
Here We Go Again

Contrary to what Earth expected, Sky was silent and calm, then he turned around and finally faced him.

“That's enough bro, I knew that it was pointless to ask you while you’re drunk. Let’s go, I'll take you home”, Sky offered.

He didn’t believe any word that he said, rather, he couldn’t believe anything as he refused to believe what he said.

“NO! I may be drunk but I am well aware of what is going on around me. You think that being drunk makes all the people dumb?” Realizing that he was taken as a fool, Earth got mad and continued.

“Well, not me, it gave me the courage to tell you all this and it was with this courage that I obtained I finally was able to tell you the truth.

It made me sober, and I may regret saying all of this once I wake up tomorrow. But I will never forget everything that happened tonight, not even in the past or the future. I am done hiding this.” Earth protested and stood firm with a determined look.

“How long have we been friends? We stuck together like glue, we are two peas in a pod. You're not dumb and should have been wondering what’s going on. You should know me well enough that I couldn’t hide anything from you. That’s why I made sure to distance myself from you and Gun. But enough is enough” he explained.

“It's up to you. I will give you a choice. Will you believe me or not?” making it harder for Sky to respond.

“If not, then I guess our friendship is meaningless then, and we should end it here, as I refuse to deny and forget the truth about that asshole, and I refuse to see you together with him, knowing that he has been lying to you and all of us. I knew he was too good to be true. My instincts are never wrong. I may be biased, but that’s just how frightening I am. I fucking care and Love you”. With that, Earth was left alone and went home.

“After that night, when you told Sky everything about Chris, you called me and told me everything. Do you remember what happened next?” Gun asked and paused.

“It was during our summer vacation. It was hard to believe all of what you said, but he still chose to believe Chris. He asked him and confronted him, but Chris denied everything and Sky was the fool to believe in him”, Gun said, unsure if he should continue. After a good 30 seconds of silence, Gun continued.

“Finding out that Sky still believed in Chris, you decided to leave university and transfer to a different school. That's when I decided to follow you to China to study together. While in our junior year in the last semester, Sky finally caught Chris having sex in their room. The worst part was, it was their anniversary in their apartment as they were already living together and Chris had already graduated and got a job.”

“Chris was supposed to be surprised by Sky on that day. Sky made an excuse that they had a family reunion, that they could celebrate the following day. He believed him and that’s when he decided to meet his girlfriend and invited her to come to their apartment to spend the night. Without them knowing that Sky was hiding inside the Large Full body mirror he bought.

That mirror is a double side mirror that you’ll be able to see from the outside and it was a secret cabinet intended for the surprise he planned for their anniversary. “ Gun took a moment to breathe before continuing.

“Witnessing the harsh reality and truth of what you said, Sky couldn't take it anymore, the sounds of the two having sex and burst out of the mirror crying, full of regret and couldn’t care less about the cuts he received from the broken glass and just kept running out of the building, and into the middle of the road while raining. As Sky was running and going down the stairs of the footbridge, due to the rain, the stairs became slippery and he took the wrong step and fell over the stairs. He wasn’t sent to the hospital right away for a good 2 hours, not until a person came by and saw him and then called 911. When he woke up, he couldn’t remember anything.” Gun ended.

This was too much for Earth to digest. He couldn’t believe what he heard.

There is a part of him regretting leaving Sky behind and not staying beside him. That if he had been there for him, he could have helped him. But all was in the past and nothing could be changed anymore unless he could go back to the past and would gladly take that chance to make things right. He would do his best to claim Sky for him and protect him.

While in his thoughts, he felt heat in his left pocket, so he placed his right hand in his left pocket and grabbed the only thing that he always put in the small pocket, a coin.

A mysterious coin that he got by chance.

On one side it has the color silver and on the other side is the color of a Rose Gold, and written on it says “Destiny Coin”.

When he got this coin, he experienced a vivid dream. That dream was from the past, with Sky. When everything was perfect until that guy came and destroyed all his effort.

As he pulled out the coin from his pocket, it was writhing in his hand like it was alive and wanted to be released. Not knowing what to do. He let it go and the coin stood up and rolled.

Feeling puzzled, he followed it rolling, going towards the glass door, and when it reached the door it kept bumping into it.

He decided to open the door to see where it would lead him. As he followed the coin, not sure where it would lead him, it suddenly arrived at Sky's room and, seeing that the door was open, he thought Sky was awake, but after entering his room he saw Sky asleep and remembered how he got there.

He saw the coin jumping.

Believe it or not, this shit scares the hell out of him. Not knowing what to do. He picked up the coin and was about to leave when he saw Sky's necklace slip out of his shirt rising in the air. On the necklace he saw was a familiar coin, the same coin that he had and with words written on it saying "Destiny Coin", realizing that his hands moved to grab that coin, it was too late when suddenly everything went dark…

After Earth touched the coin of Sky. At the snap of a finger, he woke up very shocked and he realized that he was in his bed.

