
Falling for you... Again

Since Earth didn't want to make a bad first impression. He woke up early to avoid traffic since he is new to the place, and it was his first day at work, as he was transferred by his head director.

When the bus arrived, he immediately took a seat at the far end. The place is so beautiful, that he was enjoying looking out at the city until the bus stopped and the other passengers arrived.

He felt that someone was seated beside him, and the scent of that person smelled so good.

He thought this person had good taste. On second thought, he realized that it smelled familiar.

How couldn’t he recognize it immediately? It was his first love scent, and his heart started beating fast.

He also wished and prayed that it was not the same person he was thinking.

The fear in him was evident as his hands started trembling.

“Why? Why now, when I’m almost over with this love...” he thought.

All thoughts were confirmed when the person who sat next to him started talking.

“Shit!” he whispered. Earth can't think clearly.

Everything was vague to him, but all it took was one look. As he was devoured again with those angelic eyes full of emotions.

"Hey, are you OK? Can you hear me?" the guy said, feeling worried.

All Earth could do was nod in response and he thought “He is still handsome as ever.”

"Are you sure?" the guy asked, confirming.

Earth made a nod again but he was wondering why it seemed like he didn't know him.

As the bus called out the next stop, he got out of his seat and started walking toward the exit. He couldn't wait to get out of there.

“This is such a coincidence, and a second time is impossible” is what Earth is trying to tell him. He started walking down the corner of the street towards the office.

As he enters the building, he still can't believe that he saw the guy in this country. He pressed the 18th floor and closed his eyes and then suddenly he smelled the familiar perfume again.

When he opened his eyes, to look at which floor he was on, he caught someone looking at him on the right side, and was he wrong in saying that a second time is impossible?

"Hi! It's you again", the guy next to him said while showing his perfect smile, and the person offered to shake hands, but he ignored it.

It's not that Earth was being impolite, but his hands started trembling again. That's why he placed his left hand inside his pocket and the other clutched hard at his bag. In return, he just smiled politely at the guy and then the 18th floor arrived, and he left him again.

“This is the second time I left him,” he thought, realizing that ”No, it is the 3rd time I left him. The first was when we were still in college”.

Earth asked the front desk for the office of Director Li and if the girl was not so obvious enough to eye him, he would have been nice and flirted as always, but the morning was not nice and he had no energy to waste anymore.

He went immediately to the meeting room as instructed by Ann at the front desk.

As Earth entered, he was shocked to see all of his team members were complete, but he was wrong, as one was missing.

"I thought why not bring my team when you are all my lucky charms hahaha,” Director Li said excitedly.

“It would be a waste also to split you guys when you have bonded for years already. Don't blame me for not telling you, it's Guns’ Idea hahaha!" Director Li explained without him asking because Director Li knows him already.

“It is nice having them here, at least I won't be sad and lonely.” Earth felt happy reuniting with his colleagues. He smiled and started to hug them.

"Group Hug!!" Gun shouted, and they all circled and hugged as one.

"Bro!" Gun called out and Earth went to him and slapped his head.

"Yow, why didn't you tell me!?" Earth complained. He knew well that he was the only person who was left out, not knowing that this would happen.

"That hurts bro,” Gun complained.

“Well... I guess I deserve it”. Showing a puppy's face that looks like apologizing,

“I'm sorry bro... But thank me later...and please don't run from it this time… You deserve to be happy," Gun said while hugging Earth.

Earth was baffled by what Gun was saying.

“He's not making any sense”. Earth was full of questions, as he knows that Gun is not the type of person who says sorry. They'd known each other for years, he was there, a witness, a shoulder, a rebound, despite all of it, he remained by his side and turned out to be his best friend.

"What are you saying?" Earth asked, trying to get some answers.

"You'll see what I mean" was all that Gun said in reply, and he walked away from Earth and went to Director Li.

Then suddenly the door opened, and if faith isn't playing with him, then he doesn’t know anymore.

"Come in Sky, don't be shy, we don't bite, except Earth," Director Li said smiling, and everyone started laughing.

"Guuuun!!!” Earth shouted with all his might, finally realizing why Gun was apologizing.

“You're a dead man!! Come here and let me kill you!!!" he shouted and started running towards him, but the bastard was sneaky and immediately went away to escape.

As Earth chased Gun at full speed, he made a sudden turn to the other side. As a result, he didn't see Sky, and immediately tried to stop, but it was too late, and he collided with Sky, resulting in both of them falling.

Earth, being a caring and gentle person, made a rotation while still embracing Sky, and putting him below Sky, who would then take the fall to protect him as he always does.

As they fell, everything went slow. They looked into each other's eyes.

“Those eyes are so beautiful” is all that Earth could think at the moment, it felt like it was asking, but then he felt the floor as he landed first and took the brunt, while Sky was on top of him.

