
And now begins

After the vows that they made, they looked straight into each other’s eyes and then smiled.

They have this unexplainable feeling of tightness in their heart.

“Ah, Ah, Mic check”, then they heard a male voice, and a high-pitched ring was heard all over the campus that came from the broadcasting speakers.

This caught the attention of the new and old students.

The older students made a short pause in their activities as they recognized the voice and then resumed the busy preparations for the opening ceremonies.

“Welcome, freshmen!” The announcer started after making sure that everything was good.

“This year will be more exciting and fun for you. We hope that you can find the courage in you to finish your school years.

We aim to bring the best out of you. Develop your personality and lead you to your chosen path” then a short pause.

“I look forward to seeing outstanding students this year from the freshmen who will carry the mantle of their House!

“Without further ado, let the ceremony begin!” the speaker ended his speech with excitement and thrill.

“WOOOHHH!! YEAH!!” Cheers and shouts can be heard throughout the campus from all of the students, new and old, and even the faculty.

This also made Sky and Earth feel excited as they joined the crowd of cheers.

Then all the new students started walking towards the main building. Surprisingly, on all of the lamp posts, you can see different banners for houses.

In this school, some different cliques and groups have been created since the school started.

The biggest and most well-known houses are the Amarok, Bake-kujira, kelpie, and Karkadaan.

Earth couldn’t recall this event in his past. On second thought, there was no announcer at the start of the school year.

No ring poles and no houses as mentioned by the speaker.

He now thinks that he is in a completely different world. But how could there be an identical Sky, not to mention his mom is the same?

While in his thoughts, Sky was just admiring the scenery and many thoughts were running through his mind.

Feeling excited, Sky grabbed Earth's wrist and made a run, going to the building where everybody was heading to.

Earth got out of his thoughts when someone grabbed him in his arms and then he realized that it was Sky. He felt good and thought it would have been better if Sky held his hand.

He couldn’t ask for more than this, he appreciates all the new things he is experiencing.

While running, he decided that no matter what happened, his only goal was to be with Sky.

Little did he know that there would be many challenges he would be facing in this new world.

There are five main buildings on the campus.

The way the buildings are positioned is the same as the number five on a die. Four corner buildings and one in the middle.

It looks like a square shape and a dot in the middle if you look at a bird’s eye. As the four buildings are connected by a bridge. Most students use this bridge to travel around the campus instead of on the ground.

The campus is separated by the inner and outer campuses.

The first gate where the long road is located with the beautiful forest and scenery is the outer campus. Then the inner campus is where the buildings are located.

Earth and Sky arrive at the entrance of the inner campus where all of the other freshmen stop and gathered. There is a stage with a black podium.

Even though the sun was high, it wasn’t that hot. The weather is great due to the big trees and flowers. Just the outer campus is already enchanting.

After a few minutes more for all of the students to arrive, then a middle-aged man went up the stage straight to the podium.

The person at the podium looked like a gentleman wearing a dark blue suit and tie with a black overcoat.

He looked at the crowd starting from his left and slowly to the right as if he was trying to memorize all the students' faces.

Then he looked at the crowd once more just like a person trying to search for someone.

When he saw the person, he was looking for. He made eye contact, then a head nod as a sign of acknowledgment.

The person who received this is none other than Earth.

Earth was baffled, as he didn’t recognize this gentleman, even in his past life he never met him, and yet he acted as if he knew him.

This brought so many questions to him. Everything is different. This was not the scene he was expecting.

In this part, he doesn’t know anymore where this would lead him to.

He made plans on how to change his fate using his experience. But this is a completely different world.

Then he heard the person at the podium clearing his throat and it captured the attention of the students.

“Ahem. Good, good. I can see that this year’s freshmen are full of passion and a burning desire to conquer. Whether it is for power, love, and knowledge, each one of you has its reason.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Christopher Hawkins. I am your headmaster. I major in all parts of learning. I have been the headmaster for 40 years.”

