
Body and Soul

The next day

Once they reached the house, they went straight to the House library first and started looking for the answers to their questions. After several hours of searching, they still couldn't find anything about the subject.

"What a pain in the ass! Why won't anyone help us?" Earth complained with dissatisfaction.

"Let's try to ask someone outside the House," Lark suggested.

So they went out of the house and looked for someone who might know something about the topic. There was no one around so they decided to look for someone in the school.

They took a walk around the school grounds before they finally found someone. It is a young boy wearing a white robe.

"Excuse me! Do you happen to know anything about this sigil?" asked Earth while showing his arm.

"Oh yes! Yes! I can answer your question! I'm going to college here and I've already taken the subject of history. Please follow me." the boy said excitedly.

As he walked along with them, he explained everything about the sigil.

"That's the symbol of the academy. I bet that you tried to ask the headmaster and ended up failing. The reason why the headmaster wanted everyone to look for the answers themselves is to test their capability because it only shows how crafty the students can be while in the academy.

You are a freshman, and based on your sigil, you are the one and only student who got into this house that has been lost for ages." the student explained.

Earth seems to like the idea of being the one and the only student from this House, so he kept quiet.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the place where the new freshman are waiting in line to get their breakfast.

There are several dozens of them and they are sitting on a bench.

"Welcome to the academy of magic!" a familiar voice greeted them.

It was the guard that denied the two earlier.

"Here's your breakfast! Enjoy!" the guard said while handing each of them a bowl full of rice.

Lark looks at Earth and asked, "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Yeah, I'm fine with it. I have to eat anyway. Might as well get used to it now." Earth answered with a shrug.

He already finished his food. His stomach is telling him that he needs to digest it quickly.

"How much longer do you think we need to wait?" Lark asked.

"Probably another hour, maybe more," the student answered.

Since they came here early in the morning, they really had to wait a long time.

"Why are you here so early?" the student asked.

"We are here because we want to make friends and avoid the crowd after classes start. Our class doesn't start until noon." Earth replied.

"Oh, you're going to be in my class too! What's your name?" the student asked enthusiastically.

"My name is Earth," the student introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, Earth. My name is Ruben." Ruben replied with a smile.

They continued to talk and get to know each other.

"I'm really interested in your House! Could I ask you some questions?"

"Sure thing!" Earth said.

"Okay, then here's the first question. I have been hearing all kinds of stories about your house lately, and I heard that there are ghosts but I haven't seen any proof yet. Is that true?" Ruben ask

Based on Ruben's sigil he is actually from the house Bake-kujira, home for witches and warlocks.

"Yes, it is true. The house has been abandoned for centuries. So, it's normal for people to believe that it is haunted," Earth answered.

As abandoned as it may seem. I actually met someone in my House library. To tell you the truth, I still don't know the name of my house, and I am just calling it House of Library as there are actually tons of books but unfortunately not all of the books are accessible as of the moment so it ruins the purpose of it that's why I am out here looking for the answer" he explained.

"That's amazing! But how did you get in? Did you pass the test?" Ruben asked.

"I guess so, when the headmaster accompanied me to my house he said that I passed the test. That's when I received this sigil." He said while in his thoughts as well.

"Wait, if this sigil is the symbol of the academy, doesn't that mean that I hold the entire Academy as part of my house?" Earth said realizing that his House may hold a greater power which is why when he has been selected the reactions of the headmaster and the vice leaders were grim.

"Pardon me! Excuse me!" a voice interrupted their conversation.

It was a guy wearing a white robe. he seems to be in his early teens and he is taller than Ruben by a few inches.

he looked at Ruben and said, "Hello!"

Ruben smiled at her and replied, "Hello! My name is Ruben, pleased to meet you."

"I'm Sky." He introduces then faced Earth.

"We have just been separated for a day, and here you are with another guy?" he said to Earth with a hint of jealousy.

Earth couldn't believe what he heard and was actually surprised that Sky was here with them.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Sky continues to act.

