

Pov Somewhere in Eastwood ville I really couldn't believe my eyes,I thought I was still dreaming or rather still this was a dream. How the f**k did I end up in the same room with this unknown man??. I could really feel his warm breath on my skin,the scent that filled the room was Amazing, but who is this person?!. All I could recall from last night was leaving my house to work and now I end up in another man's bedroom??!!! I wouldn't lie this is my first time being with someone this close and to think more of it I really loved it. But wait, am I naked??. The tingling feeling down there was really painful but it was just then I began recalling what happened last night………" But before I could stand up from the bed,warm hands with cold breath squeezed me from behind and didn't want to let me go. Looking at the figure right beside he was really handsome. Wait, am I already drooling at someone I don't even know?!This must be a joke. I surveyed my surroundings and I knew that definitely this is a hotel but where and who am I with?. I just couldn't take it anymore. I needed help. How could he still have the guts to hold me firmly even when I am still in pain. I knew I needed to do something and it should be very fast. The only reasonable thought that came to my head was to shout for help and make a run for it. "Someone ……"but before I could utter another word the strong firm figure behind me held my mouth shut and that was my last time seeing the light in the room again. There and then I knew that This was just the beginning of my Doom.

Munachiso_Oluoma · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter six

The two days finally came and went with nurse Theresa still taking intensive care of me and I got better by the minute and hour of the day. My forehead, arm and body were recovering fully,I could now move about with much ease with the help of my lovely personal nurse. I then reminded her of my request to see my parents and she gladly accepted to take me to my parents with the permission of the senior doctor that came to see me on my first day in the clinic who was the same person that introduced me to lovely Nurse Theresa.

We started walking past long passageways and entering one block or the other and then we eventually reached a particular door where nurse Theresa signaled to me and I immediately knew that she meant we had already arrived at my parents room. I was feeling agitated but yet fearful for what worse scenario I ever imagined but I finally got hold of myself and opened the door with nurse Theresa following me as my bodyguard, I saw my Dad first, he had a bandage tied around his forehead, patches or rather still stitches I guessed he got from the accident as a result of different injuries and as well different tubes were fixed in his body that I could hardly tell if one was actually for drip or for blood or rather still for oxygen?!. I quickly noticed a figure lying alongside in a different bed and I looked closely and saw that it was my mom, 🙊🥺 what a cute couple even till death do them part they still very much wanted to be together. Mom's body wasn't that stitched or patched up as dad, just that her legs were really not looking good with her arm as it was given a bandage. From what I could read or process from the system that was used in regulating their heartbeat, I could see that they were breathing fine but it really kept going down and strikingly going up. I prayed that all would be better. How do you expect a twelve (12) Year old to actually know the name of these devices? I asked nurse Theresa if I could sit close to them and try speaking to them and she gave me a go ahead sign. From what I could tell they were sound asleep I didn't really want to bother them but I needed them to speak to me so as to assure me that everything was going to be alright and back to normal as it has always been.

I quickly but quietly sat down on a chair that was placed in between the two beds. One belonged to Dad and the other to my Mom. I rested my arm on mummy's bed and I started talking to them both with the hope that they'd listen and wake up to the sound of my voice,"mom dad good morning, I hope you guys are doing fine, I just really wish that all these would come to an end now am so fucking tired of this!! how could we have imagined that in a day we all would end up like this, I really miss you guys 😭I started crying almost immediately and nurse Theresa came to my rescue as I began sobbing profusely as nurse Theresa tried taking me out but I refused by dragging my feet back and trying to get free from her grip but no way she was way too strong for me, as I and her were struggling, suddenly the system that checked my dad's heartbeat started beeping which didn't mean a good thing we saw his left fingers shaking profusely and this for sure didn't mean anything good as immediately as possible nurse Theresa quickly hit the emergency phone dialer that was placed in the room and dialed a number or two. It was as if mom could hear what was happening to dad and she also began vibrating and shaking in her bed and I just wondered what type of love they shared that even to the point of death they both were still connected. Nurses and Doctors rushed in almost immediately, some faced my Mom and some also faced my dad. I stood wide agape looking at what the doctors and nurses were doing to both my parents as nurse Theresa consoled me, they tried all they could to save them in as far as going to use an electric motor to try waking them up but what immediately gave me the spikes was when I saw the head doctor finally signaled the nurses to stop whatsoever they were doing as he bowed his head down and later rose it only to look towards my house and started shaking his head in a kind of disbelief and walked towards me and shook hands with me and said 'I should be strong and brave that this wasn't the end of the world ' it was then it dawned on me that the unspeakable and unimaginable has happened 😭MY PARENTS WERE DEAD 😭 how could life be so cruel and hard to me by making and allowing the two very best things and people to disappear from the very face of the earth??! And in my very before my mom and dad faces and body were covered up in white clean cloth and were quickly rolled away. I was quickly brought out of the room by other nurses and taken to the senior doctors room. I just sat in the room deep in shock and couldn't even mutter any word out loud for Christs sake I am only 12 years old no grandparents either from the mother or father side,no close relation as to whoever except one Aunty Stella from my mother's side in fact she was my mother's immediate senior sister but she wasn't to be mentioned as a family member.

