
fated to death

Most victim's are the ones we call villains: Jevis_508. ************ They will leave amongst you, will be cast out by all kinds, rejected by destined, looked upon as a curse.A savior to all kind they will become and destined to old souls they are, the seer chanted like a possessed soul in a hall of royalty and elders and the declaration of the prophecy has left everyone shaken except one man who sat with an unreadable expression, the crown Prince of Goderian, sat amist a group of royal and nobles lycans and dires with a rigid face and sharp eyes, whiles the rest were in shock and confused, he had know change of expression. ***************** How could his highness be destined to a mere human,who is viewed by his people as a weakling, they will only be disappointment and angry with such fate. So I will do you the honour, I Orana Hertta reject, before she could finish she was pulled roughly by a hand, before she could talk he yelled STOP THAT! you have been gifted to me and nothing will change that so you better get use to it, he replied. So what she yelled pushing against his chest, this definitely left him speechless as no one had the guts to even dare walk the same path with him without permission talk less of touching him, who else had the audacity if not she these little human girl destined to be his, his train of thoughts were broken when the woman in front of him snapped her finger in front of him. Pointing at him she warned, you do not own me, and I will never let you control me, if I want to stay out then I will, if I want to date someone then I will and if I feel like having a one fun night with a hot lycan then I will she declared and walked out. Orana whom hasn't had an easy life, not even when she was young was she spared, was destined to one of the most difficult men on earth and she had to deal with it. Orana is a 20 years old human with a dark past, wounded heart and a duty to the world and she has to bond with her destined to accomplish that but what happens when she is destined to a difficult and strong headed crown Prince. *************** This is a story about the golden Roses, gifted to old souls of broken hopes.

jevis_508 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 13; Mommy 2

Most times even I am afraid of my mind, especially when it is so calm, that's when downfalls begins.

By; Jevis_508.


Sitting in the waiting room of the pack hospital Delphora cried as her husband comforted her, whispering comforting words to her as he had done since they forcefully separated her from the little girl whom needed medical attention.

It was a hustle getting her to let go of the little girl as she was afraid of giving her to anyone, after all the struggle she was finally brought to the hospital.

Being in the hospital for more than 30 minutes and his mate has not being able to stop crying, every tear that comes out of her eyes feels like it's drowning my heart, you can..... Seeing the pack doctor come out she jumped up and rushed towards him, how is she doing Harry?

She is fine beta, albeit she needs a lot of rest, feeding and a lot of patience as she would take time before she gets use to everyone, looking at the condition she was brought in she must have gone through a lot.

I know, can we see her now, yes, yes she is still unconscious but will wake up soon, saying that he walked away.

Inside Delphora sat on a chair close to the bed, with the little girl's hand in hers as she cried and asked for forgiveness for leaving her and allowing her to go through so much hardship. As her tears dropped on the little girl's hand, the little girl stared and eventually opened her eyes.

Her eyes roamed the empty white room except for the bed, tv, chair and hospital devices there was nothing else in it and then eventually her eyes landed on the woman by her side holding her hand, she was as beautiful as her mother. The only difference between the two was the eyes and hair, while her mother had beautiful curly shoulder-length white hair with beautiful lilac-like eyes, this woman had beautiful waist-length onyx hair with beautiful reddish eyes.

Laying there she remembered the words of her mother in her dreams.

When she was unconscious she found herself in a white room filled with fogs with thinking she was alone, suddenly her mother and father emerge from the fog that was covering the room, seeing them she ran and landed in both arms, I have been waiting for you, where have you been, oh my sweetheart, my little angel, I and your papa have been here waiting for you at that statement her eyes brighten and she pulled both hands now I am here let's go home, almost tearing up but she held her tears in.

Little angel, she sat on the floor and tapped her tights, come sit, and she did not hesitate to sit, mama and Papa have something to tell you, what is it, promise me first that you would listen to Mama and you won't throw tantrums like a good girl you are, she stared at her mother for sometime, before she answered okay, ignoring the bad feeling she had, she answered mmm okay. nodding her head I promise to be good mother, that's my angel she kissed her on the cheek.

You will get a new mama and papa when you leave here okay, she is going to be the most beautiful woman in the and they would love you with all their hearts anworldd will always treat you well okay, I want you to promise me that you will treat them like your mama and papa and you would love them as you do us. I... I will, but where wwwill you and dad go?

We will also be with you my angel, right here she pointed at her heart and we will always be watching right from the stars, does that mean I won't see you and papa again? Of course not whenever you want to see us and talk to us look up at the stars and deep within here she pointed at her heart again.

Kneeling Merrick finally gave his daughter a hug with some encouraging words before he whispered it was time to his wife, who was on the verge of breaking down.

Pulling her close after they got up the floor, he whispered to her, we have to do this, do not forget what Selena said this is the only way, are you sure there is no other way, what if they do not treat her well or she does not like it there?

Stopping her ranting he whispered, it's time to go stilling her heart she pulled her daughter in for a hug after her husband did, she whispered do not forget what I told you treat them like family because they are family now, treat them like you treat us. We have to go now see my angel.


Then suddenly she lost consciousness there and became conscious here in the hospital room and staring at a beautiful crying woman, whom she weirdly familiar and comfortable with and wanted to give a hug and sleep in her arms, before she knew it she whispered Mom, it hurts, this had excited and scared Delphora at the same time as she frantically searches for were her discomfort came from. Where does it hurt Lilac, my leg before she can even start checking it, Zeril brought the doctor who checks her and declared she was okay after giving her some drugs.

This is where it all begins. I hope you all have patience with me and my unscheduled updates I am writing my exams now that's why but after that I would start posting according to my schedule. Hope you enjoy

jevis_508creators' thoughts