"Of course not. I just met him on the way here, unlike you, you have your housemates and teachers to ask around for information when I am actually alone in my house.

Do you know how big this academy is, it is just the second day and yet I still have no idea of my house, that headmaster just left me on my own and wouldn't even see me when I came to his office." he tried to explain by changing the topic.

Sky laughed at him, "you're funny! You should be a comedian! Your jokes are hilarious!"

"What? I didn't say anything funny!"

"You just said it yourself! 'I am actually alone in my house'!" he insisted while laughing.

"Oh! Oh! I wasn't saying that! Not at all!" he exclaimed.

And Sky continued to laugh and said, "Relax I'm just kidding."

Earth finally realized that he was just playing with him. That helped a lot as it actually lessened the pressure he is having. Sky is truly his comfort.


Days came by as Earth and Sky studied at the academy of magic. They both attended their classes together.

Although they belong to different houses, they are much closer. Earth couldn’t be happier as he is closer to his goal.

Sky has always been a good student ever since they entered the academy. He is brilliant for someone who hasn't seen the magic world before. His intelligence allowed him to get into the High ranks at the school of magic much more accessible than other students.

While Earth is still in the middle of uncovering his powers, Sky was already soaring high. He hopes that one day he'll reach Sky's level or at least stand by his side as an equal. Only when he can stand by his side can he qualify for him.

One day, they are required to go outside to do a field activity. It is a requirement for all freshmen.

The students all headed to the open field. Some are in a group of their respective houses, and some are mixed with others. It is not compulsory to only mingle with your own housemates.

Rather it is encouraged to support each other regardless of their ranks and house.

As usual Earth and Sky came together.

The Person waiting for them in the field was Vice Leader Arthur Kim the house master for the karkadaan.

“This is the second Test after your admission to this Academy. As explained on the first day, The selection of your respective houses is the first. The second will be the blessings. Only those who receive a blessing will continue studying in this academy.” the vice leader explained.

This gave a variety of reactions from the students on the field. Most of them are excited, and some are unsure as they don’t have confidence since they belong to the bottom ranks of the academy.

Earth had no idea about this field activity while Sky did because he overheard his friends talking about it.

They were given a map of the Academy campus which consisted of several landmarks and places of interest. Each landmark indicated an area to collect five items for the second test. The first item is a pair of white gloves for Earth.

Then there is a bronze bell for Sky. After getting these two items, they must find the next location which is a glass bottle. This item is important if you want to pass the test. You need to bring the glass bottle to the final destination, which is the library.

There are three people who will mark your report card at the end of the activity. These are the professors. They will decide whether you passed or failed based on the work done during the field activity.

During the activity, Earth and Sky went around the campus looking for the items.

"Earth, why don't we ask the students?"

"I thought that too."

"We might get information that could help us out."

"Oh yeah, right! Let's ask them!"

While they are walking towards the students, they saw someone familiar approaching them.

It is Kiyoko-san.

Kiyoko-san is a girl who is also studying here. Although she looks like a guy, she is actually a girl. She is a powerful mage who uses fire magic.

"Hey guys, how are things going?"

"Good thanks to you. We've finally found the first two items."

"Yay! Glad to hear that!"

"Yeah! Thanks, Kiyoko-san!"

"No problem."

For Earth and Sky, they managed to get the first two items.

But they forgot about the third item.

Apparently, the glass bottle is very important if you want to pass the test. They went back to the open field where they met the professor who will mark their report card.

Professor Shinohara approaches them and asked:

"Did anyone tell you anything useful?"

"Why do you say that? We already got the first two items." Earth asked unsure of what the professor meant.

"Yes, but did they mention the third item?"

"Nope. They didn't."

"One thing that I can tell you is that the glass bottle is very important if you want to pass the test."

"Really? Why?" Sky asked

"Can’t say, it wouldn’t be fair for others if I tell you." the professor explained ambiguously

"Hmm..." Earth and Sky both thought about it.

"We should ask our teachers."


"I think I know the answer."

"What's the answer?"

"Let's see."

