

Prophecy -

When the old gods vanished, they left their powers behind. That power was supposed to be used by those that came after them. For thousands of years, people believed the prophecy had been fulfilled with the coming of Aurelio's Borealis in the year of the eclipse when the sun disappeared and the moon became the new sun.

It is said that a child will be born with a great destiny. The destiny coin will be used by this child to take back the glory of the gods.

This child will be known as the Bringer. He will gather the Guardians of the Coins, and he will become the savior of the world.

This child will be born in the year of the eclipse. In the last week of the world. When the sun will disappear and the moon will become the new sun.

The god of shifters of the beast and birds with long sliding snakes will be the greatest threat to the bringer.

When the child is born, the power of Aurelio Borealis will appear while under the eclipse.

He will go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain to perform the ceremony of the coins. The bringer will gather all the coins in the world and will create a new coin, a new order. It will be put in the center of the universe as a new world will be created.

As the bringer gathers the coins, he will meet the enemy. A dark creature that will destroy all that he holds dear."

The bringer will be betrayed. They will take the destiny coin from him. The bringer will lose everything, and the world will be lost in darkness. Only the bringer has the power to save the world.

As Aurelio Borealis appears, the moon will become the new sun and the sun will disappear. But the bringer will not be defeated. The bringer will fight and win in the year of the eclipse for the final battle. The bringer will become the new god of the world and his coin will shine over the sky.

When the bringer comes back to the mountain, the gods will appear and will tell him that he must give up his power. The bringer will not accept this and will challenge the gods with the destiny coin along with his guardians.


When Earth and Sky arrived at the last destination, they saw Vice leader Kim and he was actually bewildered that there are already students who finished the tasks.

“Have you already collected all the necessary materials?” he asked the two students.

“Yes sir,” they both said in unison. They each gave their respective rings that contains the materials.

When they are actually on the way to the field, they found out that the ring was actually a storage ring. Storage rings are composed of the element of space. Only artificers are able to forge them.

To be able to get a storage ring is but luck. There are numerous rings scattered all over the academy and nobody knows the functions of those rings for they are mostly unique and before anyone could hold them they need to be acknowledged. This only shows how extraordinary these two students are to be able to find and be a master of a ring.

What the students realize is that each one of them actually has a different list of materials for this trial.

Some have to find under a swamp or go to a den of an enchanted forest. Basically, it is a dangerous trial for the students.

Upon confirming the contents of the rings with their list he gave them an approving look then he returned it to them. Since there are still half a day before the deadline, he advised them to wait for the rest of the students.

They both sat on the grass while waiting.

“I’m sleepy, let me take a nap first and wake me up when the time comes” Earth heard him and was surprised when Sky lay on his legs to sleep.

Earth became inexplicably happy that Sky initiated laying on his legs to rest.


When the rest of the students arrived, Earth woke up Sky and Vice Leader Kim briefed them that the ceremony will be in the next few minutes.

Upon closer look at the number of students, those who arrived on time are actually half of the actual count of students that entered the academy.

“You guys have to enter the portal to the final stage, once you reach the gate, don’t forget to bring your things. You only need one thing to remember upon entering the final stage and that is to never separate from me. Make sure you don't get separated from your partner, no matter what happens." he sternly instructed them.

After giving the instructions, Vice leader Kim turned his back on the students. He stretches his arms and each hand did different signs while chanting incantations.

Then he made a circle of motions using his hands and cracks appeared in front of him when he joined his hands he made a final sign of a rectangular shape and separated his hands slowly.

Together with the motion of separating his hands, the crack expanded until it became large enough for two people to enter together.

Two rips that were already formed from the incantation were now opened wide and they saw light within and an aura of magic.

"Now form a line while standing side by side with your partner and do not venture alone until everyone is in as I will be the last one to enter." with that the students entered the portal.

Upon entering the rip, there was a huge space filled with blue light. They all started walking towards the middle of the room, they walked while holding hands. They saw that there is a black rectangular stone in front of them. The stone has a round shape with a flat top and a bottom.

When the last students arrived they expected the professor to follow but to their shock, the portal actually closed.