The Doctor finally came in and sat down on his seat I could see and tell by his face that he was filled with pity for me. He started "Catherina I really don't know how to tell you how sorry I am for this grievant loss of both your parents under these few days but I would really love to sympathize with you and as regards the death of your parents, I and the management of the hospital have agreed to take care of your parents burial and every other expenses as regards you and your parents for the now, but before we go further I would like to ask if you knew any of your closeby relatives who after which you could start staying with after which we must have concluded everything concerning your parents ?" I then replied him and said "yes there is this aunt of mine by name aunt Stella that is she is my mother's immediate senior sister but her and my parents don't talk too much just on rare occasions, I guess you could give her a call and she'd turn up" "Alright that would be all for now, Also remember that your parents burial would be in seven days from now and you still be staying with us here at the hospital under the very best care by your favorite nurse Theresa and I urge you that whatever you might need don't hesitate to let me or nurse Theresa know if it, you can now take your leave and once again be a strong girl I know that would have been what your parents wanted from you, have a nice day " "I stood up and thanked him greatly for all the good things he and the management of the hospital have done for me and I prayed that it would be returned to them in folds as they were using it for a very good cause and then I walked out of his office still in great shock ".

As the days grew by and by I started coming to the acceptance that really my parents were no longer with me nor in this world 🌍 anymore and only at the thought of these sad happenings tears would already begin to fall down my eyelids down to my chin but what could be done? Literally nothing but I still had to keep all these in and be the strong girl everyone wanted me to be so as to be able to face whatever might be coming my way now and the future to come. But for this very day it really wasn't about me but about nurse Theresa, today she wasn't really the nurse Theresa I used to know. Normally she would come in the morning at the resuming of her duty with me with a very big and cheerful smiley face but today wasn't as so, instead she came in not looking too happy but a bit moody and I wondered who or why someone would want to hurt such a good and nice lady as she perhaps she thought she I wouldn't notice but hell no she doesn't know who she was dealing with. I allowed her to take care of me as her daily duty which included her taking me to the bathroom then brushing my teeth for me and after then thoroughly bathing me which from there she would dress me up properly. It wasn't as though I couldn't do all these but I haven't really recovered fully from the accident that claimed both my parents' lives and come to think of it, what happened to the truck driver? Was he arrested or has he died already because he is supposed to die for him causing so much pain to me in the eventual loss of my inert joy and life blood. But I am not even supposed to be thinking of this shit I am only to focus myself more on my health and body welfare but really it was worth asking about oh well I guess I'll ask nurse Theresa when I have a chance to but for now let me get to the root of knowing who and why someone would have annoyed my lovely personal nurse who the hell are you??!!!.

