince was both an honor and a burden, and she had no doubt that it would be a trying experience. She had gone from a moment of intrigue with the Crown Prince to a humiliating fall from grace, and now, the prospect of a week of servitude awaited her.

Sebastian turned to the royal courtier. "Prepare the royal decree. She will serve as my personal maid for a week, attending to my needs and cleaning up the mess she created. Perhaps that will teach her some discipline."

The courtier nodded and left the room to carry out the orders. Aliena's heart sank even further. She had offended the Crown Prince, and the punishment was a harsh reminder of her actions.

As Sebastian walked away, he left Aliena to contemplate the consequences of her actions. She felt a deep sense of shame, and her thoughts turned to her father, who had looked at her with pity after her collapse. Aliena could only hope that she would survive the week of servitude and maybe, just maybe, find a way to redeem herself in the eyes of the enigmatic Sebastian.