At the field of the academy where the portal was open the other professors arrived as they also felt the disruption of the portal.

"How could this be possible?" one of the professors ask

"I'm not too sure as well. But when I was about to enter the portal I felt a repulsion. This is the first time a portal that I made reacted like this." Vice leader Kim explained.

Each professor have their own thoughts on this event, and while they were all discussing this bizarre occurrence.

The Sky suddenly turned dark when a while ago the sun was just high above which signals it was just the afternoon.

This gave an ill omen to them, and not long before a prophecy came into their minds.

"Could it be.." one of them started saying and before he could even finish his words they all saw an eclipse happen right before them.

All the creatures in this world saw the happenings except the students who got trapped inside the portal.

Then they saw a person approach them, and upon closer look, it was actually the headmaster.

They all saluted to him and gave their greetings " greetings headmaster Hawkins."

The headmaster acknowledges them by nodding his head.

"The students?" he asks while facing Vice leader Kim.

"Inside the world of our ancestor's domain," he explains.

"Is there another way to bypass the portal?" he asks worriedly.

"As a master of the magic of portals, the one that I created was the highest level recorded which is the 8th level. Only a higher level of skill can counter my portal and this leaves me with the question of who is capable enough to surpass me in this field in the academy," he explains while looking at the eclipse that is happening.

This gave all the professors and the headmaster a headache as they are lost to the events that is happening.

The headmaster looked at a distant place when he felt a fluctuation of power.

Not long after a figure hovered above them while his hands are at his back.

The headmaster recognized him but not the others so they don't know how to greet the newcomer.

"Greetings, Guardian deity Lark," the headmaster said while bowing his head.

When the other professors heard this they all followed suit.

" At ease. You don't have to worry about the students as they are all safe inside. In fact, they are safer to remain there. " He said

"Perhaps, were you the one who closed the portal?" the headmaster asks as he already has an idea when he senses his aura.

"Yes, as the prophecy is about to be born." he only said without explaining further and this caused amazement to appear on everyone's faces. It turns out that there is a higher being in the academy.

"Was it him?" the headmaster ask again without saying the person's name. But they are the only ones who can hear their conversations as they are doing telepathic conversations.

"It's complicated, to be honest, I am not sure. We shall leave it to destiny. What we must do is prepare for the upcoming war, as we are running out of time. Perhaps in a year or two, the groups of Mara will reveal themselves" he explained while giving importance to the word 'Mara'.

When the headmaster heard this name, he became vigilant.

"You know what to do," Lark said to him and this time the other people heard him.

"I will supervise this portal and wait for the students to come out. Disperse" he commanded.

Without further a do they all went back to the academy and waited for the headmaster to give the instructions.

When everybody left he did a hand motion toward the portal and it disappeared in the eyes of the others only visible to him.

Inside the domain of the ancestors where the students are located. Different colors appeared and above them, thunder keeps on rumbling.

Then suddenly they heard a voice out of nowhere.

"To receive your blessings from the ancestors you must offer your materials on the altar at the top of the mountain. Be aware that going to the altar is not a walk in the park. It is part of your rite of passage. Your mind will be tested. Any evil thoughts will be detected and those who have ulterior motives will be punished.

At the bottom of the mountain, there is a pond with a height of four feet. Before you could even ascend the mountain you must pass it through and be cleansed." the voice instructed.

Earth and Sky saw the panic and fear in the students' eyes. Although Lark explained that they both have blessings, they still have no idea what kind of blessings they possess and they believed that only by going to the altar and completing the task will they discover their powers.

They looked into each other's eyes and both knew what they are thinking. To ease the fear and panic of their peers, they must lead them to be an example.

"First one who arrived at the top will have to give a command to the loser and the loser will have to follow him without questions." Earth gave the challenge to Sky as a way to lighten up the mood and made sure that his voice was loud enough for the others to hear.

"Deal" Sky said and without any signal, he made a run toward the pond, and Earth was caught off guard as he couldn't believe him.

"That's cheating, I didn't give the signal to start yet" he complains while running as well.

With them leading the race, the others followed and made a run. This gave them a rush of adrenaline and competitiveness was born in their hearts.