As I got dressed up by my best friend, she quickly went out and brought to me the already prepared food from God knows where and she sat down beside steadily but peacefully watching me eat as she ensured I drank my water least often to avoid choking up on the food. I was through at last and she quickly carried the plate back to where ever it was gotten from and let me be honest to myself all the food I have been eating that is in courtesy of the hospital was fucking damn good to the extent that only at the smell of the food you would already be salivating. She then finally came back sat down on the bed beside me but before she could say a word from her mouth I already said "nurse Theresa what happened to you,why is your face not as smiley as the way I have it to be" she was shocked at my noticement but rather spoke out "well my dear Catherina it's adult stuff and I don't think you would want to hear of it talk less of me even telling you, for your age right now it isn't proper to be heard or seen of,she finally concluded". She could feel my intent gaze at her meaning that she should just tell me already and I replied back to her"nurse Theresa, but you are the one who have been telling me to be brave and strong that I have a lot to witness in the near future but why can't you just tell me your present problem so that maybe in the nearest future I could either use or evaluate it to suit and solve my own situation by then? She then saw some kind of reasoning in it and then finally proceeded to tell me without much pressurization, well my dear it's my fiance, I just found out that I have been loyal and obedient for the past year and half for nothing and to someone who didn't value me nor my good doings and to top it all up he was caught by me red handed cheating on me with my so called best friend 😔it was really a big shock to me and to the fact that even after catching them red handed in bed he came up with the excuse that since I didn't want to give him my body he had to look for other means and medium to get what he wanted, now tell me is it a crime now to decide to be celibate before marriage till my wedding night,I don't really get men of nowadays they just want what's in between and forget that they would be losing something good that I don't think they would ever see in life again, it's really painful my dear 💔".

I was really shocked as to why someone would even think of hurting a person like nurse Theresa, she was the nicest being after my mother I have ever known but oh well It wasn't her fault anyways it's the fault from the guy and he deserves every bad thing that would be coming his way even after their breakup. Some people don't actually know the worth and value of what they have until and unless they lose it! Well so bad for him as I'd bet that it won't take long before nurse Theresa would be in a new and healthy relationship once again.

She then spoke out "Catherina I know this is much more than you can handle and I wouldn't mind your silence because you haven't actually gotten to this stage but I would love to give you an advice in advance because some of your mates are already in relationships that won't bring good to them but problem upon problem, if ever you are to enter any relationship don't let the guys intentions surpass yours, always know your worth and values so that you wouldn't be shun down at any slightest provocation. You see as I have strongly and firmly believed that celibacy is the best and only option If at all I was to go into marriage with anyone, And secondly, don't ever you allow yourself to be bullied by the guy or something you should always be self-defensive because you don't know when and where you would need it, then thirdly don't let your emotions get into your head or play at you too much because there are some actions and reactions that need effective and measurable actions so as to eliminate any form of you taking rubbish as a reason to stay in any toxic relationship, don't be too strict but a bit strict I don't know if you understand me and I nodded in affirmation to what she was saying, But I believe that you are going to be a strong girl and won't take nonsense for a reason unlike me who had the above listed weak points 😔💔".

I then replied to her "nurse Theresa I know you would really be going through a lot but I believe that time would heal all these pains ,I just know so"." Thank you 😊 catherina and I believe and claim so😊".

'But nurse Theresa, I noticed that the senior doctor looks almost entirely at you at every given opportunity he has, I don't know if you have also noticed it?' and the her next action shook me a bit,she laughed so hard that I could barely tell if this was the nurse Theresa I knew and after she through with letting out her emotion through her laughter she simply smiled at me and said;'' yes my dear I am also aware of it we have a little history together though I didn't allow it to proceed pass superior to junior staff members friendship although he made his intentions purely known to me but I didn't flinch because I was still being faithful to my dumbass ex-fiance and I plainly told him that I don't think I would ever be interested but I guess if he still comes back and maybe asked me out, I might agree this time around " "Awnnnnnn 😉 nurse Theresa I bet he would come back and still try shooting his shots at you I only wish and pray you'd agree this time?". "My dear don't put your hopes too high too just know that if he comes back and asked me out I would agree but if he doesn't, he isn't the last man on earth so there are other opportunities/men out there and it's just a matter of time before they find me honey!". 'ok nurse Theresa as you've said ma 🥲'.

"Alright playtimes over now time for your nap and don't think I don't know you haven't been taking your nap all these while you've just been sobbing quietly and it isn't good for your health my dear little friend, you need every sleep and comfortability in this pressing time in your life, do you get me clear " "Yes ma'am" "Then you can now lie down".I gently but slowly climbed the bed and lay down there quietly as nurse Theresa didn't cease to watching over me and I didn't even know when I slept off".