
Fated Strokes

Jaden and Chris were different people, but they had something in common. They both felt alone in the world, like no one understood them. Then, Jaden received a message from a mysterious number. It was from someone who seemed to understand him in a way no one else did. That message would change Jaden's life forever."

DaoistOf1exn · 都市
1 Chs

Chapter one: Beautiful stranger

Jaden was hunched over sitting on a bench in the park and scribbling frantically on his sketchbook,trying to catch the scenes as they go by. He loved coming to the park,it gave him a sense of peace and belonging,as he say he could smell the scent of grass and different food from those on a picnic,he could feel the breeze on his face and the sound of children's laughter and different mix of conversations.

He had never been a social person or too enthusiastic, probably why he only had one friend,his best friend; Bryce,was one of the best thing that happened to him since he was eight,and even when he came out as gay at fifteen. Bryce has always been present through all the tough times and has always been a stong pillar of support,he was forced out of his reverie,when a park security man came up to him and said:"hey kid, you're not allowed to draw on this side of the park". He replies:"oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that, I'll move now"."it's fine,kid. It's a new development,you can move to the other side near the fountain". Jaden starts to pack his stuff and moves to sit on a bench near the fountain,he gets lost in his thought once more. He was in his freshman year of university and just had his nineteenth birthday two months ago in April,he was an art student and his current visit to the park was related to his latest project from class,he was there to clear his mind and seek inspiration to begin his project.

He looked up to one of the most enchanting faces,he had seen and was entranced and didn't know when his hands started to move on his sketchbook and with every line and stroke,the beauty of the person became clearer,he looked up at the handsome man and continued drawing. He was lost in his own world without any sound and focused on replicating the beauty he had seen into his sketchbook,when he suddenly heard "Wow,is that me?". He was startled and his sketchbook fell out of his hands to the ground. The speaker picked it up and as he looked up at him,the enlarged face was an even more handsome sight to behold. The beautiful stranger says: "I'm sorry to startle you,I just thought your drawing looked very nice,way better than I do on normal days". Jaden's ears turned slightly red as he heard his voice and replied with an" oh thanks". Mr stranger says,"oh where are my manners,the name's Chris". He replies:"I'm Jaden,nice to meet you". "My pleasure, your drawings are as beautiful as you are". His ears turned red again as he replies with a small thank you. Chris says"I'd love to have a copy of that drawing,if you don't mind?"." No,I don't", Jaden says. "Then let's exchange numbers, Jaden" Chris says. He liked the way his name sounded rolling of his tongue and replied with an ok while pulling out his phone and getting Ch him leaveris's contact. Chris says" you can text me anytime"with a smile,he hummed shyly at the South of his voice and the pleasant scent that came from being close to him. Chris says goodbye to him and he watches him leave with his heart beating rapidly and a strange sense of excitement from their little encounter.