"Your fine, your OK, everything is OK, I'm here," Earth said, assuring Sky while hugging him tight as one of his hands was on top of Sky’s head, patting his hair softly.

After a few minutes, he realized what he was doing, and he released him from his embrace, and the loss of his touch with Sky suddenly hit him hard, the longing, fear, and the love that he still had for him.

“I'm fine already,” Earth said to himself.

“I was doing OK. But why now? When everything is finally going according to my plan”, no one is to be blamed but his best friend, Gun.

He helped Sky to stand up and said "I'm sorry Sky, I didn't see you as I was chasing a sly fox," he said while scratching his head, making an innocent face, and making a sideways glance while giving Gun a death stare.

"That's fine” Sky replied while looking at Earth and continued “ but are you OK? You took the Fall, and I'm sure that I am quite heavy" replied Sky with a worried look.

“Yeah, I did take the fall, but that was a long time ago when I fell for you,” said Earth’s inner thought.

He was about to assure Sky, but then the fox spoke "Nah don't mention it, he is more than happy to hug you, and, for that falling, it's nothing new" Gun said with a knowing smile while mimicking Earth hugging Sky, and with that everybody laughed, sure they know Earth's past, for they all went to the same college and Gun this fox is itching for a kick so he did what he always does, kicked Gun in the ass.

"Ouch! Hey! Hey! That hurts!" Gun complains about a pout looking like a puppy, his signature look.

"Alright, alright, that's enough, Gun and Earth” Director Li called out.

“Sky, come here in front, and introduce yourself," Director Li said to Sky with a warning look at both Earth and Gun.

So Earth had to restrain himself, but still gave Gun a knowing look that he needed an explanation.

He knew what I looked like so he nodded in reply and Sky went to the center and started introducing me.

"Hi! I guess everybody knows my name already, but let me introduce myself. My name is Sky Peterson and I graduated from Bangkok University with a bachelor of science in Information Technology majoring in Web development."

While Sky is talking, Earth can't help looking at his eyes, nose, and lips, but one thing that bugs him is that it seems like he doesn't know him or is pretending to not know him. Because clearly, they came from the same school, same batch, and course. Something happens and Gun knows the answers.

"Alright everyone, you know the drill, help Sky with the work, and make him comfortable”, Director Li instructed, after Sky introduced himself.

“And Sky, if you have any questions feel free to ask anyone, no one bites, except Earth hahaha" Director Li continued teasing Earth. Sky finished and one by one they begin to head out of the room.

Earth was told to remain in the meeting room.

"What's up, boss? Do you need something?" he asked as soon as everybody was out.

"Yes, I need you to help Sky personally at work, you will be a team with him since you don't have any 'partner' yet (that partner part is a pun intended). Also, he will be staying in your house", Director LI explains.

"Wait! Wait! Hold on, why me?” Earth asked in a hurry,

“You do know my story, boss. Why can't it be Gun?" he said in a panic.

"Come on Earth, when will you stop running away? Didn't you notice? That sky doesn't remember you? But the rest of the team does, and isn’t this the perfect chance?" Director Li said as he tried to convince me.

"What chance?" He asked, still wouldn’t accept being partnered with Sky. Why is he still asking the obvious? But he is just afraid to repeat the past. The past that he tried to bury deep in his soul.

"Chance to get what you want, to get the person you cherish. This is the perfect chance to know what happened, I can't say more, you need to find it out for yourself. " Director Li sighs but can't continue.

"Ok. Do I even have a choice?" Earth said, dejected and giving up on the idea of rejecting it since the boss had decided.

"Go," Director Li commanded and went to open his laptop.

The day went by fast, actually, they only had the morning job. After lunch, they all left the office and were given free time, and there they were at the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive.

Earth noticed that the weather was cold, colder than his heart. While he was trying to think about what he should say to Sky, he heard him apologize.

"I'm sorry. If this is too much of a burden to you, I'll go speak to the boss," said Sky.

"No, forget it. I'm the one who should apologize for making you feel this way, believe me, I didn’t mean to, there’s just a lot going on in my mind" he said, trying to blame himself.

"OK," was the only reply he received from Sky, then the bus came.

Earth gestured for Sky to enter first, and so he followed up behind. Since there is no vacant seat at the front, they will need to walk to the end to sit.

As they were walking down the aisle, the bus suddenly stopped but the good thing was that Earth was holding onto a steel bar.

Unfortunately, Sky wasn't able to grab the steel bar, and as a result, he lost his balance and fell backward toward Earth.

Earth caught him to prevent both of them from falling, and as he was held by him in his embrace, time seemed to stop for a second and he realized that this was the 2nd time he was in Earth’s embrace. Then they heard the bus driver apologize to the passengers, which woke them up, and went to sit at the back.