For Sky, he tried to find the answer by asking Professor Aomame.

"Here it is. This is the answer." then Earth said while pulling out the map that was given to them. The map actually resembles his sigil.

The open area where they first arrived was actually the head of the serpent. Going down to the first location where they found the first item was actually the middle part of the serpent and the 2nd item was the tail.

"Is this really the case?" Sky said a bit skeptical "I just happen to remember reading something similar." when he realized that Earth's theory was actually feasible.

"Do you know where we can read that?" Earth asks in anticipation.

"I believe I can find it. Let me think about it." While Sky was trying to remember where he read this information, Earth suddenly remember something "Wait a minute. There is something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I have a feeling that the book we're searching for exists in my House of Library." with that they headed back to the academy building.

Actually, this is the first time that Earth brought Sky to his House of Library. Since they were busy when the class starts, he no longer came back to this house since he couldn’t get any information for his questions.

When they arrived at the door, Sky was shocked at how big the door is compared to their house of karkadaan.

Earth pushed the door and upon entering he waited a bit for Sky he was surprised that Lark was right in front of his face.

“So you still remember coming back to your house?” Lark said in disappointment. Ever since Earth and Sky attended the classes together he never came back since the academy provided them their own board rooms.

“Oh come on, we are in the middle of our test and I need your help or else I may get expelled,” he said in defense.

“And what does that have to do with me?” he replied without care to Earth.

“Can you even think about the years that you were alone without anyone to talk to? Who knows when will be there another student to be selected for this house? I am still looking for the answers that you couldn’t give, and I think we are closer” he paused and then continued,

“Look, we need to find the third item for our mission. It is a requirement for us to receive our blessings,” he said hurriedly.

Lark just looked at him for a good half a minute before releasing a sigh.

“Aren’t you being cold to your lover for leaving him outside in front of the door?” he said surrendering to Earths, please.

“Oh right, but how can he enter?” he asked without having any clue.

“This is a bit tricky, as the oldest house, we actually have the strictest rules. We don’t normally allow other houses in here, but considering how important he is to you. I will impart to you the secret way to allow outsiders inside.” Lark proudly explained. “ So listen to me carefully and follow every word that I say to him.

Earth gave a nod and just waited for him to give the instructions. When Lark finished, his eyes became so round and he looked like his blood all came to his cheeks as he blushed upon learning the ways.

“Are you for real?” he asked to confirm

“You don’t believe me? Then forget it, this will only give him a bad impression of you for living him out there alone. Can you believe a friend you are close to would ever leave you for who knows how long? And do you think that just the two of us would be enough to look for the book you are looking for? Every day this room arranges its book on its own and I learned that the pieces of information here are like puzzles so we need every hand we could get if you want to stay” he said while walking away from him.

Earth thought about it and he was convinced, then he went back outside.

“So did you get it?” Sky asked

“Not yet, actually, I need your help, and before you can enter the House Library I need to chant and do a ritual to you so that you can enter,” he said while averting his eyes as he couldn’t look him in the face afraid that he will cower.

“Cool, what are you waiting for then, we only have a day to finish this test,” Sky said without any questions

“Alright, then close your eyes. No matter what I do, never break away from me, once I start it should never be interrupted or we have to do it from the start,” he said seriously.

Without wasting any more time Sky closed his eyes and waited.

“By the grace of my ancestors,” Earth started chanting and he continue after pausing for a few seconds ” allow Sky Peterson to enter our sacred House, I vow to uphold the rules, and so does he”, he finishes. The first verse of the chant was finished.

Then he leaned forward to Sky's face and connected his forehead with his. Sky was about to pull out as he didn’t expect that Earth will have to do this but then he remember that there shouldn’t be any interruption so he relaxed and let him complete the chant.

After connecting their foreheads, he did what the french’s do when they meet their friends or family by sticking their cheeks left and right. While they do this, it felt like an eternity as if time stopped.

“Corpore” was the last word of the chant which translates to body and soul. Then Earth kisses him on the lips.