“Aside from me, there are 4 vice leaders who also supervise the growth and protection of all the students in this academy” as if on cue after mentioning this. Four people came on the stage.

The first person who came on the stage was a male. He looked a bit old as he already had a beard and mustache paired with an army-cut head. He also has a burning aura, hot but dignified as a proud man. He wears a long red overcoat that covers his whole body.

Then came the second person that held a cold aura, which was a woman. She looks elegant wearing a tight white dress with a slit in her thighs partnered with a feather fan that she uses to hide half of her face that only shows her alluring eyes.

Followed by another female who looks extraordinary. She is beautiful and young with eyeglasses. The type of girl who’s full of knowledge just by looking at her green lab coat.

Then came the last person, who was also wearing a long blue overcoat paired with a black leather glove. He looks young and approachable with his shoulder-length hair.

When the vice leaders get up on the stage, you will see different reactions.

Some students were speechless, and others gasped and tried to hold their breaths. But there are also some students with normal reactions as it is something that they expected or have seen already.

Earth and Sky belong to the people who were flabbergasted at the appearance of those otherworldly people on stage.

Earth couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He looked at Sky, who was the same as him, speechless. Then he pinches his arm.

“OUCH, what was that for?” Sky complained and asked, greatly surprised.

“I’m trying to check if this is real. Am I dreaming? Do you see what I see?” Earth asked for confirmation as he couldn’t believe it.

“Then why pinch me? You should be the one pinching yourself to feel the pain, not the other way around.” Sky annoyingly replied but still confirmed. “For me, it is real, as I felt the PAIN.” He said while stressing the word pain.

“Now it’s my turn to help you wake up”. After he said that, he went and pinched the waist of Earth as an act of revenge.

“Fff.” Earth was about to curse as he was in great pain when he looked at the eyes of Sky and so he greatly resisted the urge.

“What? What? Are you going to curse me? Ha, ha?” he tried to provoke him with a warning through his eyes by lifting his left eyebrow, clearly challenging him. He was testing him if he would retaliate.

“You...” Earth tried to speak but he couldn’t have the courage. He would always lose when it came to arguments with him. In short, he becomes powerless.

“That’s what I thought. You idiot, look at my arms. The area where you pinched me is now swelling.” Sky proudly felt like winning against him.

Earth realizes that what he did was completely wrong. He couldn’t resist pinching Sky’s arm just like in the old days.

He completely forgot that Sky’s skin is very sensitive. To the point that even if you just grab his arms a little tight it will leave a red mark and a bit swollen.

Sky has fair white skin, smooth as a baby’s butt, and Earth just can’t stop teasing him, even in his past.

He would always pinch him lightly just enough that it would swell but not be painful. You could even right on his arms and red lines would appear.

“Happy? Satisfied? Now can we focus on what the headmaster is saying?” Sky bitterly changes the topic.

Earth just smiled. Thinking that even if the events happening right now are different. One thing that he is sure of is that the person he loves is the same as before. The appearance, mannerisms, and even the sensitivity of the skin. Then he looked at the headmaster and paid attention.

“LISTEN,” the Headmaster said loudly to control the crowd as the reactions were going out of hand and almost everybody was now talking to each other, completely lost in their thoughts. Just one word and he caught everyone’s attention and once again the crowd was in silence.

“I know you have many questions. But it is not the time for answering questions. If you want to know the answers to your questions, then you will need to work for them. The moment you step in, at the first gate of this campus, and enter the outer campus. You are no longer an ordinary student.

Each one of you has an extraordinary gift that allowed you to enter this academy. All of you have purposes and responsibilities to carry on. And our responsibility is to guide and bring the best out of you.

Look below the stadium. There is a fishbowl, and inside of it are silk pouch bags. It contains the badge of your assigned house and the necessary things you will need at this Academy.

All you have to do is to reach out inside the bowl and wait for the assigned pouch for you."

Now it begins. Will Earth and Sky be together, or will this be the reason for their separation again? What will be the next decision of these two people who are destined to face hardships in the name of love?