Thinking back about what happened, his thoughts came to the decision that he had a dream. But then his memories are so clear and he can recall his experience and he, doubted, again, as he can't remember his dreams in the past, but now it’s clear in his head, and what was he remembering then?

This was his question in mind. Looking back at his memories. One thing he noticed was his pajamas.

"Pajamas? Sky blue?" He questioned himself, unsure of what was going on.

Thinking back as he kept on getting more puzzled, he had a sudden thought, and before confirming anything, he looked at his surroundings and he realized that he was in his room, the room in his parent's house where he grew up.

Saying that he was shocked was an understatement because he was flabbergasted. Then he heard someone yelling outside.

"E!...... Wake up! and get ready for school or you will be late on your first day in college" said a female voice, and that was the voice of his mom.

If his conjectures are correct, then he must have traveled back in time. The mere thought of time traveling amazed him. Then he felt heat in his right hand, so he immediately opened his palms and he saw a coin. At first, he thought that this was his coin, but he looked closely at it. It was different because his coin says, 'History coin', but now it says, Destiny's coin, when this coin was Sky's coin, as he remembers.

Feeling puzzled about the changes in the coin. Earth saw the words on the coin disappear in front of him. Then a new word was “Toss”.

Without thinking that much, Earth tossed the coin up in the air, then caught it back. Looking at the coin again, new words showed “Ask then toss”. Right away, he flipped the coin, and said after catching the coin, 'Did I time-travel to the past?' Then he tossed it again, then, caught it back.

He is still skeptical and unsure of what to expect as a reply and, at the same time, thinks that this is all madness. Then he saw what he doubted, as the coin showed the word 'YES'.

At first, he was unsure about what was happening, but thinking back on everything he had just witnessed, he no longer doubted what was happening.

Earth is now convinced that he traveled back in the past, because the first time the coin reacted, that heat felt painful and should already be enough to confirm the reality that he is back in the past and he just needed a bit of confirmation.

Many questions came to his mind and once again, without any care, he said, asking, at the coin, “Why?'”, tossed the coin and held it.

The coin then showed 'Regrets'. Feeling puzzled, he asked again but there were no words this time.

Thinking about why it was blank, maybe the coin can't answer it directly or there is some kind of rule.

As Earth was about to continue his investigation, he was startled by a sudden banging noise from his door and he heard his mom yelling for him to wake up.

Fearing for his door's life, just as always in the past, he went straight to open his door and there he saw his loving mother with that face, so innocent like she wasn't the one who banged the door hard that it almost broke and yelling for his name with a smile.

" Oh, good morning son, finally you're awake, breakfast is ready, be down in 10 minutes or you will be late". After that, she closed the door and went down, so gently. All Earth could do was nod and rush everything.

Exactly 10 minutes later, he was already having his breakfast. Thinking back, he does miss his mom, his mom who is weird with her temper, but is a very caring mother.

She never lets you be disappointed. He loves her cooked meals. She always cleans his room, the house is always clean.

Whatever he asks from his mom, she always tends to do it as a priority. At one time in middle school, he mentioned that there would be a parent and teachers meeting but there was a conflict with his mom's schedule as they would also be having a meeting.

Surprisingly, his mom arrived on time for the PTM. His mom explained that her boss didn't dare to be angry for ditching the meeting because, without her, none would be helping him, and since he knew that his mom was a highly competent employee, he believed that his mom had a reasonable excuse. That's why he misses his mom since no one took care of him after he moved out and entered the world of adults with responsibility.

After eating, just like in the past, he kissed his mom on the cheeks and said goodbye, then went straight to the bus stop going to his University.

He remembered his situation and settled his mind at ease and decided to face what would come. This is an opportunity, and since he is already at this place and time, he might as well enjoy everything.

When the bus arrived, he went straight inside and went to sit in the only vacant seat in the middle area.

But just like a deja vu, he smelled the perfume again, that familiar scent that was already engraved in his mind and soul, and looked at the person seated by his side.

He saw that same jawline, sharp as a knife, with hair so soft and wavy, and the said person looked at him straight in the eyes, and he also looked at him in the eyes.

Without a doubt, this person has the most captivating eyes, eyes that are so clear as the sky that complimented his name, and that showed a promising smile.

Realizing that he was staring, he averted his eyes right away and fixed his position to sit. Feeling that the other was still looking at him, he looked back and heard him greet him and he replied with a smile.

"Do you also go to the University of Bangkok?" Sky asked to break the awkward silence.

He could only reply with a smile. Earth doesn't know what to do or what to expect. He met Sky in the past at the faculty freshmen welcoming ceremony and knowing that he already knows Sky, he is lost for words.

Thinking about what to do. The coin in his pocket heated and as he checked the coin, new words showed saying.

'Make it Right'.

Is this a chance given by God or a trick played by God? But for what it's worth, he was given a chance and he decided to give 200% just to have those smiles for him only.